Chapter one

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AN- first chapte of unrequited love :D my power went off, so i typed this up for everyone (while burning up because the air condition shut off) and i think its turning out good, and plus i have go the plot pretty far so there shouldnt be a delay for a few chapters. i might lenghten this story compared to abusive love, AND if you havent read abusive love, you NEED to read that one first, other wise you will have no idea what the hell is going on. so do that, and now i present you with the first chapter of this new story! vote, comment, make world peace! ENJOY >w< (sorry for how short it was i wanted to get two chapters up)

Make sure you read abusive love before this, its on my account.

Unrequited Love

Chapter 1

A sharp pain. The rattling of, something. It was unknown to me. Where am I? What had happened. I was awakened rudely by a killer headache and a blistering cold gust of wind and… ice?

 I shot up. “TESNI!” I cried, but the sharp pain of my head jolted me back down. Tears coated my face, I remember what had happened… Me and Tesni had made up from when he had cheated on me… and he told me he loved me… I can remember was the smoothness of his lips against mine and… his smile. But how did I get here? It was blurry, but I can faintly remember shouting of an odd language and… Tesni being shot. Oh god… I’ve been kidnapped and I’m being taken to a place I don’t know. The worst part, I’ve lost the flame in my heart, and maybe everyone else I have ever known.

 The pain in my head had started to recede and I could sit up again. I was on a train. The kind of train the transport animals on.

 I looked out in between the wooden boards that boarded the cart. All I saw was a frozen waste land. It was snowy, and up ahead was a dense gray forest. The sky was cloudy and it seemed to be morning, maybe 8:00 am.

 I looked around and saw dark silhouettes, they were curled up in balls, and some seemed to be crying. Where was I going? Where am I?

 “Wondering where you are?” a women next to me said with a thick accent.

 “Y-yes.” I said. My voice was raspy and sore.

 “Haha, you’re in a frozen waste land headed for hell.”


“You’re in Russia.” She faintly smirked.


 “Yup, if you’re like anyone else on this god forsaken train, you were kidnapped, and now you’re on your way to be sold as a male whore.”

 “Y-you mean a prostitute?!”

 “Yup, and it aint gonna be pretty either, you’re probably gonna have your virginity sold for less than it’s worth.”

 “B-but I’ve already lost my virginity…”

“You have?! Well that’s odd.” She paused for a moment. “Either you have seriously fucked with these guys, or you’re too cute for them to pass up, because they always take young people who still have their virginity. And they do their research on the person before they take them.”

 “They probably just want to seriously fuck my life up more.”

 “So your life was messed up already?”

 “You have no idea, it’s a long story.”

 “Trust me, we have time.” She laughed.

 So I told her from the beginning, from as far back as I could remember to this present moment. And even just telling it made me sob, she wasn’t crying, but I could see the sadness in her eyes.

 “That’s… awful…”

 “And now I have this life ahead for me.”

 “Well, look at it this way.” She sat up. “It’s a new life in a new place. You can change your name, and forget everything. I mean the life of a prostitute isn’t all bad.”

“I just…”  I paused. “I just can’t afford to do that. I made a promise to all my loved ones…”

 She yawned. “Well at least think about it. While you do that, ima hit the hay.” She laid down a fell asleep rather quickly.

 I leaned back and looked back out at the snowy ground and the few trees in the distance. Tears began to coat my face. How did it all end up like this? Should I really just forget about everything that had happened?

 The cold shards of ice softy hit against my face in the breeze. The tears wouldn’t stop. I wanted to give up. There is no life for me anywhere, if I go back to England, I will have no one, if I go back to America, my father would kill me. I just didn’t care. There was no way to go that I knew. I can’t go one.


 I heard a faint voice in the distance, it sounded like Tesni’s. “T-Tesni!?” I called out.

 “Remember who you are~” is all I heard, defiantly Tesni’s voice, but it faded away.

 He was right. I can’t give up. I’ve put up with more shit than this! I can’t just loose myself, giving up is not an option. I need to be strong. I’ll be strong for Tesni. I will continue on, and I will make it. I will do this for him. The cold wind blew hard against my face, but now it felt refreshing. I will fight, I will fight for Tesni.

I leaned back and drifted off thinking about my love, Tesni.

Unrequited Love {BoyxBoy} on hold :COpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz