The Island of Woman

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They just entered the shores went arrows were shot. Bringing out her sword she cut them before she came into harm. Stepping forward in front of the Heart Captain she shouted,'Stop ! we were invited by your Empress !" When Hancock came and confirmed did the shooting stop. Listening further she was now certain her brother had made friends with the woman of this island were men were not allowed.

How Luffy did it she could only think was Luffy being himself. The guy had the ability to make friend with anyone. Heading back inside she went back to her brothers. Bored she thought back when Hancock noticed her and began to question her once she figured out she was not a Heart pirate. 'Luffy is my little brother. Thank you for helping him,' she had said and for some reason the woman warmed up to her and began to call her 'Sister.'

Hancock must have fallen in love with Luffy.Once they reached the certain shore did she step out. Motioning with her hand some of the plants rapidly grew from her ship and made a bridge and anchor. 'Yay Captain !' the children shouted as they ran down toward her.Amused she escaped by using her Gravity fruit and floated to a nearby tree.

At once the rest of her crew emerged with all sorts of things. Before long several colorful mats and giant umbrellas were set. Food and drinks were distributed amoungst each other. Even the Heart pirates were drawn in her crews activities.

Soon Sea King meat was sizzling and was made into all sorts of dishes.Ace had finally woke up and ate several plates as usual.

The Next Day

Several of the islands warriors arrived with food. Females were invited to join their fellow females. In the end she saw what no man alive except Luffy had ever seen. Woman of all sizes. 'Wow !' Korina said. While her crew frolicked she went to see Hancock as Elder Nylon led her.

What the Empress wanted was to know how Luffy was doing. She had told her that Luffy was the same and deep asleep.

When she and her crew mates returned they were dressed in Kuja clothing. The Heart Pirates were perverts except the first mate Bepo and Trafalgar Law. She could tell he was interested in her bloodline but she would never tell him.

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