Chapter Sixteen: Where are you going?

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It took some time for everything to die down. Sir Kibble’s most dedicated guards had given up when they realized they were outnumbered and were locked away for the time being. Much more important business was at hand.

The stands seemed much more empty now that Meta Knight looked over them. Guards who had been a part of the audience had jumped into the fray, many of which were injured. Those who were hurt, along with Atticus, were swiftly taken to the hospital to be taken care of. Penelope had stayed behind, though she had to limp back to her seat.

“Alright. I think it is best we continue our meeting now,” One council member said shaking.

“Why not focus on Miroarge's impending attack rather than my abdication,” Kyron said.

“I think that this is a good idea,” The ocelot said, lost in distant thoughts.

“Evacuation may be the best choice. Miroarge is,” Trylon trailed off, “A very intimidating creature,”

There was agreement all around.

“Who will fight her off? Qe can't just let her destroy everything” Someone asked.

No one said a thing but Meta Knight knew that everyone was looking at hi.

“I will do it,” Meta Knight spoke up.

“As will I!” Penelope added quickly.

Meta Knight was shocked.

“As will I!” Came another shout from within the remaining animal guards. Then another came. And another. Soon enough the stands were filled with volunteering soldiers.

“As will I,” Sir Ardmann said once everything had quieted.

“We will need to begin planning immediately,” King Kyron said.

“Yes, but if we work fast we can,” Kiara paused, “Do something,”

“We should speak with Kabu,” The cappy representative suggested.

“Oh, you didn't stop by on the way here?” Kiara asked sarcastically.

“This is a serious occasion, we wanted to be present at once,” The cappie said.

The ocelot rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else.

“I agree, Kabu could give us an advantage if he is agreeable,” King Kyron said.

Not everyone agreed right away. It took some convincing, but Trylon managed to get the opposing council members on Kyron's side.

“It has been decided,” Trylon said, “Sir Ardmann, will you start preparation while we are gone?”

“Yes. But, Trylon. Where will we go?" Sir Ardmann asked "We do not have time to go far by land and we do not have enough boats to go by sea,”

Trylon was stumped. He slumped back in his seat and looked to the other council members for their thoughts. But no one answered.

“Go underground,” Meta Knight said, “Miroarge cannot fit into any of the upper level tunnels and if you go far enough down, our battling should not disturb you,”

The council members deliberated for a minute before it was decided.

The guard would start preparations for battle and round up the civilians for evacuation. It would probably be hard with having them know their homes may be destroyed, so it was a concentrated effort. They would not set off right away, incase Kabu had a better idea, but if too much time passed and they did not return, they would set off. While everyone was taking care of that, the council members and a few select others were to travel to Kabu valley and see what he had to say on the issue.

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