Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The next couple of hours turned into a nightmare, with Joan as the star. Joan had led Kyle to the spot where Sally Ann's body was found. Kyle then made a call to the county coroner, plus he called Jim back at the office requesting additional officers for assistance.
He worked valiantly to keep everything under control while trying to keep the photographers and reporters away from Joan. Before he could get a handle on everything, someone had gotten wind of Joan being the one who'd led the Sheriff to the body, via her talk with the dead girl. Once the information had found its way into the group, it was like sharks smelling blood in the water in a feeding frenzy. With flash bulbs going off reporters jockeyed for a chance to question Joan about her claim of speaking to the dead girl, shoving microphones in her face and terrifying her. Joan tried retreating from the onslaught by ducking behind her aunt. With Joan in tow Emily tried forcing her way through the throng of men who seemed oblivious to her niece's terror. Angrily she knocked a camera from the hands of one of the photographer then pulled Joan close to her trying to shield her from the hailstorm of questions.
"Hey, Joan what else did the dead girl tell you?" came a voice in the crowd.
With the glare of lights from cameras in her face, Joan held onto her aunt and peeked at the men who yelled out questions. Another voice came from someone in the crowd.
"Come on Joan, tell us what else Sally Ann said to you!" While all this was going on, Kyle was dealing with problems of his own, trying to keep reporters and camera men away from the grave sight. Finally when the extra officers arrived, Kyle was able to put them to work keeping order, and allow the coroners office to collect Sally Ann's remains. Kyle carefully fielded questions about how he knew where the body was. Several times he was asked if it were true, that Joan had led him to the body because the dead girl had talked to her. Before he could respond to the question, another voice spoke out
"What about the locket?" Immediately Kyle recognized Sonny's voice. He knew Sonny was aware of the locket and its contents. Then in rapid fire succession questions flew at him like a pelting of rocks. "Sheriff, is it true the locket belonged to Diana North?" Kyle realized if word about the locket got back to Jordan before he could confront him, he would lose the element of surprise. So he told them for the moment he had nothing to say, but as soon as he had some concrete information he'd hold a news conference. For now he wanted them all to leave. "You're hindering a crime investigation. Give me a couple of hours then I will hold a news briefing at the police station."
Kyle knew he had to work fast, so he radioed Jim and told him to call Judge Randolph for a warrant for Jordan North. Kyle expressly told Jim to tell the Judge, he would only use the warrant if Jordan refused to come in for questioning voluntarily. With the other officer's assistance, Kyle was able to clear the area of reporters and photographers. While Kyle was surveying the spot he noticed Emily off to one side talking to Joan. He felt so sorry for the child, yet he realized he still had a lot of questions to put to her, running a hand through his hair and rubbing his chin he set out in her direction. As he approached Emily looked at him, she said something to Joan that he was unable to hear. Then he saw Joan shake her head no, and look up to her aunt. It looked as if Emily were coaxing her to do something. As he watched he could see the defeat from Joan's body language, she'd resigned herself to do whatever he wanted. Kyle looked at Joan and Emily, hating this part of his job.
"I'm sorry for all of this. He said to Emily, I would have taken steps to prevent this from happening if I had any idea that Sonny notified the media. Please believe me. I'm afraid I still have some more questions." He suggested, "Why don't we all get in the car and take Jolene home? Then we can have our talk." So they all got into the police car, he turned to Jolene who'd been through an ordeal of her own with the reporters. "Jolene, there's nothing you can do for Sally Ann now, I'll take you home so you can make arrangements for her burial, once the corner releases the body." Jolene simply nodded. Once they arrived back at the Wright home Kyle helped Jolene into the house. "Please don't leave" she pleaded then invited the three of them in. They entered the house and headed right for the kitchen. Emily told Jolene to sit while she made coffee. Emily looked from her niece to Kyle before she spoke.
"Kyle, "I'm understanding yer having questions, but first ya will need to listen to somethin from Joan, before ya start."
"What is it?" he inquired. Joan turned to face him.
"Sheriff, I've a message from Sally Ann for you." Without thinking he rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry Joan, that wasn't necessary, what's your message from Sally Ann?"
"Well, sheriff it's not exactly from Sally Ann."
"It's from someone who wants her to give you a message. She told me to tell you, Malachi Turnakoff said, belief is easy when you can see proof, but not everything without proof is easy." The color drained from Kyle's face, and was replaced with disbelief. Stunned to the point of speechlessness, he stood for a few moments looking at Joan, then at Emily, when he finally spoke his voice was barely a whisper.
"How could you know that name? No one knows. It's not possible." He knelt down on one knee, and grasped Joan by the arms. "Where did you hear that name?" When he realized he was frightening her he loosened his grip.
"Please Joan, tell me how you know that name?"
"Sheriff, people have been waiting for Sally Ann. So once you found where she was sleeping, I was able to help her find her way to the light. The man wanted you to know he'd found the light, and he said des a vie donia." Kyle felt disoriented, he couldn't grasp what was happening. There was no way on earth anyone could know his grandfather's real name. He'd never even told Jo Beth his grandfather had been a Russian immigrant who'd come to America to start a new life, changing his name to Turner. Emily touched Kyle on the shoulder,
"Why don't ya sit' yerself down, I'll make ya some Irish coffee, twill be helpin ya calm yerself." While Kyle sat staring at the cup of coffee in front of him, Joan went over to Jolene, who was somewhat confused by what just transpired. Joan reached out and took Jolene's hand, then sat and looked into Jolene's eyes. Kyle had been sitting motionless for several minutes, before he finally started to function mentally again. He didn't know how, but he felt certain Joan had spoken to Sally Ann, and the message he received was from his grandfather.
When his head started to clear, he looked around the kitchen and saw Jolene and Joan huddled together whispering. He could see tears on Jolene's cheeks, yet she looked completely serene. It seemed as if the hurt from the last twenty years had been lifted, then he watched them embrace. Jolene then rose and walked over and put her arms around her old friend, and kissed her on the cheek.
"The kiss is from Jamie." Kyle heard her say.
"I'll be going soon, Howard and Sally are waiting for me." Emily returned Jolene's embrace, with her eyes brimming with tears she turned to Kyle.
"I'd like ya to be takin us home now."

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