"What makes you think that?" L asks, handing you a sweet.

As you take it, you mumble a 'thanks' before continuing, "He just seems weird lately. Plus he's always busy lately too. He cancels plans a lot, he's done this whole disappearing act a number of times, half the time he won't answer his cell... I just don't know anymore,"

Silent, L gazes at you as if contemplating what to say. Finally, he gives you a small smile, "Tell him, then."

"You think? I don't wanna seem paranoid or anything..." You mumble, pulling your legs into your chest.

Smiling, he nods, "Yeah. If he doesn't know you feel this way, how can you expect it to get better?"

"You sound as if you've experienced this before..."

"Let's just say I was dumb enough to not tell a certain someone something and I still regret it."

'Yeah. I regret not telling you about... That night.' He thinks, lost in your [E/C] hues.

A small smile spreads on your lips as you nudge him, "Thanks,"

"Not a problem. If he ever just disappears on you again, feel free to drop by," Smiling, he says.

Without you knowing, you find yourself admitting, "You know... You've changed. Grown up more, even,"

"We all have to grow up sometime." He nods before standing and extending out his hand, "C'mon, it's like 30 degrees and we're sat outside in the cold,"

Taking his hand, you flash him a smile, "Let's go."

Both of you silently walk down the street, enjoying the tranquility of the area. It was amazing, considering you're in a busy city. Soon, you're both stood outside of a cafe so L smiles, "Wanna catch a quick coffee?"

"At midnight?" You giggle, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugs, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside, "My treat. C'mon,"

It was rather pretty inside and quaint. Oddly, it was set up like an old-fashioned cafe. The seats were a creme leather, framed by a dark wood. Light wooden floors make the muraled back wall stand out. Painted, was a portrait of two lovers and a wilting rose, clearly representing heartbreak of another. There was also some little things around it such as quotes from famous people. One stood out to you the most...

"Forgiveness is a gift only humans have the pleasure to give and receive as they too are the only ones who can get stronger." By Unknown. (By me... *sighs* it's terrible and cheesey, I know... And by stronger I mean emotionally, not stronger as in physically.)

As you reach the woman to place your order, L orders, "Hello. Two hot chocolates, a chocolate muffin and a cookie, please."

The purple haired woman blinks her brown eyes in a suggestive manor and asks, "Is that all... Sir?"

"Yes, thank you," He shrugs, turning to you.

She glares at you before huffing and walking off, "Hmph!"

Biting your lip, you send him a smile, "So... You remembered what I like?"

"Duhh. I spent three years with you and you think I'd forget so easily?" With a roll of his dark eyes, he grins back.

"Here's your order, handsome. That'll be 1,565 yen," (I DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S CHEAP OR NOT, SHUSH.) She smiles sickly-sweet at him, pushing her breasts together as she leans on the counter. Simply, he hands over the money before the pair of you sit down in a stall.

After taking a sip, you smirk at him, "You didn't notice... Did you?"

"Notice what?" He asks, plopping a piece of cake into his mouth.

Death Note: The Raven [Reader x L Lawliet]Where stories live. Discover now