Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
The girls went back to the table and Joan presented Senator Forsythe with Mr. Elcars generous offer that he readily accepted. After they'd shaken hands she told the Senator, Mr. Elcar would contact him regarding all the legal formalities and she and Cindy left. When they arrived at Cindy's apartment she suggested Joan call Mark, mentioning that he'd wanted to be informed if they'd been successful.
At the Chateau the ringing sound of the phone broke the early morning silence, Jon stirred slightly as his eyes fought against opening, finally surrendering to the persistent resonate sound from the phone he opened one eye slightly and looked at the alarm clock, noting it was five am. Reluctantly he reached for the phone, running his tongue over his dry lips before answering, "Bonjour."
"Mark is that you?" His eyes flew open instantly as he sat up abruptly, sighing heavily.
"No, but I know who this is, do I not Miss Reynolds?"
"Oh, it's you, Mr. Congeniality." she said sarcastically. "Please don't tell me you're naked or you were taking a bath. The very thought presents a revolting picture." Joan said curtly. Joan listened to him gruffly mumble something in French before saying, "My Dear Miss Reynolds most people are still sleeping at five in the morning. And I'm sure the reason the sight of a naked man is revolting to you, is because you wouldn't know what to do with a real man if you had one. Now if you wish to talk to Mark I suggest you try him later." Then he hung up.
By this time Cindy had come back into the room and saw Joan standing holding the phone so tightly her knuckles were white, and her eyes were blazing. The thought crossed Cindy's mind, how she'd hate to be the one that look was meant for.
"What's the matter?" She asked.
"I dialed the wrong number." Cindy felt there was more to it, but realized now was not the time to question her. Joan convinced Cindy because of hour they should call Mark tomorrow, after they'd seen Mr. Elcar. Cindy agreed and suggested they get to bed. Frustrated and angry Joan knew she wouldn't get much sleep for the second time, because of Marks brother. When she did sleep it was another dream about being at Bonneville searching for Jon Rene.

In Bonneville Jon jumped out of bed. He was so furious he could hardly see straight. That unbearable woman had the nerve to wake him at five in the morning, and then imply he would be revolting to look at. As he rummaged around the room banging dresser drawers and throwing clothes, he told himself this was the last straw. He would have to talk with Mark about her.

In the morning after Cindy and Joan ate breakfast they headed into work. Both had been silent about last night's encounter with the Senator. Joan's nerves were on edge. Cindy certainly hadn't thought things would go in the direction they seemed to be heading, as she prayed silently to herself Joan wouldn't lose her job. When they arrived at the office it was deathly quiet, everyone seemed to avoid even looking at the two of them.
Cindy told Joan she was going into see Mr. Elcar with her, if there was going to be any firing she was going to leave also. When they arrived at Mr. Elcar's office, Peggy told them to go right in. From that point on everything became a blur. The girls had expected the worst, but found out just the opposite. Joan wound up getting the promotion to Assistant Editor, and Cindy was promoted to her assistant. Then came the kicker, apparently Mr. Elcar had already decided to let Reed go before the so-called rumor about his leaving spread.
It was now one thirty in the afternoon and Joan and Cindy where sitting on a plane to Paris, still not quite sure how it happened. One minute she and Cindy were being congratulated on their promotions, the next thing she knew, she and Cindy were bound for the Paris office to oversee some sort of glitch. Apparently some kind of mishap involving two of the top managers needed overseeing for a few weeks. Mr. Elcar had planned on going to go take care of matters, but after Joan and Cindy showed such ingenuity with the Senator, he felt they could handle the problem. That would leave him free to tie up any loose ends regarding the Senator's book deal. He told them to pack and catch the next flight. That was two hours ago.
"What?" Joan asked lost in thought. Cindy asked her again,
"What are you thinking about?"
"I'm just trying to figure out what happened?" Joan said.
"I'll tell you what happened we got sucker punched, isn't it wonderful?" Cindy said jubilant.
"How do you figure?" Joan asked
"Promotion and vacation all in the same day and it's not going to cost us a dime." Joan was feeling anything but jubilant, thinking she was sure to encounter Mark's brother. Then it dawned on her "were you able to reach Mark yet to let him know we're coming?" She asked.
"No" Cindy said but the minute they land she'd try him again. Joan rubbed her temples, trying to dispel the threat of an impending headache, here she was on a plane heading back to the last place in the world she ever wanted to go again. Her heart was already aching. It was bad enough knowing she could not go to her beloved Jon Rene, but on top of everything else she would have to tolerate Marks hateful brother. Her only hope was they'd be able to straighten out whatever problems there were quickly, and leave. Once they'd landed Cindy called Mark. He couldn't believe it when she told him they were at the airport. He told her they should take a cab and he would meet them at the Chateau.
"Cin, why don't you go to the Chateau? I'll get a room in town." Joan said.
"Don't be ridiculous, besides Mark said his brother is away for a day or two on business." "Your not afraid of being in the Chateau because of Jon Rene, are you? Or is it you afraid of Mark's brother?"
"Joan grunted trust me it's not because of that over inflated baboon. I'm just not sure if I can handle being there again." Joan said with some reservation.
"It's been almost four years, it's time to lay your ghost to rest." Cindy told her. Joan knew Cindy was right, it was time to put the past in the past. But that was easier said than done. They grabbed a cab to the Chateau. As they drove up the now paved road Joan started becoming light headed. At the sight of Joan's pale look Cindy reached over and took her hand, and gave it a squeeze, "You're going to be alright." Mark was already waiting at the Chateau when the cab arrived. It had barely stopped before Cindy was out and in his arms. Joan got out and paid the cab driver, then stood waiting for them to finish.
"Excuse me, anyone remember me?" She said interrupting them. Mark gave her a silly grin, 'Hi Joan."
"Hi Mark," she said returning his greeting, while the whole time Cindy looked at him adoringly, giving her a wink he picked up the luggage and lead the way to the Chateau. Inside Joan stood for a long while just staring at the surroundings. "Well what do you think of the old homestead?"
"It's hardly changed at all." She said without thinking. When a puzzled looked crossed Mark's face, Joan realized what she'd said, and quickly added.
"What I meant to say, it looks just like you'd expect."
He then took them upstairs to the bedrooms. When she passed the bedroom where she'd found the birth records, she got a shiver up her spine. Mark apologized about the rooms being unprepared, but he was the only one at home. He pointed out his brother's room telling Joan if she'd like to, she could sleep in it while he was out of town. But Joan declined saying she preferred a different room, and she be happy to clean it up.
After dinner she could tell how much Cindy and Mark wanted to be alone, so she asked if there was a car she could use so she could take a drive. Mark expressed some concern she might get lost, but she assured him he needn't worry, she was familiar with the country and knew how to get around. Satisfied he gave her the keys, and she left the two lovebirds alone. Before she realized it, she found herself on the road to Jon Rene's home. While she drove down the familiar road, it was as if it had been days ago, not years. The eerie feeling of deja vu crept over her knowing she knew could find her way with her eyes closed. The drive took less time than the first time she'd arrived here on horseback with Jon Rene. The building seemed to have changed very little. Except now it was an historic site for tourist with a sign posted in front, that told how it had been home to Jon Rene Bonneville, until he reclaimed the title of Count.
She pulled over and parked debating whether or not to go inside. Finally she gathered up her courage and entered. Behind the counter was an elderly woman that looked up when she entered. The woman said good evening in English thickly laced with a French accent, and asked if she needed help.
"No thank you, I'd like to just browse if that's alright?" The woman said oui. She slowly let her eyes roam over the room searching out everything she could recall. It was all their, everything had stayed the same down to the smallest detail. Every now and then she'd reach out to touch something, while her mind was like a movie camera replaying her life. She entered the bedroom that had been hers. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered how Jon Rene and she made love to her on the bed in front of her. She closed her eyes and ran her hand over the bed trying to pull up the memory of those feelings. Then she went to Jon Rene's room, in the closet hung his jacket the one he'd draped around her. She couldn't believe it, how could it have lasted all these years. She stared at it for a long while, then she closed her eyes and brought the sleeve to her face rubbing the jacket on her cheek and tried to breath in any remaining scent of him. Her spell was broken when she heard the masculine sound of someone clearing his throat. Embarrassed she opened her eyes and turned in the direction of the noise.
Before her stood Jon Rene, her head started to spin and she slowly slid to the floor. The next thing she knew, she found herself laying on the bed and she wasn't alone. Although she couldn't focus her eyes, the first thought that came to her mind was Jon Rene. She knew she had to speak before he was gone. "My darling, I'm back." Then someone tried to give her a drink of water, she struggled to clear her head, as her vision started to return.
Although it looked like Jon Rene, she knew it was impossible.
"Mademoiselle, are you alright." He asked.

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