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 The Chicago game came round the cornier quicker than expected for me and it didn't help that the guys lost

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The Chicago game came round the cornier quicker than expected for me and it didn't help that the guys lost. The only good thing to come out of the whole night was in the locker rooms when Auston was asked being interviewed and I threw water over both Will and Mitch with the help of Kasperi.

"I'm gonna kill you, Lilly." Mitch said but before I could run, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, carrying me over to Auston who was still getting interviewed.

"Stop her." Mitch said and Auston just nodded, wrapping his arms around my body so my arms were pinned to my side as he continued to answer the questions that the interviews asked.

"Miss Harrington, how did you feel about tonight?" Someone asked me and all mics were thrust in my direction, I sighed sadly and shrugged.

"I think these guys played a good game and they put up a good fight, the Blackhawks just had the better advantage. They've played well these last few games and I'm proud of them all." I said with a nod and Auston awed, hugging me close to him.

"Didn't know that's how you felt, Lil." He teased and I tried to wiggle my way out of his arms.

"Someone! Help!" I asked and Will rushed forward, pulling me from Auston's arms. He pouted and slowly the reported left.

"I got you." Will nodded and I just nodded back to him. The guys all got ready and we headed to the airport, getting ready for our flight. My dad was staying in Chicago for an extra couple of days for some business, so I had free range of the house.

"Dads away for the rest of the week." I whispered and nudged Auston who nodded and nudged me back as we both continued to look in front of us.

"Should we have a party?" Auston whispered confused and I just shrugged and thought for a few seconds before answering.

"Do you just wanna invite Will and Mitch to come round tonight and then we can have a party on Friday night?" I whispered and Auston thought for a second before nodding and making his way over towards the two tired hockey players.


Mitch flopped down on the sofa next to me in the den, groaning loudly and cuddling closer to my side, Will was focused on playing GTA on the tv while Auston ate the mac and cheese he had made earlier. I could feel Mitch's warm breathe on my arm, which made me feel some type of way, whatever way it made me feel, I didn't like, but I didn't feel like moving either.

"Why's your dad staying in Chicago for the rest of the week?" Auston asked and I looked at him confused, but I shrugged my shoulders as he looked at me.

"I don't know, he said sometching about a meeting he's needed to do for a while now, it's probably something to to do with his upcoming travels to the UK." I shrugged again and the sound of Mitch lightly snoring next to me made me smile gently. Auston looked at the time and noticed how late it was.

"Mind if we crash here?" He asked and I nodded

"Spare rooms are all yours." I said and Auston jumped up, making his way to the room he usually stayed in when he stayed over.

"I'm beat, I think I'm gonna go to bed too, do you want me to get him?" Will asked standing up and stretching as the PlayStation shut off. I looked at Mitch who was quietly sleeping and shook my head.

"Nah it's okay, I'll get him when I go to bed." I said and Will nodded, ruffling my hair before going to the spare room next to Auston's. For a while, I just flicked through movies on Netflix, by the time I had chosen one it was past 1am and Mitch began to stir, lifting his head from my shoulder and stretching slightly.

"What time is it?" He mumbled and I just held my phone up and let him read it. He took a second before opening his eyes fully and looking around the room. "Where are Will and Auston?" He asked hugging his body and I couldn't help but find his tired state adorable.

"They went to the spare rooms a while ago now." I said and he just paused for a second before placing his head back on my shoulder and closing his eyes again.

"What movie are we watching?" He asked with his eyes closed and I looked up at the tv.

"Sixteen candles." I answered and he grunted. I pressed play on the movie and moved a little so I was comfy, I rested my head on Mitch's and focused closely on the movie. I had only ever watched sixteen candles when I was 14 and my friend at the time invited me over for a movie night, I though the movie was complete shit so I guess giving it another go would be good. I think I appreciated it a bit more, now that I'm older.

Mitch watched the movie with me, drifting in and out of sleep but chuckling over passing a quiet comment every now and again. His leg had made its way over my own and a thick blanket was thrown over us both as we popped on the first IT. Slowly during the movie, I began to get sleepy, Mitch's eyes had slowly closed and mines did also as we both fell asleep.

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