Chapter Ten: Small Steps

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Meta Knight was still quite confused on the layout of the castle but he had a vague idea of some places. Managing to retrace his steps, Meta Knight found where had had first met Mereli and her friends. He recognized a few of the night guards by their silver armor, yawning and shuffling on half-awake feet. They all sluggishly entered the cafeteria to join the hoard of other night guards getting ready for their day.

Waiting just down the hall from the cafeteria, out of the way and somewhat hidden by a bust of an old bird-like king, he would eventually see Mereli walk by. She was so intense about eating breakfast he knew she would have to go to the cafeteria eventually. All he had to do was watch and wait. Many  animal warriors he had never seen before walked by. From an owl wizard to a coyote knight, Meta Knight wondered how a Galaxy Soldier had found himself to be the head of this army.

“Tryna hid, are ya?” Speak of the devil. Sir Kibble jabbed an elbow at Meta Knight, making him shift away, “Good looking soldiers, ain't they?”

“They seem very loyal and disciplined,” He offered.

Sir Kibble let out a harsh laugh and slapped a friendly hand on Meta Knight's back, “Well, believe it. Most of these soldiers ‘ave been trained by me since they was young’nes,”

“I am sure they were in capable hands,” Meta Knight took a step away from the warrior's overly friendly hand and gestured towards an adjacent hall that was rather empty, “I actually had some thing I wanted to speak with you about,”
In the hall, Meta Knight explained his predicament to Sir Kibble, “It would be very helpful to have some of your knights with me on my mission while you look out for where Miroarge may be at this point,”

“Yes, yes,” Kibble said thoughtfully, “I know these knights, I'll be able to tell you if anyone's out of order,”

“Thank you,” Meta Knight said.

“I have a few soldiers in mind to send with ya,” Sir Kibble said, “My head of the night guard, and a few of her friends will keep ya covered,”

“Yes, I know her. If you trust their capabilities, I will as well,” Meta Knight said.

“It's a deal, then,” Sir Kibble confirmed, shaking Meta Knight's hand in agreement.

Now that that was settled, Meta Knight turned to leave, only to be stopped by Sir Kibble, “Wait now, before ya go,” He turned Meta Knight back around to face him, “I need to hear what ya have to think on somethin’,”

Meta Knight raised a brow behind his mask, “What is it?”

“What are you thinkin’ ‘bout the King?” Sir Kibble asked.

“Kyron has been very kind and helpful. Without him I would not know about the underground city,” Meta Knight said.

“Yeah, he’s nice,” Sir Kibble sneered, “But is he a true king? No. I think not. He does not have the strength to keep to his kingdom goin’ and respectin’ him ”

The way he spat the words caused Meta Knight to draw up short, “Showing kindness doesn't make you a poor leader,”

“You've only been ‘ere a day, you wouldn't know the half of it. I've got the experience to know he needs to wise up,” Sir Kibble explained.

“I have been a leader for the star warriors many times. Leading takes both kindness and strictness,” Meta Knight couldn't help but defend the king. He had been so hospital to him. He didn't want to just let him be spoken so poorly of.

“Yah wouldn't say that if yah knew about who he really is,” Sir Kibble warned, “Don't trust tha king or the company he keeps,”

Meta Knight was utterly confused. Sure, the voices of old Star Warrior had told him to be wary, but they were always speaking to his paranoia. Garlude had also spoken her concerns, but she hadn't overtly said he was evil, only slightly suspicious in some ways. But Sir Kibble had lived here for years by now, he had been around the King for much longer. If three people were telling him not to trust Kyron, it would be possible they had a point.

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