But Doesn't Trust Any

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Moonbyul walked down the corridor, quickly, as she spoke on the phone with a controlled tone, "This isn't the first time, Jimin. My shipments of art from the Busan port don't match the records. I never shipped a few of those items and yet they are charged on the record."

"Have you spoken to Namjoon about it yet?" Jimin asked from the other end of the line.

"Well," Moonbyul clicked her tongue, "Mr Kim is too busy with all the overseas business with Jackson these days."

"Wow," Jimin chuckled, "You must be pissed at him to address him this way."

"I'm not mad," she shrugged, trying to feign ignorance over her recent feelings, "Why would I be mad?"

"I know you hate it when he travels too much, especially without you, Mrs Kim," Jimin mused.

Moonbyul inhaled a deep breathe, "Future, Mrs Kim."

A few months had passed since Namjoon had proposed to Moonbyul. However, she still found it difficult to wrap her head around it.

And also because it all still felt unreal.

"Jimin, I didn't call you so that you could tease me," Moonbyul rolled her eyes as she exited the building towards the parking lot, "Busan is your area. Help me find out what's going on. Or I will personally visit the docks to check everything."

"That's a stupid idea," Jimin chuckled, "And a dangerous one."

"Park Jimin," she warned him.

"Okay, okay. I will send some men down there and find out what the fuck is up," he replied, making Moonbyul smile victoriously.

"Good. Now, I have to go--- what the fuck?"

As Moonbyul reached the parking lot of her art gallery, she found herself dumbstruck. Her car, which was the only one parked out front, was gone.

"What's wrong?" Jimin's voice echoed with concern on the other end of the phone.

"My car is gone. It was just here," Moonbyul turned around, taking a 360° turn to find if she had parked somewhere else.

However, that wasn't the case.

"I'll send you a car. Wait inside," Jimin replied hastily.

"Yeah, but who the fuck stole--"

Before Moonbyul could finish her sentence, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and a dark mask was pulled over her head. In a sudden panic, she dropped her phone, yelling, "Yah! Who the fuck is this! Let me go!"

As Moonbyul struggled against the person who was holding her, Jimin voice came out as a loud yell from the phone's speaker, "Moonbyul! What's going on!"

"You're gonna get it, asshole! Let me go!" She stomped her foot on top of her captor's foot with full force, making him stumble backwards and leaving her.

Suddenly, another man came forward and struck her on the back of her head, making the struggling girl go limp in another's arms.


The one who had hit her walked over to her phone, picking it up, "You're 'precious princess' is in our care. Wait for our instructions, or she dies."

"You son of a bitch, do you know who you're fucking with?" Jimin growled through the phone.

The man glanced back at Moonbyul's body being pulled into a black van by his accomplice and chuckled, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

He cut the line and threw the phone into a nearby dumpster, before climbing into the van and driving off.

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