Serenity: Chosen to be Mother Nature

Start from the beginning

"Well, Nana says a lot of things most of them being legends and myths, sweetheart. Why do you ask?"

"Because I have a feeling that she is real, Daddy... Nana says that this girl may look like an ordinary person but she is Mother Nature..." The little girl replied.

Wow, it was really impressive hearing that from a five year old. I could tell that she is going to be a clever girl one day.

"Hmmm, you're right... Let's get going, before your mom scolds the both of us," he suggested, tickling her sides, making her giggle.

My thoughts came back to me drifting me to sleep, seeing the face of my loving parents.


The sounds of birds chirping had me getting up from my sleep. It was dawn, a sign for me to move out. I got out of the Shadow Moon Pack and into the city, I was safe. Hurriedly, I went to my safe haven... My underground home.

It wasn't too far from the city, and it wasn't close to any pack territory. This was where I usually came to whenever I came to the city. It wasn't like any house or apartment, it was just a hole in the ground that held most of my clothing's and huge amount of money and stored most meat that I hunted. I got out a duffle bag and a backpack as I began to put my laptop, clothing and money inside of it.

Several hours later, I walked out of my safe haven as I had already taken a long shower, leaving for the city. The city was packed of people and others, werewolves. Werewolves stood out differently from humans. They were tall, muscular and had some sort of pack tattoo, tying themselves to their packs. I'm surprised that the humans were so naive of not knowing that. Werewolves, were a secret to society. For a human and a werewolf to become a mate was common but at the same time, the human mates were to swear that they will never reveal any of their secrecy.

My godfather's pack, the Blood Moon Pack was only a few miles away on foot, but maybe a mile while on car. His pack was the most highest in the nation.

My father was not of wolf blood nor was my mother. They were both humans, well, my father was raised to become a hunter. At the age of ten, he was an only child who would hunt food for his mother who was ill. When he was in the forest, he was accompanied by wolves, rogues to be exact. My father had been saved by another wolf, who was wounded badly after his fight. From then, he saw the wolf transform into a human, though with his body injured, he almost lost his life.

My father took him to his home, treating his wounds, bathed and clothed by him as he did for his mother. Until the young wolf was healed he had been very fond of my father and my grandmother. Days later, my grandmother had left my father's life, letting a new person come into his life. My father's best friend, who is now my godfather, wanted to take him to his pack and keep him safe for he was also an only child as well.

They were closer than best friends, they were brothers. Ages later, they had yet to find the ones that can keep 'their asses in line', as my father liked to call it.

I was born in a pack, as a human, but everyone in the pack respected that, because they knew that my parents were very honorable people...except my godfather's eldest son, Lucas, who was older than me by two years, hated me. As my godfather's firstborn, he was to be the next Alpha in line. He and his cronies would always try their best to make me cry with a tug of my hair, a shove, a fist or a kick, or with words.

Nine years ago

"Lucas, take Serenity and the others with you! We are being attacked!" Lucy, my godmother shouted as she shoved my friends, Amber and Justin with the twins to Lucas.

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