When you feel like you don't belong.

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You were at work trying your best. You were tired, hungry, and in pain from falling on your back so many times. You felt like you couldn't do anything because the boys kept getting annoyed that you weren't doing anything right. Even if you tried so hard and thought you did a good job, the boys would find something wrong about it. You just ended up giving up on trying your best, they would always find something wrong with it.

The boys noticed and confronted you.
Joon-"Y/n...Can we talk?"

Y/n-"sure" you said not caring anymore.

Hobi-"It seems that you stopped.... trying"

Y/n-"That's because I stopped trying"

Jin-"wait, so you are telling us you purposely stop trying?!!?"



Y/n-"I STOPPED CARING CAUSE YOU STOPPED CARING ABOUT ME AND MY HEALTH! I HAVE BEEN IN PAIN FOR TWO WEEKS NOW! I HAVEN'T PROPERLY SLEPT IN FOUR WEEKS!" You start to cry. "I know it's because, I don't belong in a group this popular. I don't belong in any group. I don't even belong to be in Korea." You start to break down. "I'm just going to go back to the dorm." You grab your stuff and leave.
They were quite for almost 20 minuets.They didn't know what to do.

Jungkook-"I can't believe we made her feel like this."

Jimin-"what were we thinking?"

Joon-"we are terrible people"

Jin-"We were so focused on making everything perfect for the tour that we forgot to make sure, that ALL the members were ok."

Tae-"I am going to talk to her" he grabs his stuff and goes out the same way you left.
When you got back to the dorm, you put all your stuff down and you start walking to the dance studio. You started the background music of the song you have been working so hard on lately. You started your rap and the dance moves for it. Eventually it came to the flip and you landed it and continued the rest of the song.

You ended up finishing the song, with zero mistakes. Then you look at yourself in the mirror and just lose it. You fall to your knees and start crying so hard. You feel a pair of arms wrap around you.

Tae-"Don't cry beaut"

You just hide your face into his chest. You were tried of crying, especially to the boys. They seen you cry a thousand times and you only been part of the group for 6 months.

Tae-"I am sorry that I treated you so badly."

You didn't know what to say. Tae out of everyone was treating you the best and you thought he shouldn't have to apologize to you.

Y/n-"Tae, don't apologize. I was just talking with my emotions not my brain."

Tae looked so confused. He knew that you were lying but you had such a serious face that he wondered if you were telling the truth. He soon realized that you were just trying to be strong.

Tae-"Stop pretending. I know that you meant everything that you said"

He caught you In A Lie (Jiminie Reference). There was no way out. You just start tearing up. He wipes the tears away, hating the sight of you crying. He helps you up.

Tae-"Go clean up and get some rest. You look exhausted." He kissed your forehead and you walk out of the to your bathroom.

You start to sing the lyrics of the song that you have been writing. You didn't know if you liked it quite yet so you would sing when you could to at least hear out loud. You then start singing all the songs that you been practicing, plus the rapping parts. After you get out the shower you changed into a pair of sweats and one of Tae's shirts that he gave you. You go into your room without talking to the other boys that were in the hall way. You closed the door and started playing your relaxation playlist, which only consists of piano version of all the BTS songs out there. You slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to a note on my side table.

I smiled at the fact they at least tried

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I smiled at the fact they at least tried.

BTS Eighth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now