Chapter Eighteen

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Coy's  POV

Rene sends father flying with just a hit in the air. She is fierce than I even thought. She then turns to face Elex who is roaring murderously.
"Elex, it's me Rene!" She is taking a step towards Elex when I see father coming for her . She doesn't see him. At this moment I remember one unwritten rule that Oris keeps saying ' Never show your back to an enemy in a fight'. Father is almost taking on her from her back when she spins round and before I even see what has happened, he's rolling down and she's glaring at him. "You could be powerful father but I swear I am far better. Now tell me, what is it that you want with us?" Her voice is sharp and highly raised. In normal circumstances, Rene doesn't raise her voice. She is either hidden in her books but recently, everything seems to be going the opposite way. I put Allie down on the shade and turn to see if I can intervene. From the look of things, this fight is beyond physical.

"Please let me help you out of that pain!" Rene tells Oris, who is now bent low still holding tightly his palms round the neck. In response, Oris growls at her. She laughs a flimsy laugh then..."You do not recognize me." She speaks to herself. What the hell?

Elex and Father and literally tearing each other off and I know very clearly that I can't afford being close to them. The growls coming down from their chests are scary and I realise that this battle had to only take place here. 

A heavy cry snaps me from a short reverie and when I check again, Rene is holding Oris' hands up, blood is gushing out from his throat and for a moment I think we are going to lose our big brother. The cry is slackening and the blood is still flowing in torrents. He slumps down on his back and stops resisting. He's losing the battle to whatever father did.

"What is it Rene? Is he dying?" I ask. My feet literally carry me to their side and when Rene let's go of his hands, she pulls a ring from inside her pocket and puts it on his middle finger. "The poison is strong!" She says as she makes towards Allie.

Within a blink of an eye, father, like lightning grabs Rene by the neck  and and oops, he's going to twist.  For once in my life I am feeling helplessly like shit and empty. I don't know what to do and I think I am tired of being Coy. I knew our family was complicated but now looking at whatever is happening now, I realise that we are simply beyond redemption. Completely unredeemable.

Elex looks like a vampire and Rene is a magician if not a witch. Allie is lying down under the tree and father is fighting to take her. Why is it that he's so attached to her? Oris. He's a monster even in real life but these last few hours he seems like an angel, God knows what is happening to him. Someone is engaged to another devil somewhere and I for sure, still don't know what conspired between them for her to come home. I just hope he didn't try to hurt her, otherwise he'd have me to battle with. I don't care what he is but he better have not done something shitty.

Here I am. Almost always I am at the centre of our family. I watch and take in all the drama and it sure does weigh me down. I am human, I just swore to stick by my brothers and sisters, but the prize is heavy than I thought. Sometimes like now I want to give up and move to lands far away but then, the way we all drank from the same bloody bowl, reminds me that I can't leave. I will have to stay. Well, everyone seems to have some supernatural powers besides me. Or maybe I also do have some stupid powers. I wonder what that could be.

A strong breeze flows and for a moment I drown in it. I breath deeply and forget whatever is happening around me. I feel like I can walk away with it and never return. Life can be better than this. It surely is supposed to be. No one should be stuck in their painful past, nursing wishes for revenge against someone like our father. I used to strongly believe that we could really do away with him but now I know that's almost impossible.

"You are not strong!" Father threatens Rene. She stubbornly tries to get herself away. It looks hard on her and I think I am losing it. I take a step towards father and I am just about hitting him when he throws her down, really hard and she lands on Allie.

"You are the only one remaining...the only sane one, all because you are actually not my real son." Am I hearing the right thing. "You are a fruit of unfaithfulness, but thank heavens, you could be redeemed. I know you don't understand what I am saying but...your siblings, the ones you swore to never walk out on, have to go down someday if not today. I might not be the reason for that but one of you!" He is breathing hard after his short speech. I know he wants to put butterflies inside my stomach and am ain't gonna get them.

Elex strikes and they both go down with a loud thud. That was a nice blow. Elex tackles father well but I can see, none of them is about to lose. Their eyes are crimson red. If I am not missing a point, Elex is the real son to father. I am so focused on them when another loud thud catches my ears from behind me and when I turn, I come eye to eye with non other than Ted. He is walking towards me. He seems to be walking on  air and he's put on his calm face. Nothing bothers him.

"Oh look who we have here." Father speaks on seeing Ted. For a moment, the tension in the air seems to disappear.

"Oh." That's a gasp in Ted throat. "C'mon, you and I need to exchange some few words." He takes father's hand and begins to walk a few steps away from the rest of us.
"Ted." Rene calls.
"I will have to put him in his own place." Ted responds without even turning to look at us. Just then...
"Even if she's your daughter, you don't get to touch her and survive. The girl is mine." Ted tells father. He emphasizes the last sentence. Well, the girl isn't his, if you ask me, the girl is ours, she's my sister and everybody should know that. Ted throws father down on the ground. "Stay there!" He commands and father starts rolling in pain. It has to be too much for him not to stand up and curse on him. Or maybe, Ted is more powerful that he is.

Allie is still gone and her breathing is now fading. Ted bends down on her and when he tries to feel her stomach he curses, "Fuck him!"
"What Ted?" Rene asks.
"She's crossing over." He responds curtly without lifting his eyes.
"How long before she crosses?"
"Three hours! And that's why Cornelius wanted to keep you all busy with fight so that you don't do anything to help her. He's winning...She will wake up and never remember about the vow. Her memory is halfway erased and she will never leave his side, even in fights."

"There must be a way to help her out!" Rene is pacing up and down.
"Yes, there is. One of you has to go down to save her." Ted says.
"Nooo! There must be another way." Tears stream down her cheeks. I am holding Elex's hand and his breathing is normalising although he's extra warm.
"Two options, one of you goes down or you lose her completely to your dad, and she will be your enemy." Ted declares with an hint of finality.

"Take me." Shit. No...Oris? There must be another way as Rene is suggesting.
"Has any of you heard me, I just said that you should take me!" Oris repeats.

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