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"I swear I will be your end one day." Cornelius' deep voice boomed. That was enough to send the children hiding. They feared their father more than death itself. They had grown up knowing nothing but his fierceness. To them he was a merciless animal.

"You can be now. The kids will grow up one day and will avenge for my blood. I am tired of these threats. I have had enough scars on my body. I won't have another." Percy cried. Her voice was loud enough to be heard by three of her children, Coy, Allie and Rene. They were hiding in the banana plantation which was right behind their house.

Coy ran arms round his two sisters. He loved them more than anything else. He wanted to shield them from the pains of her mother's cries. He watched their tears run down and decided to hold his. Men should not cry. At a go,he wiped the tears off the faces of his sweet sister by the back of his palms. "It shall be well!"
The moment seemed to evade from their ears when suddenly, a pained cry caught their ears. Shit had happened!

"Wait here!" Coy told his sisters and swiftly ran to the house. He didn't look back at his sisters. Wait here! He had told them and they had never attempted disobeying him before.

Percy writhed in pain. Blood gushed out of her. She tried calling for help but all was in vain. The knife had gone in too deep... Cornelius was actually being her end.
"Mom!" Coy called. She was dying...her life was bleeding out.
"Dadii!" He tried calling out to Cornelius but he had escaped. There was no response. The girls joined him and...they could only watch their mother's life slipping away. Allie, being the eldest, came up with an idea. It was childish but well, she was the eldest.

They collected some of the mom's blood in a bowl and hid it. What for, was the question.
"We will need it!" She told her two siblings. As they watched the woman they loved  most breath out her last, they wished Oris and Elex we're around. It's not as if they could do anything to help, no, it is the spirit of sticking beside each other that mattered more. Oris was their first born brother, a twin to Allie. Elex was the last born who always clung by Oris all the time. He adored his older brother. He was everything that his other siblings weren't.

The pain of losing their mother in the hands of their father was excruciating. It was breaking them up. They cried all day and night. Only Oris didn't shed a tear. He was too pained to cry. He believed in being a man. He was being strong for his siblings, not that there was a big difference in their ages. In between him and Elex, was just four years, and at this time, the latter was just four. Percy had given birth year after year. Now she was no more and her kids were left in the hands of her killer husband. They were technically orphaned.

"I will stick by you!" Oris told each of his four sisblings. Their responses were similar. "I will stick by you."
"I have an idea. We will stick by each other and fight our common enemy!" Allie said. She was being clever.
"Father of course!" Oris said. "And you don't have to be afraid." He added.
"What about we bind ourselves?" Allie lifted the bowl with the now dry blood. Everybody nodded to her idea and...

"Forever siblings!" Each of them said, as they slit a small part of their thighs. They mixed their bloods inside the bowl and guess what they did. You are right, they drunk the mixture.

They would forever stick together...they would forever fight for each other...they would forever laugh together...they would forever protect each other...they would forever be bound to each other by  their mother's blood...they would forever remain held in an unbreakable bond by their own blood...they would be Forever Siblings. Come what may.

Forever Siblings; come what may..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang