Chapter 1

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Just Another Day

This wasn't always how his day normally started, but it was a common enough occurrence.

"C'mon Ladybug, when are you gonna realize that the cat always gets the fly?" he snarked with a wide grin swinging his staff in her direction again.

"I'm a ladybug not a fly, and if you bothered to educate yourself you would know we bite back." His opponent a slim crimson clad ravenette with azure eyes dished back.

"I think your confusing yourself with an orange lady bug." He smirked, letting her yo-yo wrap around his bow so he could pull her close. "I've got you now."

"No way!" she glared regaining her balance and flipping over him at the last second.

He watched her, caught off guard for a second as she used the momentum to throw him against the chimney behind him. With an ugh he slammed into it before sliding to his feet. The wind was knocked out of him and it took him a second to get his bearings and by then they had another problem.


"Damn." He hissed.

"Not now." She whined.

They were down to their last two spots, if they didn't get out of there now than their transformations would wear off.

"Looks like we'll have to pick this up again some other time, milady." He jeered.

"What's a matter fraidy-cat? Is the little kitty afraid I'll see him in his civilian form?" she smirked—though he could see it was strained.

"I could ask the same of you." He grinned. "But then again, and I'm pretty sure you'll change back first, I'll see your civilian side and there will be nothing to stop me from coming after you and your family."

Her smirk died twisting into a glare.

"Fine, you win this time kitty." She growled before using her yo-yo to swing away.

"Victory is sweet. A small one admittedly, but a victory all the same." He chuckled before taking off across roof tops.

He didn't want to go back to being his civilian self but if he didn't there would be hell to pay.

Just as soon as he landed behind the wall of his estate the transformation wore off letting an exhausted Plagg stagger in the air before Adrien could catch him.

"Just how long did you plan on pushing me?" The little black cat grumbled unhappily.

"Sorry, Plagg, but we were so close to getting her miraculous." Adrien sighed making his way inside.

"Really? Was that before or after she defeated the akuma?"

"That wasn't my fault. That stupid kid only cared about making his teacher pay. It's not my fault if father can't control his akuma."

"Speaking of which, what are you going to tell dear old dad?"

Adrien paused in his stride and sighed.

"The usual; I did my best but it wasn't good enough." He murmured.

"He is not going to like that." Plagg tutted.

"When does he ever like anything I do?" Adrien groaned.

He entered the mansion and began his long trek up the stairs where he eventually winds up in his father's tower. Coming to the door he expected to find a very stoic standing Nathalie.

"Your father will see you now, Chat Noir." She said hand on the knob.

"Without the mask it's just Adrien." He corrected rolling his eyes.

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