Luffy Wakes Up

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Jimbie had left the Sub to rest outside. 'Ace !' Luffy screamed as he rampaged out of the sub. 'Look out ! Calm down, Strawhat !' 'Where are you going ?Keep it together !!' The Heart pirates shouted. 'Uwaaahhhh ! Wheres Ace and Brooke !' Luffy yelled. His eyes were white. 'The last thing he must have remembered was that Ace and me moved to shield him,' she said worriedly.

'We can't stop stop him !! Strawhat ! Stop !' shouted the screaming pirates. Nearby Jimbie asked,'What'll happen if we just leave him like that...?" Law who sat in front of Jimbie said ',...Well, that's simple... If he reopens his wounds,he might really die this time.' Luffy then went into the no man allowed forest. 'Ah Luffy !" She shouted as she chased after Luffy. 'Jimbie stay there !' she ordered the ex-War Lord.

Following the mindless destruction she saw that Luffy had calmed down and had come to his senses. 'Haa, Where am I ?' she heard him say. 'Luffy ! stop !' she ordered as she ran toward him. Looking at her now Luffy said,'Brooke is Ace all right ?' Grabbing her brother she answered,'Yeah Ace is okay, he has been sleeping most of the time but yeah he is in One Piece,' hearing her words she let out a tired chuckle.

'Everyone thinks you two are dead since you two and Jimbie disappeared,' she said. Grabbing her brother she used her Gravity Fruit to float above the forest until they reached the shore. Ace had woken up so she left the two. Sensing a familiar person she looked out to see exactingly.

One of the Heart pirates started to shout about a Sea King. 'Ah he's finally here,' she said. Bringing out a plant she had the body dragged to the shore were immediately the cooks went after it. She had ordered them to make a feast. 'Someone killed the Sea King !' Ignoring the pirate she said,'Hope your hungry Rayleigh !'

'I thought I told you to call me Ray-san now Brooke,' a familiar voice chuckled. 'You let me call you Rayleigh when I was little,' she pointed out.  The smell of cooked Sea King entered her nose. As Rayleigh explained how he lost his boat due to a storm she pointed out,'Then that storm must have been far away because this is a Calm Zone.'

The older man she had known since she was very small let out a chuckle,'Still clever.' Ignoring Hancock who just arrived and 'Ray-san' manipulating her into letting them on the island, for Luffy's training. Ace who had been eating platefuls of Sea King chimed in,'I want to learn how to control my Haki as well.'

With that it was decided that Luffy would train on the Island for two years and three days later he would go back. When Ace was done training she offered to give him a ride to were the Whitebeard pirates would be. The Heart pirates would be leaving now that Luffy was fine.

As Law was getting ready to leave she said,'Don't die.' With that she walked as fast as it was possible to remain casual. She had a feeling that the smirking captain was going to tease her. Korina herself did not notice this because she was talking with Luffy and Ace. Joining the sibling reunion herself she hugged her hopeless brothers. 'Glad you all are alive,' she said.

start at 581-582

before 590,

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