Chapter Twelve

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Oris' POV

It's a new day and I have new plans- strategies, to be specific. Yesterday I got tired of being an asshole to my siblings, especially to Allie. Well, it is not as if she is the only one who meets me at my worst, the rest still do. I still don't believe that I almost shot Coy. Fuck, how would I even have faced today.

When I think of Rene, a deep sense of guilt crowds my heart. I was so selfish to utter those harsh words to her just after Ted had helped heal Allie. But, thinking of it now, I am wondering why everybody in the family gets into trouble with me  once in a while, except for Elex. I should be a good and responsible brother to them but I keep on hurting them. I want to be good for them, I want to show them that I am trying, I want to stand up for them, I want to love them, most especially Allie, I want to share my deep secrets with my twin, I want to trust her and let her trust me, I want to always fight their battles with joy, I want to do everything good to then but, truth is, you all know that I am a dick.

I will start with getting Rene back...but the problem is one, Ted. He is a cool guy but I don't really trust the person he is. I am too protective of my sister to let him be part of us. Futhermore, he isn't a part of us. What people don't know is that I miss Rene and I trust her. She has trusted me all through and if you care to know, I was the first to know of her magic. No wonder I hinted on her being able to dispose the bodies. She once sat me down as her big brother and told me what she had done. I didn't approve it but she had trusted me to share such a deep information to me, I had to keep it for myself. She told me that she can follow every movement we make even from afar. She disclosed that she always watches us and follows us around through her magic.

Then she brought him along. I thought the vow was to stick by each other and not...not...not fall in love. If you asked me, falling in love will only bring complications which might bring forth divisions. Rene and Ted are a perfect example. That was it until Yesterday. She decided to swim against the tide and prove me wrong.
A lot has happened since yesterday and I fucking regret all of it. Now that I want to atone and how isn't a question. I will make sure that I try as best as I can to not disappoint thing is clear,I can always fall back of Allie. She will tell me the hard truth and walk me through any difficult moment. For once, I am going to really dance to her tune and I know that I won't regret. She has the brains and she has always spoken wisdom. I think I will begin with a call.

"Good afternoon twinnie?" She picks up on the first ring. What did I do to deserve Allie for a twin sister? The way she holds firmly her faith in me, scares the hell out of me. She will never give up on me no matter how broken, and Petty, and stupid, and childish, I become.

"I thought you won't answer my call! Anyway, I want us to meet, just you and I. Say yes please." I know her eyes a wide open in disbelief. Today I am an angel and I will be for some good time, if not forever.

"Guess you know it's a yes but please, do not shoot me when I come over. I don't want to die yet!" Her sense of humour is sucking but i mewl at it. I am trying to be good.

{Oh, I would shoot you when you try something shit}
"It's a promise." I would never shoot her and God knows it. It's not just a promise but something stronger than a promise.

"At your place or?" She asks.

"Mind going out this evening? Bluehut would be nice." Oh. This sounds like am asking her out on a date. She is my sister for heaven's sake.

We agree to an evening at Bluehut. I will pick her up at seven. Now as I am sitting here in front of the TV, I am not concentrating on anything. My mind is wondering on how the evening will be. I am nervous for once. I have never spent quality time with Allie, I mean just the two of us. The most we've managed is not more that five minutes and all I have done is to be rude to her, yet she has always been nice.

I wonder what she's thinking right now. Is she telling Coy just in case or she is just anxious as I am? How will she behave? What will she drink, her normal Black & White or something light? Will we be in a position to strike a fruitful conversation? Will she understand me or will she walk out on me? Will she even tell me that she is okay with everything that I do to survive or she will lecture me for being a devil? I hope she will be able to stretch her hand across to mine and tell me that I can always count on her. I hope and wish and pray that all goes well.

I dress in my normal black Jean and a white polo. On top of the polo, I  do a red jacket. One look at myself in the mirror, I smile at how innocent I look. My cheeks flush at me in the mirror and oops, I walk out. It's funny how  men don't look at themselves in the mirror. Now I know why nobody has ever guessed what kind of business I do, it's because of my innocent looks.

My new stereo in the car is smooth and man, this is the kind of life I have always wanted. Although I love Bongo, I decide against playing it. Allie and Coy are very old school. They love country music. Besides being old school, Allie is a romantic at heart, or I assume so because of his love for country love songs. I want to show her that I love and care for her, and I will start with her favourite music.

I am going out with my twin, of all the people! Huh, this is funny.

I drive slower than my usual and it takes about thirty five minutes to get to their house. I park outside the gate. I will wait for about five more minutes before I text her- she's a lady. Speak of the devil, I am just adjusting my seat when my phone beeps. It's a text message.

*I am ready and waiting for you. I can't wait to spend some time with my twin brother.*

Wow, she's ready and waiting for me.

*Right at the gate sister.* Wow, I love this new me.
*And bring me an apple for being good.* I type with a broad smile and hit send. I am super cool today.

Holy Mary!
She's is in a short black dress that covers up to mid-thighs, a flat red shoe and a brown round hat that leaves her long hair hanging loosely beneath it. Saying she is beautiful is an understatement. I have a Greek goddess for a twin.

"Wow! I think today I gotta be chasing them away. You look phenomenal." I compliment her as I walk round the car to open the door for her.

"Huh, my brother is flirting with me." She playfully pokes my arm. "You look smart today!" She adds after settling down.

"Guess we will have to keep our arms locked throughout the evening- we can enjoy confusing people." I suggest. This helped us when we were Young kids. We always kept our arms tucked in each other's when we were in a crowd. And the fact that Allie was always in shorts, made people think that we were all boys. It was fun. That was before I realised that father hated me with an equal intensity to his love for her.

"Who are you Oris?" She asks, pulling her lower lip into an attractive pout.

"Your twin brother. We could have some fun today." I respond as I hit the ignition.

"We can have it forever!" She laughs.

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