Drunk Y/n

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You and the boys where on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy asked about a video compilation that the boys posted. It was a video of you being drunk. The thing is that you acted 12 different ways when you were drunk.
The ways you acted was
-Hostess with the Mostest
You hated getting drunk because you never knew how you were going to act. The boys knew that you acted differently but never seen it so they wanted to get a video of You acting differently when you were drunk.
Jimmy-"So let's start with the first part"

Y/n-"Let's not"

The crowd laughs.

Jimmy-"So she is acting?"

Joon-"She is happy in this part"

A video of you laughing for no reason pop up on the screen.

Y/n-"OMG NO WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME ON LIVE TV!" I yelled starting to get embarrassed. They just laughed at me.

The next one was you being Dancing Drunk. You, Yoongi, and Joon were dancing. You and Yoongi were dancing really good while Joon, well yeah.
Then Aygeo Drunk. You started doing Aeygo to all the guys, and even to some of the staff. You got a free drink from a bartender because you were being so cute.
Then climbing drunk. Let's just say the boys found you in a tree and Tae had to climb and grab you.
Sleepy Drunk was the boys absolute favorite. You got tired very fast and fell asleep on Yoongi. He didn't complain, he ended up falling asleep as well.

Y/n-"you guys really hate me, don't you"

BTS-"Yep" They all day laughing

Y/n-"rude" you smack in the the back of their heads.


Y/n-"You deserved it"

The next one is sad/ depressed drunk. You are just crying and asking yourself questions like "is life worth living" "why is life so difficult" "people never understand me" "am i that ugly that the guys just laugh at me" "are they always this mean". Then I stare into space for a minute.
You just hide your face from the crowd. You are slightly laughing at yourself but also wish you didn't say that stuff.
They continue the videos.
The next video was Sober Drunk. You were sitting next to the guys and it was like you were completely sober. You would have a little bit of trouble walking but other than that you seem very sober.
Then hiding drunk. The video was you hiding underneath a table. Then you dispersing to somewhere in the bar.
Then the scary mad drunk. This one you were mad for no reason and kept yelling at everyone.
At this point you are dying of embarrassment. Jin is hugging you, trying to help you cover the fact that you are embarrassed.

Yoongi-"Is the mankae getting embarrassed"

The crowd laughs and you just hit Yoongi. Joon tells Yoongi to leave you alone and he listens and says sorry.
They continue the videos. The next one was cuddly drunk. You were hugging Jungkook and you weren't letting go.
Then their was protective drunk. Their were some dudes who were getting and little aggressive towards Joon. Let's say they left with a bloody nose and black eye.

Y/n-"omg" they didn't tell you about that "I punched people??!??!!?" You start looking at them questioning.

They all looked away. You look straight into the camera.

Y/n-"To whoever I punched I am sorry, but also not sorry. You did get a little to aggressive towards Monnie."

They finished up the the last video. It is Hostess with the Mostest drunk. You served the guys with drinks.
You guys talked about everything else. You were just glad that you guys stop talking about drunk you.
Hey guys. I know this wasn't the best one but, I was just trying to write this one kind of fast. So yeah. That's that.

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