Chapter 2

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     In a blue short dress and black slippers, I made my way to the living room, the white people were still there, the Costello kids busy typing away on their phone. I guess I can't do this, I'll just go for a walk.
The Costello couples stared at me with bright smiles as I walked past them.
"I'll get lunch from Aunty Bee's  Cafe." I told my mother giving her a butterfly kiss.
She laughed and waved me off.
      I felt so much peace as the cool hair blew my long hair. My mind was a mess, my parents aren't rich so i don't understand why there are rich people sitting comfortably in my home, my dad doesn't have a degree for any company position. His education is only enough for trashy works.
"Davina! Yo girl wassup?"
I rolled my eyes, a smile planted itself on my lips. Trevon is one of them street niggas that I low key have a crush on. He sees me as his little sister. Like my guy, I don't see how we are related.
"Hey Trey! I'm good, just going a walk." I replied.
"Seen them rich colonizers at your place, wassup?"
"Haha... how do you mean? "
"Me and Dex was walking and we saw this Expensive car pull into the neighborhood only to stop at yours. You know we gotta take care of our good, had to know what's up."
"I honestly don't even know what's up either. I'm just as blind to all this as you are, the kids aren't the warmest. I need some air."
Trevon laughed, you could hear the vibration in his throat.
"They have white hair Trey. White! I felt like I was in some kinda scary movie or something." We laughed, Trevon put his arm around my shoulders.
"Where you going sis?"
"Aunty Bee's gonna get lunch, I'm hungry."
"Common baby girl, I'll buy you. You going to see Zion?"
"Ooo thanks I love free food! Haha!! Zion's gone to with grandma to some event out upstate."
"lil nigga balling."
We laughed. Trevon's really cool.
        I walked into the house happy when I saw the Ferrari packed in front of my house a few hours ago was gone.
"Mama I'm home! Papa!" I called out locking the door behind me. The dangerous hour was close can't be burglarized with not much possessions, I'd have a brain attack!
"Honey, come to the dining room..." my mother called out.
Walking cautiously into the dining room, I saw my parents sitted, looks like they were waiting for me. I sat down opposite them.
"I'm sure you were wondering why the Costello family were here." My dad started. I nodded, folding my hands in my laps.
"I work for Mr Costello as his gardener, a photo of you and your sister dropped and Mrs Collenso picked it up and asked about you...she called Mr Costello and they said they'd like to see you in person that's why they were here today." He continued...
"But why?" I asked, getting all giddy, was I getting my first job? I could feel the excitement!
"They want to marry you to their son Parrino." My mum hit the nail on the head.
I felt my heart drop.
"What? Mum I have a boyfriend! You guys have met him! Timmy remember ?" I exclaimed, tears clouding my eyes.
"Yes honey I remember Timmy dear, I love Timmy but you see, they Costellos have offered to us a hundred thousand dollars per month as long as you are with their son." My mum said soothingly.
That got to me, but I couldn't help but ask, "what is wrong with Parrino? Can he not get a lady for himself? Does he have a special ill?"
"He is perfectly fine my dear. The Costellos want Parrino to have an interracial child but he is into his white girlfriend and won't consider dating a woman of culture." My father explained as I sobbed quietly.
"Mr Costello has a black woman as a wife, and has two sons for him. It won't be bad darling I promise." My father cooed, stroking my hair. 
"Parrino would be here to take you out tomorrow." My mother whispered to me kissing my cheek, I felt her tears.
"I'll be ready." I said to them, then got up. I am not doing this for me but for my family with only $50 in my father's bank account.
       After a tiring night enveloped by tears, I freshened up for the day.
Parrino would be here by twelve o'clock and it was a quarter past eleven.
        Putting on camo pants and a black crop top I pulled my hair into a messy bun and did light make up.
I heard chatters downstairs. I sat on my bed trying to pull myself together. I know I don't look classy but this is what I have to wear and this is my style.
"Devina! Parrino's here!!" My mum yelled.
Hurrying down the stairs, I saw the white haired Italian, seated on the couch putting on a grey wife beater, leather pants with a lot of zippers and a black leather hoodie jacket, some nice kicks on his feet. He got up when he saw me and walked out the door. I stared at my mum and she smiled and blew me a kiss, even though I could see the pain in her eyes. I went out the door, Parrino had gotten in his wine sports car, a whole lot of niggas in my hood were staring, way to be subtle Parrino... I spotted Trevon and waved. He waved back with a smile yet questioning face. I got I the car, closing the door gently to avoid damages.
"Hi." I greeted looking at him quizzically.
"Hi Devina" he responded without looking at me. He got the car in motion.
"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window.
"Jean George" he replied casually.
I turned back so sharp I nearly twisted my neck.
"Whoa! Get out of town!!" I bellowed.
He looked at me for the first time since I got in the car.
"What?" He asked
"That's fucking expensive yo!" I cried.
He just laughed and kept driving.
        After an exquisite meal, he drove me back home.
"Thanks for everything." I said to him, even though he hardly spoke to me at the restaurant , we were both using our phones more. In reality I wasn't really texting anyone, but I didn't want to seem fazed by his behavior.
"You're welcome. I have no choice but to treat you right as my soon to be wife right?" He replied, tilting his head a bit looking at me in amusement.
"Oh yh that. Yeah...right." I replied,
Then continued "I have a boyfriend , and I love him. I don't know how this is meant to work or how it's going to work but I can't hurt him like that and my parents need the money." I didn't even realize I was crying till his thumb brushed my cheek, wiping my tears.
"I have a girl I love too. But my parents have the final say in my life. I guess I'll just pull a move like my dad and have two wives." He replied. The first long sentence he would construct to me.
"God." I said correcting him.
"You said your parents have the final say in your life. You wrong. God does."
He nodded.
"You should probably leave, this area is rugged before you get car jacked or something. " I warned.
"Oh yeah sure, thanks." He said and unlocked the doors. I got down and waved as he drove off.
After telling my parents how boring the date was, I went up to my room and got to texting my best and only friend.

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