Chapter Four

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My mouth goes wide open at the sight of Allie. What is she thinking coming at the verymiddle of this mess? She is calm and all smiley. Who else is like Allie? She walks majestically towards Oris and Elex. For some reason, Oris stops and holds Elex's hand. I see his chest rise and fall to his breathing and I am sure he's trying to control himself not to snap at her.

"Wow! I always trust my siblings to always do what they can to..." She says but Oris cuts her mid sentence.

"Tell us more. ALLIE tell us..." He's holding onto Elex probably for control.  The way he shouts out her name sends shivers in my body.

"You don't get to shout at her big brother. She can explain herself without you shouting at her." I tell him as I make my way towards Allie. I feel like tearing down at the sight of her calmness. Taking her hand in mine, I feel the connectedness between us. At this moment, I realise that I would go an extra mile in protecting her from anything or anyone, and Oris isn't an exception.


"Ease brother! I know how you feel about me but should I remind you that you are the reason as why I always do these shitty things. What would you do to prove your loyalty to your brother if he keeps blaming you of being a snitch- which is of course not true? You keep thinking I will join father and fight against you-all of you my siblings, the ones I swore to stand by forever. You stay away from us, or from them, all thanks to your hatred to me. I have gone extra miles to show you that I don't care even an inch about father but you have held onto your damn subjective opinions. You keep avoiding me and the few moments we are together- which are very rare, of course- you can only afford to be rude. What else should I do to make you believe that we are together in this fight against him- I mean against father? Tell me Oris- you of all people should know me better but you don't- what was the reason of us being born twins?"

I wipe the tears that are now starting to drip down from her eyes. Although she is ranting in the bush, she is saying the truth. Oris has always doubted her loyalty- he has always blamed her for what we have become- and now, I don't know what she has done to show her loyalty.

"Yes! He called all of us bastards apart from you... Who knows, maybe we are bastards- you could be his only child, no wonder the affection." Come to think of this, we all could be bastards but if Allie isn't, then Oris too isn't. They are twins for heaven's sake.

"But we are ..." Allie tries but...

"Shut the fuck up, I am not finished yet. You are the only kid that son of a bitch we call father thought of coming to visit in our days in the orphanages. He even offered to take you with him and pay for your fee. Why didn't they even let him take his kid with him? That wasn't fair. The rest of us could fed for ourselves- we are the bastards, even Elex."

"But brother..." He's getting way too far. My attempt to speak sense into him isn't well received.

"Don't but brother me Coy. Did she even tell you that she once accepted some financial help from him? No, she didn't! And then you go on hacking his account- you think that is enough to make me believe that you are with us- that you aren't even spying on us- snitching to him?"

Oh! Allie hacked father's account...

I swear Oris is just too paranoid, too stuck in his childhood. Well, we all are.
Oris takes a step towards Allie who doesn't back step. He is all fuming and the latter is doing nothing besides watching him in tears. From the look of things, he is going to hit her up but I swear, if he dares, I will have to suspend peace and deal with him. No one touches my sisters and survives. We can as well be termed extinct.

He raises his hand to slap her but before the slap lands, Elex responds. He takes hold of him from behind, pulls him on to himself and when he attempts to resist him, a strong kick becomes his portion. "Am sorry big brother. I didn't want to do it but you just left me no option. You can't touch her."
Wow! That was a brilliant move. I had never thought Elex would ever stand against Oris in whatever situation. 
"Am sorry" Oris tells Elex. He better be of course.

"You won't leave. You created this mess- the police might be here anytime from now. What shall we do?" I tell him when he tries to leave.
"I don't care what you do with them. Rene can dispose them or you just wait for the police to come get me. If the latter happens, then don't forget that I am the one who shot both of them." He says before exiting.

Rene and disposing? How now? Is there something that I don't know about my younger sister?

I am so stuck in my thoughts when Rene comes out of the house. She is dressed in a black jumpsuit with white stripes. She looks at us and smiles...

"He said that you can dispose!" I tell us, hoping She will volunteer an explanation.

"I knew he would say that." Comes her calm response.

Really now?

"I would love to be of help, but under one condition. All of you get inside the house and don't come out until after am done. What about that?" She says in her sweet velvex sound. There is an hint of some finality in her words and...

"But how would you do that?" I ask.

"That is not yours to know." She says curtly.

I am in a total darkness for once. This is my younger sister, asking us to get inside the house so that she can dispose dead bodies- Oris definitely knows how she would do it but they have chosen to keep us in the dark- yet we vowed to stick together as the Forever Siblings.

Forever Siblings; come what may..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang