Forest Recording

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Me and the boys were suppose to be recording parts for our need album in the forest. Of course they re-scheduled the day the group shoots were being shot and now I had to shoot by myself. Well me and a little girl who was supposed to be a younger version of me. She actually looked a lot like me when I was younger, which was surprising.
Anyway when we were getting set up it started snowing a little and we didn't think anything about it at the time. But of course the snow got worse, also the wind got worst, and it was getting dark. Great. Just great.
We decided that we would postpone my shoot until later. We started packing up and walking back. As we started walking back the wind got a lot stronger and it got colder fast.
We heard a very loud noise and we see that a giant tree is about to fall. I look to see the little girl underneath where the tree is going to fall. I quickly run over and push her out of way just in time. The tree falls behind us and we are trapped on the other side.

Manger-"Y/N! ARE YOU OK?"

Y/n-"Yeah I am fine! But I don't think we can get back over to the group!" I yell at realization of how big the tree that fell was.

There was clamor of noises coming from the other side.

Y/n-"You guys start ending back! I will figure a way back!"

Manger-"You sure?!" My manger yelled back.

Y/n-"Yeah! Go and get warm!"

With that I heard the noise of footsteps in the snow walking away.
I crouch down to the little girl and put my coat on her cold body. Who only gives a child a light jacket to wear in a forest in the middle of winter. I look at her and wave.

Y/n-"hi, my name is y/n. What's yours?"

Little girl-"my name is Bailey"

Y/n-"what an adorable name for an adorable girl. Now Bailey I need you to stay close to me until we get to the house ok?"


I got up and she grabbed my hand. I smile at the small but adorable action of Bailey.

1 Hour Later

Me and Bailey have been walking for about an hour and I can't see anything. Bailey is on my back as she said her feet hurt. To be honest my feet are starting to hurt to. I am also starting to get cold but Bailey is younger and needs to stay warmer because her immune system isn't as strong as mine. I just need to stay strong and find the house.

Jin's POV

It's been almost an hour and the staff and Y/n haven't come back. It starts to worry me a lot sense it got really bad really fast outside.
I heard the front door open to see a bunch of staff come in, but no Y/n.

Jin-"Where is Y/n?"

Manger-"WAIT! She's not back yet!"


The manger tells me what happens and I quickly get my coat and boots on and go to find Y/n and that little girl.


I continue to walk through the coldness only to feel myself slowing down. Me and Bailey are both cold and tired, our feet hurt, and neither have eaten in a while. I stop by a tree to try and get warm. I put Bailey down and pull her into a hug to try keep both of us warm.
She slowly falls asleep in my arms and I end up taking my coat and putting it on. I then grab Bailey and hold and then zip my coat with both of us inside to try and keep warm.
I start walking again only to quickly slow down to a slow moonwalk like speed.

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