How They React to You Having a Panic Attack

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(Quick Note)
I have never had a panic attack for myself. This means I don't actually know what it is like to have a panic attack. Please do not be offended if I say something completely stupid (which is basically everything I say). If you would like me to change something within this chapter please comment or text me.
You were all over the place today. You started to feel the stress building in your head. Then that's when it happened. You get a text saying that your best friend, just committed suicided. You start to have a trouble breathing, you feel pain in your chest, you start getting the chills, and you start to feel numb. You don't understand what is happening. You end up sitting on the floor. That's when you hear your door to your studio open.
Yoongi would come rushing towards you.

Yoongi-"Hey, it's ok" he grabs my hand and puts it on his chest, "Just follow my breathing, ok?"

Kookie rushed in after Jimin yelled down the hall saying you were having a panic attack. Kookie sits right next to you and puts your head on his shoulder. He will kiss you head every know and then.

Kook-"Everything will be ok. Me and Yoongi are here and the boys are standing right outside if you need them. Just breathe."

He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back. He kept saying calming things here and there. Eventually you started to calm down. Yoongi moved your hand and just held in his hand. He moved slowly next to you and kept holding your hand.

Tae walks in and sits right in front of you. He grabs your other hand and kisses it. You guys stay like that for a little bit, until Yoongi said that you needed to get out of the room so you guys walk to the living room and sit on the couch with Kookie on your left and Yoongi on your right. Tae still sits in front of you but his back is towards you. Jin and Joon sit on the love seat and Jimin and Hobi sit in the chairs.
You guys sit there for a while quietly staring at each other.
I laid my head on Kook and he wrap his arm around me. Yoongi ended up rubbing my leg, making sure that I was ok. Finally someone spoke up.

Joon-"I know this might be hard for you Y/n but, can you tell us why you might have had a panic attack?"

I nodded and told everything that happened before I had the panic attack. Obviously I was crying and I didn't realize cause Kook pulled me closer and started kissing the top of my head. He only does this when I am upset. They said they would help with the work stuff, but I had to learn how to come to terms with my best friends death.
Later everyone expect for you were asleep. You didn't know if you could fall asleep after everything that happened. You ended up texting someone.

"Oppa I can't sleep"

"I'm coming"

Soon enough Yoongi walked into your room and cuddled with you causing you to be able to sleep. You two stayed like that for the whole night.
I hope that was ok. Now for another quick QnA

(Sorry, had to have some Seventeen in it. Mainly WooZi though)

First BTS Music Video?

Favorite BT21 Character?
Mang Or Tata

Rap Line, Vocal Line,Or Dance Line?
All of the above

Favorite BTS Dance?
Save Me or I'm Fine

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