Chapter 30 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, there were good songs playing back to back," I replied. "There wasn't a reason for him to send someone out when he had my number." I squeezed Xavier's hand, reassuringly before taking my hand out of his. "But, we should get going. He said that he would kidnap me if I ever come here and spend too much time in a car." I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips. "Why does everyone want to kidnap me?" I asked, causing Sergio and May to snort.

"Because you are a spitfire," Sergio said. "And because half of the time, you don't put up a fight if you know who is kidnapping you."

I shrugged my shoulder. "For a bit, but then I do," I reminded him. "I do recall kicking you hard in the nether region on more than one occasion." I opened the door, feeling rather excited and nervous. I had no idea if my group would come and I hoped that they would.

It had been too long in me seeing them, and I had no idea what they would think about me. I just hoped that they would still think of me as the same that they had always thought of me.


I walked into the restaurant with Xavier behind me, carrying my son. I could feel Xavier's anxiety coming off of him in waves, so I did the only thing that seemed to calm us both down, I placed my hand in his.

Xavier looked down at me, staying silent. His jaw was set, and I could tell that he was going to be a little tense until he trusted Bill himself.

I offered him a smile and squeezed his hand, causing him to instantly squeeze my hand. "Come on," I said, wanting to take him to one part of this restaurant that I liked. "I want to show you the challenge wall."

"The challenge wall?" Xavier asked, causing me to nod my head. He followed me to the back of the store, looking around and the almost deserted building with most of the seats empty. "What challenge wall?"

"This," I said, stopping in front of a wall with a lot of photos of me and other people, but mostly me. "This is a challenge wall. Bill makes up different challenges for his customers to compete in, and either give them free food for a year or more food."

"How many have you won?" Xavier asked.

I shrugged. "Over a hundred, I think," I said. "We stop here a lot, and most of the time I hear the wo-"

"'Hey, Hoss, do you want to compete in a new challenge?' I got a new one just for ya," someone said behind us. Bill smiled at us, his dark brown eyes filled with tears. He cleared his throat and looked me up and down. "Good to see ya, Hoss," he said, his voice cracking.

My throat closed, causing me to clear my throat. "You're going soft," I said, my voice cracking. I took my hand out of Xavier's and gave him a hug. "Good to see you, too, Bill. Heard you finally had a couple more kids."

Bill chuckled and pulled me into a hug. He let go of me when Xavier growl softly, causing me to go back over to him and placed my hand in his. "Both of them are four years," he said. He nodded to my son. "Name?"

"Bryson Ridge," I said, causing him to nod his head. "And, this is Xavier." I lifted my hand that was clasped in his.

Bill nodded his head. "Nice to meet you, Alpha," he said. "I've been hearing that you've been keeping her safe." He winked at me. "Or is it the other way around?"

"Shut up," I said, shaking my head at him. "How's your mate?"

"Missing you and wondering when you'll show up again," he replied. "Other than that, she's doing good."

I nodded. "Got any new challenges?" I asked, causing him to smirk and nod his head. "I'm still kind of... getting used to eating again," I said, choosing my words carefully. "But, when I do come back, then I guess I'll compete in anything."

"You guess?" Bill asked, raising an eyebrow. He understood that I didn't want to talk about what had happened to me and knew better than to press. However, that didn't stop him from setting his jaw and a look of anger appear in his eyes. "I can't believe you said that you 'guess.'"

"Well, she did," Xavier said, coldly, causing the both of us to look at him before looking at each other.

Bill nodded his head, having this knowing smirk on his face. "I know," he said. He nodded to where everyone else was seated. "Go and sit down," he said, changing the subject. "I'll have Alessandra wait on you all. She is excited to see you again and had been asking about you."

I nodded my head and started to walk towards my group, nudging Bill and causing him to chuckle. "I want my usual," I said, "but I do want only one of them, though. I'll order everything later on."

"Understood," Bill said, patting my back. "I'll go over there in a bit and see your cousins. It's been a while since I'd seen them. My kids aren't here today. They're spending time with their grandmother."

I nodded my head, again. I liked his mother-in-law just as much as I liked him and his mate, Lucy. I respected them a lot and was happy that they considered me part of their family. "How is she?" I asked.

"She's doing good," he replied. "She loves being a grandmother to two little ones."

I nodded my head. "I'm glad that she has two of them," I said, still walking over to my small group. "She has her hands full."

"And, it'll keep her young," he said. "Hey, Alpha," he said, causing Xavier to stop and look at him. He had this serious look in his eyes, something that I hadn't seen in a while. His whole body was tense, and he looked like the Hunter he was. "Don't keep her away from us like that asshole did. Don't hurt her either. If I hear you do, then I will kill you. I don't care if she cares about you now or not. I've heard stories about what had happened to her and don't want to see her like this again. Is that understood?"

Xavier set his jaw and nodded his head. He squeezed my hand tighter, and I could tell that he was having a hard time with being threatened.

"Bug off," I said, causing Bill to grin and look at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled when he winked.

His whole demeanor changed into the goofy male that loved to challenge me in food competitions. He looked at Xavier. "On another note," he said. "Welcome to the family. I hope to be seeing you here often, with or without Cass."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now