Chapter 12

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     Chapter 12
Back at Bonneville Maximilian had taken refuge in one of the large halls surrounded by fifty of his private guards for protection. He paced, halting every now and then to continue a tirade aimed at his son. Maximilian looked at the Von Blue pin he held in his hand, then turned and glared at his son Jarred.
"Tell me again how this wench dressed as a fairy was able to force you to take her upstairs to your mother's room, where you were overpowered by, how many did you say it was?" With his eyes downcast, Jarred said meekly, "One."
Maximilian's anger was apparent, "that's right you said it was ONE."
"But Father" before Jarred could speak further Maximilian slapped him in the face. Then he continued his verbal assault. "Because of your insatiable desire to bed every wench you meet, you have destroyed what has taken me years to accomplish. Once again I must clean up your mess, if my title and wealth are to go to you when I die."
Maximilian signaled the captain of the guard's to his side, then lowering his voice he told Captain Bordeaux he was in need of his special services again. The Captain nodded and listened, as Maximilian inquired if he'd sent men to search for the women that had accompanied the men they battled. The captain acknowledged he had, Maximilian then informed him to prevent anyone from reaching the King, especially if they carried lies regarding the revolt. Accepting his assignment without question Captain Bordeaux selected a young lieutenant and three men, and sent them out immediately. Maximilian's wife Regina stood off to the side waiting for the opportunity to talk to her husband. At first glance Regina was considered a beautiful woman, but on closer inspection her only attributes where her insatiable desire for power and greed.
Maximilian and Regina La Clare were two of a kind, shallow, deceitful, cruel and power hungry, allowing them an alliance through marriage. Maximilian would attain Regina's wealth, while she gained position and power as his wife.
After captain Bordeaux had left her husband's side Regina walked over to him, "I hope you've made it clear to your Captain no one should find a way to report any of this to the King? You wouldn't want rumors or unanswered questions regarding the deaths of your brother and your nephew to reach him. Especially dear husband if somehow it could be proven you really did have a hand in it. I'm sure you would soon meet with the guillotine." Maximilian glared at his wife, "be careful Regina, your sharp tongue does not meet with something sharper." He snarled before turning and walking off. Regina turned in a huff and walked over to her son Jarred, who sat silently looking dejected. She looked at him with an expression of disgust. Angrily she spoke, "Sit up and stop acting like a whipped dog. When will you start standing up to him? Now tell me again what happened and do not leave anything out." She said.
Jarred knew better than to omit or change anything when it came to his mother, so he restated the entire episode. When he'd finished he waited for her response. She stood for a moment, thinking about what she'd just heard. Jarred saw her eyes narrow, something she did when she concentrated as if it would help her understand more clearly, then she asked again.
"You say you were unconscious until they had left the room?" He nodded.
Regina bent her face close to his, and in a voice filled with a quiet threat "If this is not the entire truth I will make you sorry, and you know I can." She told him. He licked his lips then he began to run his hand over his chin, "I may not have been completely unconscious for the whole time." He said haltingly. Regina glared at him, through clenched teeth, "you tell me everything now."
Jarred paused for a moment, then started to confess what really happened.
"When I came to, the harlot was telling some man she had found the papers, he then told her to pull herself together so they could go downstairs. I also remember that she called him Jon Rene, instead of Charles, the name she'd used downstairs when she'd introduced him. This Jon Rene mentioned something about Francois, but I couldn't hear the whole thing before they left." At this point Regina's scowl seemed to change, she almost looked as if she were smiling.
"Did I do good mother?" He asked hoping for a pat on the head or some kind of praise. She rolled her eyes at the thought of praising him.
"Now I must tell your father."
"No, mother please you know what he will do."
"You fool, if we are to save the title for you, he must know what he is up against." Regina turned and walked toward Maximilian, who was again speaking with Captain Bordeaux. As Regina approached Maximilian, he gave her a contemptuous look and turned his head away. She knew it wise to tread cautiously, so before she spoke she weighed her words carefully. "Maximilian, it is important I have a word with you." Scowling he snarled, "Do not vex me woman." In order to placate him, she spoke softly, "I have something of interest to tell you, regarding Francois Jonell." Hearing the name Francois Jonell, Maximilian quickly dismissed the Captain and turned to his wife. Regina then related the story she'd pried from Jarred, about what he'd overheard. When Regina saw Maximilian's stunned reaction to the news, she inwardly congratulated herself, before she smugly asked, "is this the same Francois Jonell presumed dead pray tell. I wonder what papers they could have been talking about. She could hardly contain her pleasure, when she saw how worried Maximilian was. She was now positive that he was hiding something. Maximilian was well aware of the gravity of his situation, if it truly was Francois.
In his mind he began to wonder about the reference they'd made about finding papers. It wasn't possible he told himself, that there'd been a second set of birth records. He was determined to keep what he believed belonged to him. He never cared much for his own son, thinking him a spineless whoremonger. But nonetheless Jarred was still his heir, and the best swordsman in the country. So he decided to have Jarred challenge Francois to a duel, believing without Francois, it would be his word against who ever Francois claimed to be William's heir. Distasteful as it was to him, Maximilian approached his son, to inform him that he wished him to challenge Francois. Jarred always knew his father hadn't cared for him, but he also knew that his father put great store in his ability with the sword. So when his father told him that he wished him to fight, Jarred smiled broadly and bowed, "I will not let you down father." He said.
"See to it you don't." Maximilian said curtly.
Regina having only a minimal amount of feelings for her son, now worried if something were to happen to him, her position might be in jeopardy. She'd always counted on her power over him for the day he would finally take his rightful place as Maximilian's heir. Masking her true reason, she approached her son and kissed him on the cheek, "Do what you do so well." She told him.
"Thank you mother" He said then removed his waistcoat, swished his sword in the air several times before placing it back in its sheath. Eager to prove himself to his father he strode toward the area where Francois and his men were hold up. A short distance from the hall, Jarred put the napkin on the end of his sword and waved it in front of himself as he walked slowly forward calling out. "Monsieur Francois Janelle."
"I am Jarred Philippe LaClaire Von Blue. For the cowardly attack you have made on my father, I wish satisfaction."
Francois heard the challenge, grasped the hilt of his sword and walked forward preparing to accept the challenge made by Jarred, but Jon Rene stopped him.
"Francois, it is my place to answer this challenge." When Francois opened his mouth to protest, Jon Rene held up his hand silencing him.
"You know that I am right. It is now time for me to defend the death of my family." He said. His eyes filled with pride, Francois grasped Jon Rene by the arm.
"What ever may happen to either of us, know that I love you, and will serve you as I did your parent's, and grandparents." Then Jon Rene went out to meet Jarred, all eyes watch them approached each other. There was no denying the family resemblance, a fact which surprised Jarred as well as everyone else. Jon Rene walked erect to the center of the hall and stood, when he spoke his voice was strong and confident. "I am Jon Rene William LuVay Von Blue, the son of William and Charlemagne, Grandson of Charles and Catherine Von Blue, who were killed by my uncle, your father Maximilian. I will this day defend their death, as well as defend the honor of my guardian Francois Jonell." The two men bowed to each other, and began a fight that could find either or both dead when it was over.

On the road Tuso could tell their hard riding was taking its toll on Rene, pretending to need a rest he called out, "please, my lord, may we not rest for just a moment?" Against his better judgment Rene knew if he did not stop and rest he would never be able to continue. He felt young Tuso knew this, and only claimed tiredness, as an excuse to let him rest. They reined their horses and they moved off the road to a small clearing. Rene felt weak and shaky as he dismounted and almost fell. He steadied himself and slowly walked to rest beneath a tree. He sat on the ground and leaned against a tree, after taking out a pouch filled with water he took a long drink. He then held out the pouch to Tuso, and offered him a drink. Surprised that a nobleman would offer him a drink from the same pouch, Tuso accepted gratefully. This simple gesture filled Tuso with even more admiration for Rene. With their brief rest over they prepared to mount, with Rene struggling to mount his horse. Without a word Tuso walked over to Rene and helped him mount, and then mounting his own horse they rode off. Just a few miles behind Rene and Tuso, riding hard were the four men led by Lieutenant Louis Correlli, having been dispatched by Captain Bordeaux with orders to stop anyone heading for France. Tuso and Rene had quickened the pace, hoping to find a place where they might find a change of horses. Riding along they saw the sunrise start to peek above the horizon Tuso noticed smoke coming from a distant cottage, drawing Rene's attention to the smoke.
"My Lord, do you think we should see if there might be fresh mounts?" Rene looked at the surrounding fields. "I fear from the condition of the fields, had this farmer even had horses he would have long ago sold them. They are but poor farmers here, I'm sure they have no mounts," they then continued on their way. Their pursuers rode hard, sending clouds of dust into the air from the thundering hooves of their mounts. While they continued to search for anything that would suggest anyone had passed by. Toward dawn they slowed their pace as the early morning light seeped through the branches casting long shadows along the road. When something caught the Lieutenant's eye, he was unsure if his eyes were playing tricks on him. So he reigned his horse and walked to the spot. There on the ground next to a tree, was a piece of cloth with blood on it. Upon closer inspection he saw it was a handkerchief, and it was something he'd seen before. At first he thought he was mistaken, but after closer examination he realized there was no mistaking, the embroidered initials R.D. He recalled how he'd seen his sister Marie working on it for days, before she presented it to Rene Desoto.
He felt confused, so he carefully tucked the handkerchief in his waistcoat. With effort he calmed his thoughts, deciding he would talk to Rene before jumping to any wrong conclusion, surely there had to be a reasonable explanation. Then he went back to where his men had halted the horses, and found Brisbane's horse had lost a shoe, and was limping badly. He knew he must make a decision, because the horse was unable to carry a rider. Should he destroy the animal and have two men ride together or send one of the men back with Brisbane and the lame horse? Before he was able to make a choice, fate stepped in. While Brisbane was trying to examine the horse's leg, the animal reared up striking him on the arm and breaking it. After they'd done what they could for him, the Lieutenant decided to send Marcel one of the other men to take Brisbane and the horse back. Brisbane tried to convince the Lieutenant he could return alone, but the lieutenant firmly told him no. After they departed he and Dupree continued their journey.
Through the hot afternoon Tuso and Rene only stopped briefly giving the animals a short rest. About dusk they came upon a small lake and decided it would be good time to rest both themselves and the horses, and grab a bite to eat before starting out again.
Certain they'd been careful, and not having seen any sign of being followed they decide it was safe enough to make a small fire. The night was quickly descending on them, as the Lieutenant and his man Dupree continued to follow. When the Lieutenant glimpsed what appeared to be the glow of a campfire, he halted his horse and informed Dupree they would take a brief rest. He told Dupree to make a fire and prepare something for them to eat, while he took a quick ride ahead to check out the area. The young Lieutenant headed for the campfire he thought he saw. When he'd approached within a hundred feet or so, he dismounted. He tied his horse to a tree and he proceeded on foot. Unsure what was up ahead the Lieutenant quietly made his way through the trees. The Lieutenants mind kept trying to understand how Rene's handkerchief was out there, he began to wonder if perhaps Rene had been taken captive.
After Tuso helped Rene off his mount he prepared a fire, while Rene sat nearby resting. Without a word Tuso filled a cup with water and offered it to each horse, then from his saddlebag he brought out a small sack, that held cheese, bread, and a flask of wine and offered it to Rene. He could tell the trip was exacting a great deal on Rene, and his shoulder had started bleeding again. "Rene, why do you not grab a few minutes of sleep, I will keep watch." Rene wanted to refuse, but he knew he was almost at the end of his strength. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on. He decided he'd just closed his eyes for a moment, when he heard the snap of a twig. Realizing someone must be near he grabbed his pistol, then he heard a voice he was familiar with. "Rene, it's Louis, I'm unarmed," came a man's voice. Then the figure walked into the clearing where Tuso and Rene had made their camp. Tuso looked at the Lieutenant's uniform, then to Rene unsure exactly what to do.
"Louis, what are you doing here?" A very surprised Rene asked.
"I might ask you the same thing." Rene almost too tired to even pretend not to know why Louis was there.
"Maximilian sent you to search for anyone heading for the King.
"Oui" The Lieutenant answered.
"Why you Rene," he asked incredulous. With a sigh Rene answered.
"You know what sort of man Maximilian is, how he has destroyed the very people he is suppose to take care of. He has taxed until there is nothing left. He has destroyed even hope, until now. Although you are young I'm sure your parent's and the other elders remember how it was when Maximilian's brother Charles ruled. Maximilian killed his own brother and his brother's entire family. You ask me why I am here, it is to get to the King with proof that the real heir to the throne is alive. With this proof Jon Rene will take back what is rightfully his, unless you try to stop me. If that is the case one of us would surely die. If it happens to be me at your hand you will then have to get past Tuso," Rene turned and looked toward Tuso. "But before you make your decision will you allow me to show the proof that I carry?" The lieutenant's expression was one of bewilderment. "You speak of death between us, as if it were something I could do. We've been friends for several years you are betrothed to my sister, and you act as though this is of no consequence."
"Please sit Louis, we should talk about this matter at length but we have not the time. You know of Maximilian's abuse of his people and the rumors of how he had obtained his title. Then he informed Louis that besides Francois Jonell a true loyalist, there where many people who believed the story that Maximilian killed to obtain the title." Rene then brought out the proof of Jon Rene's birth and gave the document to Louis. Louis was silent for a minute, looking from Rene to Tuso. "Rene, do you swear this is the truth?"
"I swear to you that I have spoken the truth. Louis then asked "what can I do to help?" Rene let out a deep sigh, turning toward Tuso, "You may put up your weapon." When Louis turned, he saw Rene hadn't been kidding about weapon aimed at him. "Fear not it was only a precaution in case you decided to try and stop us from getting to the King." When the three men suddenly heard someone approaching, Rene's expression turned angry. Confused and bewildered Louis spoke up immediately, "I swear Rene I brought no one with me." Then it occurred to him it might be his man Dupree. "Rene please I think it may be Dupree, he must have followed me." Rene put his finger to his lips signaling for Tuso to circle around and see who was approaching. Rene told Louis to sit still and pretend they were unaware of his approach, as they waited for the intruder who they presumed was Louis's man. Before stepping out from the trees, Dupree cleared his throat loudly, and then called out.
"Lieutenant Correlli, it's Dupree, I'm unarmed may I approach?", "Tell him to come ahead," Rene told Louis. Louis waved Dupree forward, when Dupree stepped from the trees he bowed slightly to the Lieutenant. Then faced Rene, "Monsieur Desoto, I am the nephew of Gilbare Merelot. He sent me with the Lieutenants men, to make sure you were not stopped." Dupree turned to the Lieutenant, "Sir, having heard your decision before coming forward, more than ever, it is my honor to serve under you." Confusion covered the Louis's face, "Dupree I don't understand."
"Allow me to explain, Sir, there are many hidden in the ranks of Maximilian's army, just waiting for the day someone would challenge his authority. They want nothing more than to save the people he keeps in poverty, while he steals their land. My uncle has known for years that the real heir was alive, through his friendship with Francois Jonell. So we have waited for the right time to challenge Maximilian. But now that there is proof we need not wait any longer, we will most certainly succeed." Each having declared their loyalty to Jon Rene knew how important it was to move quickly in case Maximilian decided to send others.
Rene removed the papers from his coat along with a note to his uncle Marso Del'Aqua, who was a barrister and friendly with the King. He held the papers in his hand, "Louis, I'm not sure if I will make the whole trip, if not you must see to it the King receives this." Before Louis is able to refuse, Rene stopped him. "No matter who of us falls the others will continue, so say you all?" After they'd each sworn an oath, they headed for France.

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