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Auston's shirt flew past my face and onto my bed as I lay on my phone, scrolling through Instagram with the most bored expression ever. Auston pulled on his Maple Leafs hoodie and moved to his bag which was placed on top of my desk. I watched as he rummaged around in his bag, looking for his jersey while cursing to himself about now being able to find it. I rolled my eyes and stood up from my bed, grabbing the Jersey from the door.

"Here." I said and waved it in his face when he turned around. "Maybe if you actually payed attention to what was around you, you'd be able to find things easier." I laughed as I sat back on my bed, now turning off my phone as I focused on him.

"Well I thought it was your Jersey, we've got the same Jersey, Lil." Auston said in a sassy tone and I just held up my middle finger in his direction and he retaliated by throwing his socks in my direction. I gagged and jumped up, standing on my bed.

"Auston Matthews! Get your fucking smelly, Sweaty socks off my bed and wash my sheets!" I yelled and he just laughed. Throwing me over his shoulder and grabbing his socks, throwing them into his bag and picking it up along with his skates.

"I hate you, you know that right?" I asked, poking his back as I was still upside down.

"You say that everyday, I still don't believe it." He said and I just groaned and rolled my eyes. The sound of my dad laughing made me smile as Auston threw me down onto the sofa, falling down next to me.

"Yeah I don't believe her either, Auston." My dad said ruffling his hair and I just smirked and shook my head.

"I swear you like him more than me dad, why don't you just adopt him?" I asked and Auston jumped up, throwing his arm around my dads shoulder, my dad pulling him in and gave him a nugie, making me laugh loudly.

"What're you talking about? He's already part of the family." My dad said and Auston smiled as he fixed his hair.


It was a home game, which meant it only took half an hour to get to the stadium. I didn't even know who the Leafs were playing, I was just here for support. I hugged Auston good luck as we got out of the car and he ran off, while I made my way in with dad who was on the phone to a friend.

"Hey Mike." My dad said out of the blue as we turned a corner, shaking the hand of the Toronto Maple leafs coach, Mike Babcock.

"Justin, great to see you. Lilly, always good to see you also." Mike said with a smile and I just smiled and nodded.

"Nice to see you to, Mike." I said and him and dad talked while I just looked through my phone, only tuning into the conversation when Mike started talking about Auston and how good he was playing.

"Auston's been telling me that you've both been training on the ice later at night." Coach said and I just smiled and nodded, dad staring at me confused my the information.

"Yeah, sometimes Auston and I come skate around for a while." I said and Coach Just nodded and smiled. Dad finished his conversation and both men parted ways before dad turned to me.

"What does he mean you've both been training?" My dad asked and I sighed and shrugged.

"When Auston comes to train, we play some 1 on 1, we've been doing it for the past 3 years." I said and my dad just raised his eyebrows, about to speak when the final calling rang through the building and he took off in one direction while I took off in the other, making my way to the crowd.

I watched as the the Maple Leafs made their way out and onto the ice, my eyes falling on Auston who looked up and into the crowd, holding up his thumbs in my direction, I smirked and held mines up too. Something we both did as a good luck. The game started off nicely, they were playing against the Washington Capitals which was cool because I loved both teams. Inbetween second period, Auston waved me over and I made my way down to him, he motioned behind the glass for me to go down the tunnel and I just shook my head but he nodded eagerly. I could see a few of his team mates noticing and I just laughed as he tried to act out to meet him at the end, I held up my thumbs and made my way back to my seat.

In the end, the Maple Leafs one, which left us 6th in the league, which was really good and I was more than proud of my team. I did as I was told and met Auston in the tunnel, the minute he saw me, he took off running from his teammates who watched in confusion. He picked me up and spun me around.

"We won!" He yelled and we hip bumped then high fived.

"Yeah we did!" I yelled and he just hugged me again, when we both turned around, Will Nylander and Mitch Marner were stood confused, staring at their friends.

"Auston, care to introduce us?" Will asked and I smiled and looked at Auston who threw an arm around my shoulder.

"This is my girlfriend." He said smugly and I Just groaned and shrugged his arm off of my shoulder, punching his shoulder, which hurt me more than him, but he still acted hurt.

"I'm Lilly." I said with a smile and both boys were about to speak when my dads voice made its way into the tunnel, he jogged up to us and Auston stood next to me while Mitch and Will smiled at him.

"Well done guys, that was an amazing game. Auston, I'm proud of you." My dad said clapping him on the back.

"You must have been our good luck charm Mr Harrington." Will joked and my dad put his hands on my shoulders while I face the guys.

"I'm afraid that's all on my daughter here. Auston are you coming back to the house?" My dad asked and both Will and Mitch looked at me in shock and I just smirked.

"Yeah Mr Harrington, I'll just get my stuff." Auston said and ran off, two of his shocked team mates following closely behind, firing questions at him left right and center.

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