This is When Lifes Comes Crashing Down

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Chapter Five

This is When Life Comes Crashing Down


Liam's POV

As I walked back from Zayn, Louis Niall and Harry on the field to my dorm room I caught a glance of Allie running. After I tackled her and she punched me I don't think she and I are on the best of terms.

I sighed as I saw her run pass me without a taking even a second to acknowledge my present.

I walked up my steps to my dorm stopping at Allie's before.

You what to know the truth?

Go find my diary.

I scanned the door looking for a way to get in. I know. I'm breaking in her dorm but I want to know the truth.

Out of frustration I kick the door and something hard and metal falls down to the floor. I look down at my feel below to see a key.

Allie's Key.

A smile creeps up from my face and I pick it up and take a step closer towards the door.

"What are you doing Liam?" I jumped in surprise but calmed down when I saw it was Niall.

I told everyone everything in the morning. Well everyone one besides one. Zayn. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

"Trying to find her diary Nialler. Dude I know it's in there. She's gone for a jog and I know she'll be back in a moment so help me!"

It didn't take a moment before he replied. "Okay."

I unlocked the door and gave Niall a sneaky grin. "Let's go find a diary."


After an full 6 minutes of looking everywhere I couldn't find it.

I looked in her drawer and bureau. Sitting room. In-between sofa cushions.

"You check the sofas again. I know there In there somewhere. I'll go check the bathroom."

I walked to we bedroom then her bathroom. It was so organised. So one thing out of place; we search.

I open the file cabinets; nothing. I check the showers; nothing.

I bend down and check underneath the cabinet. Something red and white was underneath it. For a second I think it was the diary. I pull it from under the cabinet and into my lap.

In big bold letters it read:


I opened the lid thinking that it would just be Bandaids and the usual stuff. But I was so wrong. My jaw dropped when I saw what was really inside.

Blades. Bandaids. Needles. Purifying Liquid. Cotton balls. Paper-towels.

Everything you'd need if you were going to cut.

My eyes widened. "Niall. Come here I found something." I couldn't take my eyes off it. I was scared it would vanish right before me.

"Same here bro. I found her diary." I jerked up straight and closed the lid of the kit and kept it in my hand. I rushed over to him.

"Where did you find it?"

"That sly chick hid it underneath the sofa! Like not even underneath the cushions. Like literally under the sofa!" I snickered and grabbed the book from his hands and dumped the cutting kit into his.

"Yo. What's with the First aid kit? Afraid you'll he punched again?"

"Check inside." I ignored his diss. I was more intrigued in the book that is held in my hands.

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