Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

That night Joan slept unbothered by dreams or worries. The next morning at breakfast she confided in Cindy about her encounter with her aunt and Jamie. She also told her what her aunt had said about Jon being connected to her Jon Rene.
"What are you going to do?" Cindy asked her. First I'm going to call Mr. Elcar, there is still a lot of work to be done in Paris. Joan could see Cindy's face light up, "Does this mean were going back?"
"Yes we're going back, until I straighten out this problem, I won't be able to move ahead with my life. And Aunt Em said my questions will be answered at Bonneville." Joan and Cindy dressed and went into the office to talk to Mr. Elcar. At the meeting with Mr. Elcar she informed him she was anxious to get back to work. She explained her need to leave was two fold, she didn't want to stay at the house since her aunt's death, and she wanted to finish the work she started. Happy at Joan's desire to return to work, he also expressed his admiration for the way she was handling her aunt's death, and getting on with her life. Joan informed her boss of her plan to send Cindy ahead, because there were personal matters she had to before returning. .
When she left Mr. Elcars office Cindy was waiting, Joan explained she would like her to leave as soon as possible, and that she would follow as soon as she tied up some loose ends. She asked Cindy if she'd be able to leave by that evening, Joan knew short of a world disaster, nothing would keep Cindy from getting back to Mark as soon as possible. At eleven that evening Joan took Cindy to the airport, assuring her she'd be there soon.
Cindy managed to get a call into Mark before her flight letting him know she was on her way back. Once off the phone Cindy turned to Joan. "Joan, being as how Aunt Em said the answers were to be found at Bonneville, maybe if Mark knew about your power he'd be able to help."
"I've thought about that myself. It's a little embarrassing, how would you feel about feeling him out, I don't want him to think I'm a fruit cake." Cindy agreed to talk to Mark about Joan's power, assuring her he would never think her a fruitcake. Mark saw no reason to wake Jon after Cindy's call, as she mentioned Joan wouldn't be with her. He set his alarm for five a.m. taking no chances about not being on time, by five fifteen he'd dressed and left for the airport. For a change the flight was on time, when Mark saw those red curls bobbing around in the group of people getting off the plane, he felt relief. When Cindy got off the plane her eyes began their search for Mark in the crowd of people. Her face brightened when she saw him holding a card with her name, just like she'd done for their first meeting, then she ran to his arms. In the car he crushed her to him. Cindy did her best to fight back tears of joy. "Good thing you had the card, or I wouldn't have known where to go." She said with a smile. "Sorry I didn't show the same enthusiasm you met me with at the airport, but I'm sure I'll do better when we get home." He said with a devilish grin, before he kissed her. After returning his kiss she told him about wake, "The wake was very difficult for Joan, and it wasn't easy for me either." Cindy told him. "I completely understand her sorrow", Mark said, "In the short time I'd known Emily, I'd become very fond of her myself." By the time they'd arrived at the Chateau, Cindy had started giving little hints to Mark about what she was going to discuss with him. The house was quiet when they entered, so they went to the kitchen where Mark prepared something for her to eat. While they sat eating Cindy started to tell Mark about her grandmother, and her encounter with light seekers. Jon was just starting to stir, when the smell from the food filled his nostrils. Not having really eaten in the last few days the aroma was compelling, so after rising he followed his nose to the kitchen. As he approached he heard a woman's voice, his first thought was Joan was back. Hurriedly he rushed into the kitchen, only to find Mark and some red headed woman talking and having breakfast. "Oh, excuse me I thought." Jon mumbled without finishing. Mark looked up,
"Jon, sorry did we wake you?" Mark asked surprised to see his brother.
"No, the smell of the food did."
"Well pull up a chair we've got plenty. At this point Cindy made a noise catching Mark's attention.
"I'm sorry, "Cindy, this is my elusive brother Jon."
"Jon, Cindy." With a cool greeting, Cindy said "hello" as she sized him up. Mark insisted that Jon have a seat, while he prepared him a plate.
"I don't want to interrupt." Jon said meekly.
"Nonsense, we don't mind, do we Cindy?" Cindy nodded slightly, and returned to eating. "Jon, Cindy was just telling me about her grandmother, who had the ability to communicate with the dead."
"Really" Jon said. Instantly taking offense, "Yes really" Cindy said curtly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound as though I didn't believe you, quite the contrary it's something I'm very interested in. If it's not presumptuous of me, I'd also like to hear about your grandmother." Cindy remembered Joan saying how her aunt told her, that the present Jon was her connection to the late Jon Rene, so she decided to take a chance and see what happened when she informed them about Joan having the same ability as her grandmother.
She began by telling them what Joan had told her about her experience with Sally Ann, and decided to leave the story about Jon Rene up to Joan to tell. It was a little over an hour and three pots of coffee later, when Cindy finished telling Mark and Jon everything she could remember about the story. Then she took a deep breath and sat back observing their reaction. She waited for a while before asking, if they believed her or not. Their expressions identical neither seemed exactly sure how to react about what they'd heard.
"I'm sure there are things that I've not gotten exactly correct, but it's all I remember. Cindy said, telling them they could talk more about it when Joan got back. Jon's face seemed to brighten, when he heard Joan would be returning.
"When is she returning? He asked. "In a day or two" Cindy answered.
Jon rose from the table, explaining he had to get to work, he took Cindy's hand brought it to his lips. "It was a pleasure meeting you Cindy I hope we'll be friends." He said. Cindy wasn't quite sure if this Jekyll and Hyde could be trusted, so she decided it was best to take a wait and see approach. Jon dressed and went to the museum. Today he thought, come hell or high water if there was a hiding place he'd find it. When he left the Chateau it was still raining.

In The Space of Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें