The Start of a War

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A Marine battleship slid off a frozen wave. That was when they all caught sight of Luffy. 'Luffy !' they all yelled.Looking at the group more closely she said,'Crocodile and Ivankov ? this had to be the work of their brother. Korina began to laugh loudly and that got everyone's attention. 'Its the Devil Sisters !' Someone yelled.

'Brooke ! Korina !' Garp yelled. Giving the old geezer a smirk she yelled,'I'm coming after you, Garp !" With a evil look in her eyes she could see her target and several others shudder fearfully of the evil she had planned. Just then Crocy disappeared to attack Whitebeard. That's when she used her Gravity fruit to crush Crocy with an unbearable weight after Luffy protected Whitebeard and gave the cold hearted reptile a kick.

Luffy even said he would not let Crocy hurt Whitebeard because he was an important person to Ace. 'Same here !' she and her sister yelled from their spot. The two pirates, Whitebeard and Luffy soon showed that they were competing each other. Whitebeard called Luffy a Greenhorn at this and not to get in his way. 'That's our little brother !' Korina laughed.

Heading down so they stood with Luffy and Pops. Luffy then told them a valuable piece of information. Ace was getting executed ahead of schedule. 'Good job Luffy, this is valuable,' she said. Korina raised her arms up hyperly,'Yeah lets go !  I wanna slice up some Marines !' she yelled the slicing up Marines super loud so everyone could hear.

Luffy then jumped off the ship yelling,'Ace !" Following their little brothers example Brooke lifted them into the air with her devil fruit. She had a distinct feeling people were wondering about their casual conversation with the strongest man. Once they were above the marine army did they drop down and Korina was free to fight as she pleased.

Not bothering to watch she soon heard shieks of pain and terror which meant Korina sent her two demons. The crow and bat humanoids demons were Korina's loyal pets. The marine with the braided beard then spilled that Luffy was the son of the Dragon. That's it, I am going to kill that marine and that geezer Garp ! she thought bloodthirsty.


That stupid goat loving Marine spilled Luffy's bloodline ! What a big mouth he has, she'd have to cut it off. Right now first she had to deal with these worthless marine goons. Of course if Brooke got her hands on him then she might not yet be able to torture him as she pleased. No doubt her sister was going to torture and kill.

The Devil Sisters Journey (One Piece FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz