Chapter Six: Flowers

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“Then, after she died, I realized I was the last Star Warrior, and even though we had already lost the war long ago, I finally realized it really was over for us,”

King Kyron gave a hum in acknowledgement at this. He hadn't really contributed much to the conversation thus far on their walk. As their path meandered through the thick forest, Meta knight went on about his past with Miroarge, the war between the Monsters and Galaxy Soldiers, and then about the end of the Star Warriors. Every now and then Kyron would prod him to tell more or nod, but remained silent.

“If being a Star Warriors isn't genetic, how are more made?” Kyron asked with a grunt. The two started to climb a hill as the castle came visible far on the horizon.

“When a Star Warrior dies their spirit forms a new star so they can look after their allies and give them guidance. When that star dies after years of burning a new warrior will be reincarnated,”

They finally crested the hill, seeing a wide vantage point of the cozy little town down bellow.

Between huffs, as he caught his breath, Kyron asked, “Really?”

Meta Knight’s eyes fell from the stars that scattered over the night sky to the little village before telling the brutal truth.

“I don't know,”

The King looked down to Meta Knight with a neutral expression before sitting down in a patch of wild flowers next to the path. “That must feel real lonely,”

“I still have Sword and Blade Knight by my side,”

“I know what it's like to feel like you don't have anyone,,” The King said as if ignoring his response. He idly picked at long strands of grass, “Have you visited Cappy Town yet?”

Meta Knight walked to the King’s side to get a better look at the little town. “No, I've been very busy,”

“The people who live there are called Cappies and they've lived here for a very long time,” The King started picking some of the flowers, “My people havent lived in the castle for nearly as long. My father took up residence here and called himself king without the acceptance of the Cappies. He was a real bastard and only thought of himself,”

Kyron organized the flowers into a bouquet. An abundance of little white stars created a tiny cloud in his hand while one long, purple flower stood tall over the others. “When he died I didn't know what to do. I was worried. Would I be overthrown for not having an iron fist like him? I was so scared and I felt so alone. But. I took a deep breath and went down to the little town and spoke to the Cappies, and we spoke for a long time. We talked about my dad and what he had done and then about me And what I planned to do now that he was dead. They all gave their thoughts and ideas and eventually I found out how we could all work together to find out how to get through the chaos. And through that talk I realized,”

He trailed off and slowly pulled the stem of the purple flower down so it rested snuggly in with the little white star-shaped flowers, “I wasn't really alone after all,”

King Kyron offered the bouquet to Meta Knight with a crooked smile. Meta Knight  looked at the flowers but didn't take them. He didn't much care for metaphors.

Yyoouu'rree nnoott aalloonnee.

A cluster of voices all called out at once, catching Meta Knight off guard. His eyes snapped to the source they came and his hand clutched at the hilt if his blade before he realized where they had actually come from.

“Hear something?” The King asked as his funny little friend stared up at the stars as he seemed to do pretty often.

“No,” Meta Knight said after a moment, “It must have just been the wind,”

“Right,” Kyron stood up with a grunt and stretched. He looked down at his bouquet one last time before tossing them across the ground. “Do you mind humoring me one last time? I've got something back at the castle that I'd like to show you”

Again? Meta Knight thought. At this point he wouldn't have a single minute to himself and before long his whole day would have been used up by others fighting for his attention. He would have had no time to be by himself and think. No time to be….


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