Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

She sighed deeply and started at the beginning with Sally Ann, then how she'd received calls from someone saying Chateau Bonneville, and then her visions. She could feel their eyes boring holes in her, but no one said a word. So she continued, afraid if she stopped she wouldn't know how to start again. Finally she arrived at how she first met Jon Rene in the Inn, and how it changed after she walked out of the washroom. When she finished she sat for a bit waiting for someone to say something.
"Impossible." Francois uttered.
"I know it should be impossible, except it isn't, not if I'm here." She said. For a few seconds Jon Rene sat staring at her, "Mon petite, this is the truth you speak?"
"Yes, please believe me, everything I've told you is the truth. She could only imagine what must have been going through his minds. Jon Rene's expression became very serious, as he rubbed his chin, when he finally spoke his words came out in a rush. "Tell me more of what you call, phone, and how is it possible you fly?" He was like a sponge that soaked up everything she said. Between relief and disbelief all she could do was laugh, so over the next couple of hours she tried to answer every question about the 20th century. While all this was happening she caught glimpses of Simone and Francois talking quietly together.
Apparently she appeared tired because Simone suggested Jon Rene take her outside for a breath of air. Feeling delighted for the reprieve she stood, but then looked down at the table of dirty dishes. She started to tell Jon Rene, first she would help Simone clean up before their walk. But Simone displaying a huge smile said it wasn't necessary, Francois was going to help her. Her look was worth a thousand words. Simone inclined her head ever so slightly. Joan knew this was her thank you. So returning the gesture Joan turned and told Jon Rene she was ready for a walk. He draped a shawl around her shoulders and led her outdoors. The clean crisp air was filled with the pungent aroma of pine trees and the nearby stable. There was a full moon casting shadows off the trees, and the crunching sound of leaves on the ground. It was like stepping into a storybook. She had to keep reminding herself, as unbelievable as all this was, she really was here, and with the handsomest man in any century. As they walked she felt he wanted to ask her something. Although she'd only known here for a short while, she knew he was not the type of man who'd be bashful about anything, making her wonder what was on his mind. He stopped walking and turned to her, "Mon petite, you said your parents were dead. Has your guardian promised you in marriage?" Surprised by his question, "No, of course not." She answered.
"I'm glad to hear you are not betrothed." He said with a smile.
She proceeded to tell him that in her time, marriages where not arranged by anyone, it happened when two people fell in love. He reached down and took her hand in his, looking into her yes. "May I ask, is their someone you love?" She felt flush when she answered. "No, there's no one I love." She felt uncomfortable for asking, but she was curious. "Is their some one you love?" His eyes never left hers, when he spoke. "No, I love no one." The way he was looking at her was making her an emotional wreck, she needed to get out of the moonlight and put some distance between them. When she turned to go back to the house, he reached out and held fast to her hand. Before she could ask him to let her go, she knew he was going to kiss her. Her heart started to pound, and a warm feeling spread over her even though it was chilly. Gently he pulled her to him, running his finger down her cheek he lifted her chin, until their eyes met. When he put his mouth on hers she trembled, unable to control herself she melted into his arms returning his kiss. His kiss was so filled with passion that when he thrust his tongue into her mouth, he drew from her feelings she never believed possible. The warmth of her desire spread through her igniting such passion, that a small groan escaped her lips. It was then Jon Rene pulled back startling her. She felt as if she'd been drenched with cold water. Unable to hide her confusion she stood silent, wondering why he'd kissed her so passionately and then suddenly stop. With effort she struggled to control her emotions, "did I do something wrong?" "No Mon petite, you have done nothing wrong, it is I. You are but a child I have no right to take advantage of you. Only a cad would take advantage of your inexperience and youth." She could feel her cheeks flush from embarrassment she wanted to die, in other words he was saying she was an inexperienced baby. Then adding insult to injury his look was as if he'd just done a noble deed, and protected her virtue. She wanted to scream. She'd never wanted to hit anyone as much as she wanted to hit him. Tears started down her cheeks, more from anger and humiliation than from his conceited belief in his professed moral decision.
Before she knew what she was doing, she hauled off and with all her might and gave him a slap she was sure he'd not soon forget, before running into the house.
Dumb founded he stood rubbed his stinging cheek calling out after her, he knew what he could have taken from her would have hurt her more than her pride. Once in the house she ran past Simone and Francois toward her room, throwing herself on the bed she cried. Simone turned to Francois,
"I must see what has happened." So she went to Joan's room and tapped lightly on the door, without waiting for the door to open, Simone went in and sat on the bed next to the sobbing girl, her voice filled with concern, "Joan why do you cry?"
Between sobs her words came pouring out in a flood of emotion, "he made me feel like some pathetic schoolgirl" as she tried to explain to Simone about Jon Rene.
"Do you believe he had the nerve to think I've never been with a man before, where does he get off being protector of my virginity?" Simone sat listening, when Joan had finally finished crying, Simone brushed away the tear soaked hair from her face.
"Have you ever been with a man?" Hesitantly she said no.
"I see" said Simone. "Well I have never known Jon Rene to worry about protecting a maiden's virginity before. He must care for you a great deal."
"Sure, like a little sister. Oh, Simone, I feel awful. How will I face him again? I'm not a child, and I won't let him treat me like one."
"You must remember he is but a man" Simone said, then suggested they put their heads together to teach him the difference between a woman and a child. Joan was already starting to feel better with the prospect of showing Monsieur Bonneville he had a lot to learn about 20th century women. It then occurred to her, Simone didn't appear to have anymore experience with men than she had. When Simone saw the look on Joan's face she grinned slightly, "you wonder if I'm such an expert about men, why then have I never gotten Francois to notice me, oui." Joan lowered her eyes and nodded.
"It was never because I felt I wasn't woman enough, it was simply because he is of noble birth. I dared not think we could be equals. But today the way I felt and looked, and how Francois looked at me, gave me the courage to speak to him as a woman speaks to a man. I have learned the reason we are only friends and not lovers. Is because I have never let him think I could care for him in such a manner. He told me how he has loved me almost from the beginning, and he wishes us to marry before we waste any more years." Joan threw her arms around Simone.
"Oh Simone, I'm so happy for you and Francois, please forgive me for thinking you could not help me with Jon Rene."
"There is nothing to forgive, but we now have two problems to solve."
"I don't understand? What problems?"
"First, to help Jon Rene get what rightfully belongs to him, his title, second to show him how much of a woman you are. But first you must stop crying. Then we will put our heads together and figure out how to go about getting Bonneville back to Jon Rene." After their conversation, the women prepared to join the men. Simone reminded Joan not to act angry or hurt when Jon Rene tries to apologize.
"He will, how do you know he will?" Joan asked.
"Just believe me, he will, and when he does act like it is unimportant, tell him not to think about it anymore as you have already put it out of your mind.
"Can you do this?" Simone asked.
"Yes" Joan replied firmly.
"Then let us join the men." When they entered the living room Francois and Jon Rene were standing by the fireplace. Jon Rene was smiling as they talked, then he embraced Francois, before turning toward the women.
"Simone, I am so happy. Francois has told me the good news that you are to be married. You and Francois are the only parents I've ever known, you both have my heart" He told her. Then he walked over to Simone and put his arms around her.
"I love you Simone." He said then kissed her on the cheek. Joan could see that Simone was fighting to hold back tears.
"I love you also." She replied, shaking off her emotion.
"But right now we have other important matters to deal with." Her voice turned serious. "We must use whatever information Joan has about the future, to see if there is a way in which it can help return Bonneville to its rightful heir," Simone said nodding toward Jon Rene. At her suggestion they adjourned to the dining room and gathered around the table, where Francois poured wine. He then turned to Joan "Simone feels you have knowledge about the future that might assist us?"
"Yes, I think it may be of help, it's something I read in a brochure." The expression on their faces made it clear they had no idea what a brochure was, so she tried to explain. That after she'd gotten off the plane while waiting for her luggage she happened to pick up a brochure, that pointed out things of interest for sightseers, such as a tour of Chateau Bonneville. Suddenly she smacked herself on the forehead jumped up and ran to the bedroom. If there was any doubt before, now she was sure they would really think she'd lost her mind. When she got to the bedroom she ran to the closet, and started rummaging through her jacket pockets, all the time praying she'd not thrown it away.
When she found the brochure she let out a yell and ran back to the dining room waving it in her hand. "Hold on to your seats, I've got the brochure." When she held it out for them to look at, no one moved. Confused she looked at each one, "what's the matter?
"Don't you understand? Here is your information about Bonneville." Still they didn't move. It took several seconds for it to dawn on her. Here was proof she was from the future. She knew they said they believed her, but now it was absolute. She sat down and waited. Jon Rene was the first to ask if he could see the paper. After looking at the picture of Chateau Bonneville on the front of the brochure, he passed it to Francois, followed by Simone.
"Don't any of you wish to read what it says?" She asked. Simone handed the brochure back. "It is not in French." When Jon Rene finally spoke, he said he didn't know how it was done, but it wasn't how Bonneville looked. She understood their confusion, so she offered to try and explain.
"Why don't I read you what is written, maybe that will shed some light on what happened" Simone's voice was filled with cautious optimism when she spoke, "yes, Joan please read it to us.

Chateau Bonneville was built in 1659 By the Count Luvaye Bonneville as a summer retreat. The Chateau featured several large main rooms, a dining hall, kitchen, and 15 bedrooms, plus servant's quarters and stables. The Chateau was given to Catherine Bonneville the only child of the Count, as a wedding present upon her marriage to Count Charles Von Blue. After Charles accidental death, Catherine was able to insure that her son would be the next heir. However, shortly after Charles death, Catherine, her son William and daughter in-law Charlemagne also met untimely deaths. It was rumored that William and Charlemagne had a son, but no proof was ever found. Over the years rumors persisted that Maximilian the younger brother of Charles was behind the death of his brother Charles, and his nephew William and his family. On May 28, 1749 during a masquerade ball, Maximilian's son and heir Jarred Von Blue was injured during an uprising. Years of mistreatment and taxation finally brought about revolt. Over the ensuing years the Von Blue line ended in 1875, the Chateau, vacant for 65 years, fell into disrepair. In 1940 a group of Historians bought the Chateau, with plans to refurbish and open it to the public. During the course of the renovations a secret compartment was discovered in the mantel of a fireplace in the master bedroom. It contained the birth record of Jon Rene Von Blue the rightful heir of William Von Blue, of Bonneville. Bonneville as it looks today after renovations
When Joan finished reading, there was dead silence. After a moment Francois finally spoke. "Joan, first I must thank you. For only someone from the future could know what you know. I do not know how it can be, but I believe you. You have also given me hope for Jon Rene's future." Joan's face brightened, "does this mean the information helps?" She asked.
His brow furrowed as he thought, "I am not sure? " Then he asked her to repeat the date of the Masquerade ball, she quickly picked up the brochure scanned the page, repeating the date, "May 28 1749." It was Simone who spoke up first. Her voice filled with excitement.
"Jon Rene, that is in two weeks."
"If everything we learned from Joan is true, this would be the time to get the papers of your birth." Simone said. "I agree, except how do you suggest I go about it? Simply go up to Maximilian and say I'm Jon Rene the rightful heir may I come in and search?" His voice filled with frustration, for now he finally had the knowledge yet was unable to use it. When he saw Simone's hurt look, "I'm sorry I did not mean to be so abrupt." .
"No your right, it's just, Simone said without finishing her sentence. Francois reached out and patted her hand, the heaviness of their frustration hung like a shroud. Here finally was the proof they'd always wanted, but still they were unable to do anything with it
Joan sat silently looking from one to the other, "Why don't you just go to the ball and retrieve it, if it's a masquerade ball, no one will see who you are."
For a moment the simplicity stunned them, they then realized this was the perfect answer. Simone smiled and clapped her hands in excitement. "Oui, Oh Joan what a magnificent idea, her mind already in high gear. We have only two weeks to make you the most beautiful dress. The words no more than out of her mouth, when Jon Rene slammed his fist down on the table.
Joan will not need a dress, as she will not be attending any masquerade ball. When Joan heard tone in his voice, her temper skyrocketed. Furiously she jumped to her feet, turning to him. Her eyes blazing with anger," just who do you think you are, how dare you presume to speak for me. If it were not for me you would not even know about the papers, and I will go to the ball whether you like it or not. Do I make myself clear?" Stunned he sat and stared at her, from his reaction she was sure no one had ever spoken back to him before. It took her a few minutes to compose herself, when she looked at Simone she thought she saw the remnants of a smile. Francois had put his hand over his mouth pretending to stifle a cough.
Francois cleared his throat then as tactfully as he could he asked Jon Rene, "If we were to attend the ball, it would be unlikely we would attend with out the benefit of female companions, "do you not agree? Jon Rene knew this was Francois way of leaving him a way to reclaim some dignity after being told off by a mere child. A reference he'd made of Joan, besides, he knew he probably couldn't stop her. She could still see the fury in his eyes as he nodded his head in agreement. Francois then asked "Joan, would you not be more comfortable sitting?" Not realizing she'd jumped to her feet during her outburst, she promptly sat down. Francois looked at each of them before speaking.
"This plan has great possibilities, but I would be remiss if he did not also tell you it could be dangerous. He reminded them if they were to commit them selves to this undertaking, they would need to be prepared for the consequences if they failed.
"Does everyone agree?" He asked. Once they'd all agreed he asked Simone to bring a quill and parchment, he wanted to draw up a plan of the chateau. His plan was to contact a trusted friend who knew the truth about him and Jon Rene. He would then have Gilbare falsify invitations for them, under assumed names for the ball. It had been many years since he'd been seen by anyone, so his hope was the costumes would make it less likely anyone would recognize them.
The hours ticked by as they made plans. Francois drew up the floor plans of Bonneville, then he'd gone over it several times to be sure they remembered where everything was. Their plan was to use the forged invitations to enter the party. They would also do their best to limit interaction with the other party goers as much as possible, without drawing attention to themselves. Once the revolt started they would each try to ascend to the bedroom upstairs. Where they would search the fireplace mantle, and try to find the hidden birth records.
When Francois had finished he looked at everyone again, if anyone is not sure they wish to go, speak now, for once we start there is no turning back. Having come this far they all agreed this was the best and probably the only chance to help Jon Rene gain his title.
Simone told them the next day they would head to town, so she could acquire the things needed to make all their costumes, having only two weeks, she would have to rush.
She could only hope what they needed had not already been purchased. Simone and Francois excused themselves at this point and moved off toward the other side of the room. Joan sat there feeling relief and excitement, as she thought about what lay ahead? It was then the sound of small cough brought her back to the present, when she turned around she saw Jon Rene standing there.
"Mon Petite, I wish to explain my behavior earlier in the garden."
"Oh Jon Rene, don't give it another thought, she said as her stomach twisted into knots. Her heart was pounding so loud she thought he might hear it, she remembered what Simone had told her and tried to sound as casual as she could.
"It's unimportant. I've already forgotten about it, with a smile she turned and went to her room. Once inside the room she jumped all over, "that's one for my side Monsieur Bonneville." She said smugly to herself.
Jon Rene stood there furious as he watched her walk away, irritated he began to speak aloud to himself. "How dare that impudent child dismiss me as though I were some fuzzy faced youth who's smitten with her," continuing his tirade he voiced how he'd like to take her over his knee. Simone just happened to be passing by, when she heard his remarks. Smiling to herself she asked. Jon Rene is there a problem?"
"That woman" he mumbled trying to control his temper. This allowed Simone the opportunity to chide him, "I thought you felt she was but a mere child." Being hit with his own words, he glared at her then turned and stomped off. As Simone watched him walk away, she knew he already had feeling for Joan, for it was unlike him to be concerned about any woman's feelings. His exceptional good looks and splendid body had allowed him to seduce and then forget about women in the past. She had the feeling this time he may have met his match. But she also worried there would be heartache for him, because of Joan being from the future.
Her greatest fear was once Joan helped him regain his title she would no longer stay, even if she wanted too. Somehow she was sure, this thought had never crossed Jon Rene's mind. When she turned Francois was standing in the doorway.
"Are you ready to retire my love?" He asked. After walking her to her room he paused, bringing her fingers to his lips.
"Simone would it be too soon if tomorrow when were in town, we had a priest marry us? I have loved you for so long. I do not feel there is time for a lengthy courtship, and I very much want to be husband to you, before we take on our plan. Please tell me this would please you?" "Oh, my darling Francois, I am of the same mind, I too wish to wed so I may be wife to you. Then she looked at him seductively, "after tonight, I do not desire to sleep alone again, my beloved." Francois pulled her into his arms, kissing her passionately then bid her good night.
In the spare bedroom, happily exhausted Joan put on a nightgown and crawled into bed, and quickly fell asleep. Some time later she awoke by the squeaking of the floorboards, half groggy she thought she heard Jon Rene speak to her. She sat upright in bed trying to focus her eyes in the darkness. The moonlight only partially lit the room, straining to see she asked.
"Jon Rene is that you?" His voice came back.
"Yes, I'm here my love, by the window." She turned to the shadowy corner, and saw his outline. She rose slowly from the bed and went too him. Before she could speak he pulled her into his arms. Putting his hot mouth on hers, she felt herself melting as she surrendered to his kiss. His lips trailed down her throat only stopping briefly at the top of her nightgown, where his fingers slowly untied the gown, allowing it to slide down her body leaving her standing naked and quivering from excitement. His lips once again found her mouth then his hands trailed down her body exploring every inch of her, when he pulled her close to him she felt his nakedness. He picked her up and carried her to the bed.
His hands seemed on fire as they caressed her body bringing forth such ecstasy, she pleaded for release from her wanton desire. All she could hear was the thundering of her heart, getting louder and louder. Slowly she started to wake, only to find the thundering heartbeat was actually Simone knocking on the bedroom door.
"Joan, it is time to rise." Her eyes quickly looked around the room, and realized there had been no Jon Rene, only her over active libido and a dream that made her blush.
After a restless night of his own Jon Rene woke from a dream where he'd dreamt he'd made love to Joan. Frustrated, he questioned himself, 'why do I let this mere child play such havoc with my mind and body. Humph, he grunted then decided at the moment what he really needed was a cold bath, and a quick ride. Simone continued pounding on the door wondering why Joan didn't answer, so she called out again, "Joan, are you awake?"
Joan's voice came back, "I'm up, give me a minute," as she grabbed her clothes hoping to bathe before breakfast and headed for the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she went straight to the area recently set aside as a bathing place, startling both Jon Rene and herself. He'd apparently just finished bathing, and was standing shirtless. She couldn't help but notice his bare chest and the tight britches he wore, which brought back her dream from last nigh. She also realized her dream hadn't done him justice, causing her to blush.
"I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here, I'll leave." She said.
"I'm finished," he said barely looking at her. When he grabbed his shirt and left, she could tell he was still upset with her. A short bath was all she allowed herself, after dressing she went to the kitchen for breakfast. Entering the kitchen she found the others already at the table eating, Jon Rene sat silent. Simone was smiling and Francois nodded, as Joan sat down at the table. Then Francois cleared his throat loudly, and announced that he and Simone planned to marry immediately. Because not knowing what their future would bring, they didn't want to waste any more time. Simone's smile broadened then she turned to Joan, "Joan will you stand with me?"
"Oh yes, I am so happy for you both." Then Francois asked Jon Rene to stand with him and he happily agreed. Simone informed them, that once the ceremony was over they would go shopping for the things to make costumes.
"But Simone what kind of honeymoon will that be?" Joan said expressing her disappointed for them. Simone explained she and Francois would survive the few hours of shopping before starting their honeymoon. First things first she said, reminding them this was the only chance they would ever have to get into Bonneville. If everything were successful they would have a lifetime in which to have a honeymoon. After breakfast they dressed, they then took the carriage into town. Their first stop was at the church for the wedding. Afterward Simone gave each of them a list of things they were to acquire, when they'd finished with the list they would all meet at Bordeaux's food and Ale. Simone suggested Jon Rene should take Joan with him, saying she didn't feel it safe for her to go around the town alone.
Apparently this made sense to him, because he didn't argue. When Joan looked down at the list in her hand Simone had given her, to say she was surprised was putting it mildly. Her list had her collecting peacock feathers. While she stood staring at her list, she could see out of the corner of her eye that Jon Rene impatiently watched her. Finally raising her eyes to meet his, she said "I'm sorry but I think I'm supposed to find feathers?" She said.
"What kind of feathers?" He asked sounding cross.
"Jon Rene I don't know why you're angry with me, I'm only telling you what's on my list." He rolled his eyes and took the list from her hand, as he read, his expression became confused, "surely you jest, I am to help you find peacock feathers." Joan shrugged "I guess so?" Then she asked. "Did you look at your list?" He shook his head and opened his list, after reading it he threw up his arms. "This is insane, come we must speak to Simone before this goes any further." He grabbed her by hand and almost dragged her down the street calling out after Simone and Francois. When he caught up to them, his voice sounded irritated. Simone, surely you jest with this ridiculous list?" She half turned away as if she were crying,
"I only meant to help by creating costumes that would be acceptable for a masquerade ball." She uttered. Stunned and embarrassed by his outburst, Jon Rene was beside himself. How could he have spoken to her in such a way, that it would make her cry? Of all days, her wedding day, he thought. "Simone, please forgive me, I am a dullard." He words filled with remorse. Then he quickly told her, he'd be happy to fetch the things, without saying another word he once again took Joan's hand, and rushed her off to search for feathers. Francois watched as Jon Rene and Joan swiftly departed, turning to Simone.
"Dearest I don't understand why do you cry?" It took him a minute before he realized her tears were from laughter. "Simone, I feel there is trickery afoot." He said, looking at her shrewdly. "My love, please be not angry with me." Then she explained she felt Jon Rene and Joan needed something to get them together. "I fear their time may be short and Joan will leave when this is done, even if it is not her wish. I can see there is love between them, and I don't want them to waste time quarreling."
"Francois, are you angry with me?"
"No, of course not, but what has Jon Rene so upset about the list?" After Simone explained about the feathers on Joan's list, she told him she'd put ostrich feathers, and cattails on Jon Rene's list. "May I ask exactly what type of costume you are planning to make?" He asked confused. "I have no idea, but it should make for an interesting afternoon, do you not agree?" He kissed her on the cheek, "may I ask what is on our list?"
"We should go home and discuss our honeymoon." She said blushing slightly. "That seems to be a wonderful idea, my love." He took her by the hand and they started to walk, when he stopped suddenly, how will Jon Rene and Joan get home?" Simone shrugged, "I guess they will have to figure that out for themselves."
Come wife we have a honeymoon to discuss, he said as they continued. After Jon Rene had rushed away from Simone they hurried down the street with Joan trying to keep pace.
"Jon Rene please slow down, I can't keep up with you." He'd been silent since they'd left Simone. She knew he was still upset for making her cry. When he finally spoke, "I have never seen Simone cry, I had no idea how important this must be to her? We must make sure to get all the feathers she wants."
"You never did tell me what was on your list? Joan asked. Cattails and ostrich feathers, he mumbled. Perplexed Joan asked, do you have any idea what she is planning for us to be?"
"No he said, he just knew they must get everything on the list."
"Well where do we start?" She asked. He thought for a moment.
"If I remember correctly there is an old man called Philippe Crubai, his farm is about half a kilometer from here, I believe he raises birds. Maybe he will allow us to purchase some feathers? Pausing for a moment he recalled, that just a little north of Crubais farm there's was a small lake, where he swam as a boy. He was sure they'd be able to find cattails there. "I suggested we get started I have no idea how long it takes to gather feathers." This remark brought a smile to both their faces, the first since the day started.

In The Space of TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ