Marineford Here We Come

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Now deep under the sea the Black Iris was safe from any marines. Save for a colossal fish that might try to eat her giant ship. 'Ah ! I could have stolen Fluffy's goggles !' Korina yelled from her high spot in the trees. Waving her frustrated arms Korina continued to jump branch to branch. Not bothering to open a eye but continued to lie on the soft springy grass of her forest.

With her Devil Fruit she was able to grow and control any plant she thought of. The ship that was made of precious Adam wood she had grown in a day for the shipwrights to make her giant ship. Powerful and fast with her own forest Brooke felt at ease. 'Those goggles had metal, Eustass controls metal. It would be to much of a hassle stealing those ugly things,' she said.

Sensing a large Sea King with her Haki she opened her eyes and waved a arm at the sea creature. At once a large marine plant shot out of the ground and began to attack the long bodied sea creature. Smacking the creature until it left did Brooke allow the plant to disappear in the ground once more.

'Nice one Captain,' one of the girls collecting fresh fruit commented.Not far from them was a fruit orchard. Bringing a palm out a branch lengthened and produced a bright blood red cherry. She accepted the fruit and at once the tree went back to normal. The fruit was sweet and enjoyable to eat, her crew would never worry about scurvy while on her ship.

Getting up she headed for her vast room. The scent of rose petals greeted her when she opened her door. Richly decorated with color and pillars that held back yards of lilac purple silk that were used as curtains for her large bed with its own canopy.Reds and some jade green were accented in the room. At the side with some leafy green plants flanking it was a large ornate desk.

Shifting through the drawers she found several bounty papers. She wrote her new info about them and then updated her journal on where they were and what happened. Her journal she had made sure would last centuries due to what it was made from. She wrote her thoughts about the three. Eustass Kid she had written was a hot head that would soon get himself in deep trouble.

She would never make an alliance with him. Trafalgar Law kept himself cool and collected but was dangerous. As for Luffy she wrote that her little brother was trustworthy and he would be fine. Once finished she fished out what she had learned about Maineford. The Marine base she had stolen from was poorly guarded and not only had she stolen the blueprints but also other valuables such as Beli and weapons.

After she had learned the inside and out she could determine that even with her crew she would not be able to just go in there and grab Ace, it would take several armies but fortunately Whitebeard had that and he would be coming with allies as well. Knowing pops she could trust the strongest man to be there.

Having partied at the now 72 year old's ship several times she had utmost confidence. Through they were not of blood Whitebeard regarded her and Korina as his daughters. Silently she cursed the heartless marines. She knew that those mongrel knew the truth and now Ace who was innocent of that was going to be executed. Damn that Garp ! he promised and to a ill man !

She knew Ace's secret but even knew more than most. Having talked to that person she had seen it all. Because of being that person's son !

That person, she saw no evil so why did the world hate him ? he just wanted to shake the world but he was not heartless or cruel. Sighing tiredly Brooke fell asleep. Luffy would find out if he read the paper, two days after Luffy punched that World Noble did it come out. What Luffy did and about Ace's execution.

(the room was designed to be similar to hancocks room ch. 517,page 7)

The Devil Sisters Journey (One Piece FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang