Chapter Twenty: Raisin Bread

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The next few hours were difficult.

Meta Knight asked his knights to wake him if he were to ever fall asleep. Thankfully, the few times he managed to doze off weren't filled with the expected nightmares. Just a brief moment of nothing before he was shook back to attention. The time he awake wasn't particularly pleasant, though.

The pain in his wings was amplified the longer he stewed and he slowly went in circles around his head. What was going on in the castle? Was Sir Ardmann, Atticus, and their guards dealing with the division? Was Kyron handling everything okay? Were they all even still alive? The questions tumbled through his head endlessly.

The hours passed by in a haze. Gradually the shadows stretched and elongated as the sun steadily rose over Kabu Valley. Occasionally Meta Knight heard birds tweeting and wind rustling between leaves. Sword Knight and Blade Knight would chat occasionally and walk around the area as they kept watch.

Meta Knight's attention was caught when he heard new voices and unfamiliar steps approaching. There was some talking and shuffling before Sword Knight leaned into the entrance.

“King Kyron is here,” The soilder said.

Meta Knight couldn't help but let a tired smile spread across his weary face, “Let him in,”

It took Kyron a moment to squeeze in through the small window, but soon enough he was sitting across from Meta Knight on his nest of blankets.

“You look beat,” Kyron commented.

“So do you,” Meta Knight said.

There was no doubt that neither of them had much genuine rest for a while. Kyron hunched slightly and revealed that many of his feathers were ruffled up. Meta Knight thought he even saw a few small patches where feathers were missing all together. His robes were also disheveled and his crown was a little crooked.

"How is everything doing?” Meta Knight asked.

The King groaned and rubbed the palm of his hand into his eye, “Better, but not good. Kyron leaned back as he gathered his thoughts for a moment, “The fighting has died down. Atticus and Sir Ardmann have been able to convince most of the rebels to stand down or change sides. They're trying to talk diplomacy with the rebels, but progress is slow,”

Okay, those two were still alive, then.

“We're yet to find your sword, but Atticus hasn't stopped searching all night. We've also been trying to clean up the mess Miroarge left behind,” Kyron's voice cracked slightly and he closed his eyes. He took in a slow breath before continuing, “There are plans to make the remains of the library into a monument for those lost in the fight,”

“How is Mereli?” Meta Knight asked gently.

“Worse than before. Our wizards had to put her into a magic assisted coma due to her illness. Trylon and Toad Wizard were able to save some books in a trunk before the library collapsed, but we haven't really had time to look at them,” Kyron explained.

He was right. Things still weren't going well, but at least the conflict was dying down.

Kyron cleared his throat before speaking again, “How are you feeling?”

“Not good. I can't sleep or else,” He trailed off, “I will have horrible nightmares without my sword,”

Kyron raised a brow but did not question the matter, “Your wings don't look too good,”

“I haven't looked,” Meta Knight admitted.

“Well. The right one was torn, but Psyla managed to sew up the rips pretty well. But the left one was pretty damaged. The bones aren't right and there's really not much left there,” Kyron explained.

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