the world needs help

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Every year we make something new, yes it might seem like we need it. But really? If you look around you for a second, what do you see? I see people polluting the world with cars, cigarettes, bombs, oil spins, and many other things that you can find while walking the streets. Many people think that moving to Mars is the best idea if we want to live. But how do you think this idea started? It started by people, how do you think global warming started? People around you everyday smoke and they now say that we should move to Mars. The thing is that YOU STARTED THIS!

I see why people smoke, one of the reasons can be because of depression or even stress. But once you start it becomes addictive then you can't stop. Then it quickly comes into your routines, know that you're thinking about it, people smoke when they're with friends, watching TV, talking on the phone, and many other things. Smoking can also be a way to deal with emotion but there are other ways too. But then there are rights to smoke; do you really think that this right might help smokers quit and eventually stop polluting the world? The answer is no, it's just another reason for them to smoke even more. But, do smokers know that they're polluting the world? My answer is yes and no, many people around the world can be nonsmokers and still not know that little things you do are polluting the world. But just keep in mind that smoking is not the only thing that's polluting the world that is caused by humans.

In Lowry, Colorado people are building houses for more people to come and live there. But if you take a closer look you'll see that there's something wrong with the structure. The land that houses are on is way too small for a child to play. It can just be a place where you let your dog go to the bathroom. Then you look up at the houses, they look the exact same and they are taller than they are wider so they can squeeze in more houses like these. Then stop for a second and think about animals, what is this doing to them? By doing this, they are taking away land for animals to live on. It gets smaller and smaller every year. For example, in some places, humans want to build where prairie dogs are living and they think, what should I do now? Instead of thinking that they should build somewhere else, they take a huge step forward. They want to take the land away from prairie dogs, but how will they do that? Now thinking through this, you might think that they would put them in cages and move them, but that's not what they do. They spray poison in the holes they hide in and they go through all the holes doing that and now they just killed that whole land of prairie dogs. Imagine you were a prairie dog, would you like someone killing you and taking land away from you when you couldn't do anything about it? Probably not, so now if you can, stand up them and don't let that happen!

Trees. Just one simple word, but it's one of the most important things that help humans live. Now thinking about trees, what do you think? A huge, big trunk that can make a boat, pure green leaves that get in the way of your land, or something that's just there for decoration when you purchase the land? Sure, trees can be useful for all those things, but trees do more important things than just that. The main things they help us is by providing oxygen that we need to survive. Without trees, we wouldn't even be alive to live on this Earth and be happy, yet

we're still cutting trees down. Why do you think? We need houses, boats, treehouses, and many other things that we actually need and might even seem cool to have. But again, do we really need everything we make? Now ask this question to yourself, does cutting down trees equal pollution? This answer is yes and no. When you cut down trees, they can be shipped and packaged as firewood and then it goes to the store. Then eventually the firewood can be brought to the beach and you have a bonfire. But what does a bonfire equal? It equals smoke which then goes into the atmosphere and it can lead to causing global warming. But trees can be used for good things also. In the winter time, you need a place to go in and stay warm; for this, trees can come in handy. Some houses are built with wood which comes from trees and later put together with other materials to build a house. So, human activities with trees can be considered pollution.

Bombs, why do people make bombs? To just destroy the Earth? Bombs can be used in war and can be sent to the enemy so it can lead to winning the war. But what can bombs really do? They can destroy buildings, bridges, and even kill other human beings; they are trying to kill their own species. So, think about it, would bombs lead to pollution? They do! Pollution is destroying the Earth. While we stay at home and think that everything is going to be okay, the Earth is slowly dying, and sooner or later, we will not have an Earth to live on if we go on like this. If you stop polluting then there might be a chance that we can continue to live on this planet. Would you want the planet that your ancestors have been living on to just wither away and die? Humans have been put on this planet for a reason, and it is not going to let you walk away polluting it with no conscious. Just remember that we are here for a reason.

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