Chapter 11

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   Chapter 11

While Joan stood waiting for Jon Rene's return, she tried not to think about what happened, and to calm down. She was suddenly startled by the sound of a man's voice behind her. "Well what do we have here?" She almost fainted when she realized he was talking to her. She wasn't sure if she should turn around, but quickly realized it would be suspicious if she didn't. With a forced smile she turned toward the voice. There before her dressed as a knight, stood a man with an undeniable resemblance to Jon Rene. For a moment she was speechless. He'd asked her something and expected an answer. Her mind was racing trying to remember what he'd said. It was something about a fairy. At the moment she felt too nervous to answer so she nodded. He proceeded to tell her she was the most enchanting fairy he'd ever seen, while leering at her. She couldn't help but notice all the while he talked, he seemed to be paying special attention to the way her breast threatened to spill out of her dress. Finally she felt able to speak, "thank you kind Sir, but I happen to be a forest nymph." She added.
Having seen women offer gentlemen their hand, she prayed and offered her hand to be kissed. "Mademoiselle, you are quite the fetching nymph." He said, as his eyes crawled all over her. "Thank you kind Sir," She said in a feeble attempt at acting coy.
"Allow me to present myself, I'm your host Jarred Von Blue, and you are?" Her mind raced, trying to remember what name Simone said to use. Unable to remember she grabbed at the first thing that popped into her head, with a small curtsey, "I am Mademoiselle Marie Renoir." She said crossing her fingers. Out of the corner of her eye she could see saw Jon Rene approaching. Even masked she could see he did not look happy.
As soon as Jon Rene was close enough she grabbed his arm, with a look she prayed he would understand and go along with, "Oh Charles look who I've met, our host, his Lordship Jarred Von Blue." She then turned back to Jarred "your Lordship, please allow me to present my brother Charles Renoir." She could feel Jon Rene's arm tighten, as his eyes bored holes through her. Apparently he'd understood their situation, and being left with no other choice, he inclined his head. When he spoke his voice was tinged with sarcasm "your Lordship, she could only hope it went unnoticed. It was then Jon Rene noticed the family resemblance, if the circumstances had been different, he probably would have enjoyed their meeting.
"As I am not the official Lord yet you may call me Jarred." He said in a manner that gave her the chills. Jon Rene then thrust a glass at her. "Here sister dear, the wine you requested." His voice filled with controlled anger. She could tell from his look, she'd be in trouble when this was over. She also noticed that Jon Rene was very aware of the way Jarred kept looking at her. She had a feeling he was going to ask her to dance from the way he kept ogling her. "Well my forest nymph, as I've never danced with a woodland creature before I feel it is time." In a tone that sounded more like a command, without waiting for her reply he took her hand and led her toward the dance floor. Her eye's pleaded with Jon Rene not to do anything, as she was led away. Jon Rene watched her walk away, as he reminded himself why he was there. Then from behind him came Francois stern voice.
"Jon, put your mind on what you're here for, it is but a dance. Jarred can do nothing in public, so for the time being she is safe. You on the other hand are not helping matters by staring daggers at him. Now pay attention, Simone and I have checked around, everything seems to be the same. The only problem now is to find a way to get upstairs to the bedrooms without being seen." While Francois lectured Jon Rene he noticed a young woman who seemed very upset, continuing to observe her, he noticed she seemed to take exception to Jarred dancing with Joan. The young woman was apparently jealous, and felt threatened by Joan. Francois thought they could use this to their advantage. "Jon, you must strike up an acquaintance with the girl behind us in the blue dress." Keeping his eyes on Joan and Jarred, Jon Rene asked.
"Do not try my patience," Francois said sternly. "There is no time to explain every move. Now go and talk to the girl." If Jon Rene knew anything it was not to question Francois when he used that tone of voice. So doing as he was told he turned and smiled, he then casually walked over to the girl. While Francois watched Joan on the floor dancing, an idea came to him. Standing off on the sideline, he waited. With as much finesse as a bull in a china shop Jarred tried every way possible to accidentally touch her, at the same time making lewd remarks. When the music stopped Francois moved quickly to intercept them.
"Niece I believe this is our dance." Francois said. She could tell from the look on Jared's face, he was not happy. "Forgive me uncle, I'd forgotten about our dance." She turned to Jarred, who was annoyed.
"Jarred, please forgive me, this is my uncle Jacque, I promised to dance with him."
"Then I'll come right back to you, if you wish?" This momentarily seemed to satisfy him. So begrudgingly he moved aside while Francois led her onto the dance floor. "Francois, what's the problem?" She knew it had to be important for this approach. He hedged for a moment before speaking.
"Joan, it is not easy for me to ask this of you, but there seems to be no other alternative." Now she really was intrigued. "What is it?" She asked. "Time is growing short and I've not been able to figure out how to get upstairs without it looking suspicious." When he spoke he was unable to look her directly in the eye, as he told her of his plan. "If you would pretend to be taken with Jarred, you could ask him to show you around the castle, where you might get upstairs. Hopefully, once you're there you could search the mantle."
"I know I have no right to ask this of you, but rumor has it, Jarred seeks to bed every woman he encounters. If this is true it should not be hard to get upstairs." Francois explained.
"Francois, you have every right to ask this of me.
Remember I'm the one who told you I wanted to do whatever I could to help. Besides with Jared's conceit I'm sure this would have been his plan even without your suggesting it." Francois once again asked if she was sure, "Yes I'm sure." She told him. He squeezed her hand.
"Then it is agreed." He said.
"Joan, before the dance is over reach into my cuff you will find a small dagger. Conceal it on your person and if you find the need, use it." Taking the small dagger she hid it in the secret pocket of her gown. Then Francois led her back to Jarred. Francois bowed, "thank you niece," then he walked away. Simone was off to the side talking to some heavy set woman, when Francois interrupted them. They excused themselves, and he informed Simone off his plan. After Jon Rene had approached the young woman Francois suggested, he found her upset as Francois had thought.
"Mademoiselle" He said with a bow.
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Charles Renoir" using the name Joan had given him. "Please forgive my boldness my lady, but you seem upset. Such a lovely young woman should not fret, is there anyway I can help?" It would have been apparent to a blind person, that the young woman was not accustomed to such gallantry.
She forgot momentarily of her irritation with Jarred, jumping at the chance to be seen with a handsome man. Jon Rene's appraisal, of the young woman, was she was from wealth by the clothes she wore. Yet even with all her finery, her thinness and dull eyes were not improved. And when she smiled her teeth seemed big for her mouth. He quickly understood why she worried about other women. With a feeble attempt at coquettishness, she fluttered her eyes at him and curtsied. "My name is Brigitte D'Longette," then she immediately clamped onto his arm, like a dog with a bone. Without encouragement or hesitation she talked incessantly about any inane thought that popped into her head. Jon Rene did his best to act interested, at the same time he tried to grab glimpses of Joan and Jarred. When he felt he couldn't bare her constant chatter any longer, he decided to ask her to dance in hopes of getting respite from her talking.
"May I have this dance Mademoiselle Brigitte?" He asked. Jon Rene looked around the dance floor for Joan, as he danced with Mademoiselle Brigitte. As Joan danced with Jarred, she tried to think of a plan that would get her upstairs to the bedrooms where she'd be able to search. Her mind was working feverishly on a plan, when she got her first look at Jon Rene and the young woman with whom he was dancing. As she watched she had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. Either the woman kept stepping on his feet, or the hem of her dress, which was understandable, because from its appearance it was too big.
If that wasn't bad enough she also seemed quite chatty, her continual talking must have been driving Jon Rene crazy, the thought made her smile. When she caught Jon Rene's eye, she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes in his direction, only to get a murderous look back. Then she turned back to Jarred who'd just asked her a question, she hadn't quite heard.
The thought then crossed Joan's mind, now was as good a time as any to put her plan into action. Taking into account his considerable conceit, she started by stroking his ego.
"Your Lordship," then with a nauseating "oh, I meant, Jarred. I've never been with such a handsome and interesting man before. I hope you don't think me just a silly woman, but the history of the Von Blue dynasty sounds so interesting, is there a way to persuade you to tell me more? Or even better, would it be possibly for you to show me around the castle?" Swallowing hard to keep from choking on her words, she couldn't help but think how nauseatingly easy it had been to play up to such a conceited buffoon, especially when she asked for a private tour of the Chateau. He almost fell over himself taking the bait. First he suggested they have another glass of wine, and then he'd be happy to show her whatever she wanted.
Once they left the dance floor he waved over one of the servants who'd been circulating with a tray of wine, he handed her a glass of wine, then proceeded to lead her around the Chateau. He showed her several rooms on the main floor taking great pride in telling her how Maximilian had spared no expense in furnishing it with the very best. This seemed to be getting her nowhere fast, she thought. So she asked what was upstairs. "Sleeping quarters," He said, looking at her shrewdly. Joan lowered her eyes, as though the very mention of sleeping quarters embarrassed her. Her act seemed to go quite well, because his attitude became that of a predator stalking its prey. He was almost salivating at the prospect of showing her upstairs.
"I'd be happy to show you the upstairs," He said as his eyes roamed over her body.
"Jarred do you think it proper?" She replied looking away.
"But of course my dear, no one even has to know."
"Well if you're sure it's alright," She said. Climbing the stairs her mind was racing trying to plan her next move. She thought about the layout Francois had made for them, and knew she'd have to find a way into Catherine's bedroom. Working their way down the hall, they arrived at the room she felt was the one Francois described. When Jarred open the door enough to take a peek inside she made her move.
"Jarred do you think we could go in and take a better look around?" Joan asked batting her eyes. He took the bait.
The room had a large canopy bed, desk, dressing table, mirror and several chairs, and what she wanted to look at most, the ornately carved mantle over the fireplace.
"This room is beautiful, whose room is it?" She asked.
"It belongs to my mother." He said while caressing his chin.
"I feel a little wicked being in here with such a handsome man." She said, pretending to be embarrassed. As she expected he moved closer, then reached out and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him, then his mouth bruised her lips as he forced his tongue into her mouth. Without tact or tenderness his mouth trailed down to her breast, his hands grabbed at her breast and started to pull down her gown. With effort she struggled to push him away.
"Jarred, please stop," angrily he flared up, "what game is this you play?" He demanded.
"I'm not playing a game I've just never been with a man before." The very mention of his being able to bed a virgin, was like giving catnip to a cat, but only slightly slowed him down.
"I didn't say I didn't want to be made love to. I only want you to be patient, I'm feeling embarrassed. It would help if you'd leave me alone so I could undress. Then I can wait for you in bed." She said. The thought of acting the gallant suitor intrigued him. So he agreed to leave long enough for her to undress, then when she was ready she'd call him back. The minute he was out the door she went to the mantle. Desperately she started her search, touching and pushing everywhere. She knew time was fleeting, and he'd soon start to wonder what was taking her so long. When she finally found the hidden compartment it opened easily, reaching inside she found the hidden box, and quickly took it out and opened it. Her hands trembled slightly when she held the papers, for a second she stood holding the precious document in her hands. Knowing after all these years, she now held the proof of Jon Rene's birth. Hastily she slipped the paper into her pocket, while placing a letter she'd written to Jon Rene back into the box and returning it to the mantle. Just in case Simone's words proved to be true about her leaving.
In her letter, she told him how much she loved him, and that she always would. But most of all she wanted him to know she'd not left willingly. With all her heart she wanted him to fulfill his destiny as Lord of Bonneville. She'd just put the box back and closed the compartment when she heard Jarred voice behind her. When she turned she could see the anger in his face.
"What game is this you play, why are you not undressed?" He asked angrily.
"I'm sorry Jarred, I've changed my mind"
"So you've changed your mind, I think not" he said sarcastically while he started removing his tunic and letting it drop to the floor. Slowly and deliberately he stepped over the garment advancing toward her. She could feel her panic grow, but realized if she stood any chance of getting away, she'd have to stay calm. She quickly looked behind her, at the same time she backed up as she tried to reach the door. "Jarred please, this has been a terrible misunderstanding." It was evident from his behavior her words had fallen on deaf ears, for he continued to disrobe while getting closer. She continued her retreat, with Jarred blocking her every move. She knew she only had one chance to make it to the door, so when he lifted his shirt up over his head, she made her move. She'd almost made it before she felt him grab her ankle, and knocking her to the floor. Caught in his firm grip, he pounced on her. As she struggled to break free, he started pulling down her dress.
She continued struggling and trying to crawl away, but he kept pulling her back while pulling down her undergarment. Using all her strength she managed to turn over. Now that she was facing him, she started scratching and kicking, hoping to free herself. When luckily she managed to do exactly that, and temporally knocked him off her. She scrambled to her feet and almost got away, when he caught her arm. Frantically she started to kick, and slightly got him in the groin which only infuriated him more. His face contorted with rage, "When I'm finished with you, you'll never be able to play games again," he said in a venomous tone. She continued to struggle against his grasp, when he hit her so hard she slid to the floor. She lay there in a crumpled heap, unable to focus or call out. She could feel him pulling down her clothes but she no longer had the strength to fight him off.
Then from far off, she heard yelling and a loud crashing sound, suddenly she no longer felt his weight on her. She desperately tried to open her eyes, as she finally realized her prayers had been answered as Jon Rene lifted her off the floor and placed her on the bed. He was wiping blood from her mouth when things came into focus. When Joan sat up she saw Jarred lying on the floor unconscious. "Are you all right?" Jon asked in a voice filled with emotion, she could see how worried he was by the look in his eyes. At first she couldn't speak, she just nodded and laid her head against his chest while she tried to keep from crying. He gently brushed the hair from her face, and lifted her chin. "We must get downstairs before Jarred wakes." He said tenderly. She nodded, knowing this all would have been for nothing, if she didn't stay in control. She took a deep breath, "I'll be fine." He smiled warmly and told her to get ready while he checked the hall to see if it was safe. While she quickly tidied herself, he checked the hall. "Are you ready?" He asked as she shakily approached. "As ready as I'll ever be." She answered trying to sound positive. Now they could only pray no one would notice her swollen face or the ripped dress, they left the room. They were halfway down the stairs when Jarred came too. When Jarred realized what happened he ran out the door toward the landing, forgetting he was half dressed, and screaming for someone to stop them. Within a minute a group of guards charged up the stairs after them, pushing Joan aside Jon Rene drew his sword. Joan's screams brought Francois charging to Jon Rene's side. While the two of them fought off the guards, Simone ran up the stairs and grabbed Joan by the arm and began pulling her down the stairs, causing Joan to remember her dream. More of Maximilian's men rushed to where Jon Rene and Francois fought. Once Simone and Joan left the stairs they stood off to the side and watched unsure what to do. Then they heard the sound of breaking glass and the crash of furniture being thrown. Women were screaming, men shouting, the revolt they'd read about had just started. Joan felt like she was watching some old western movie and was waiting for the cavalry to arrive. People began throwing things through the windows, and forcing their way into the Chateau through whatever means they could find, fighting had broken out all over. Unsure which way to turn, Simone held tight to Joan and watched. From out of the chaos a man dressed as a jester approached and spoke, startling them.
When he removed his mask Simone recognized him as Gilbare Merlot, Francois friend who'd gotten them the fake invitations. "Simone." He said calling her by name. "Francois told me of your plan. He said if anything goes wrong I was to make sure you and Joan get safely away." Gilbare shook his head slightly, as he spoke aloud "I still cannot understand how he knew this would happen?"
He quickly assured Simone and Joan of his loyalties to Jon Rene. And there were many others who would do everything in their power to help Jon Rene reclaim what had been stolen from him. "Now for your safety, you must leave," he told them. Gilbert then motioned to another man whom he called Rene Desoto, a friend who'd see to it they'd get out of the castle. Gilbare then instructed Rene to take them to the Boar's head Inn, as for Francois orders. This done, Gilbare told them he and his men would stay to help Jon Rene and Francois stave off Maximilian's men. With Rene's urging the women were led out to the carriage where Tuso waited to drive them to the Inn. Rene told Tuso to drive as fast as he could, then he bid them good luck before returning to the castle. Tuso, drove like the devil himself was after them. Once they arrived at the Inn they entered by the back entrance, going immediately to their previous rooms where they paced and waited. After what seemed like an eternity Simone suggested they change their clothes, and make preparations in case they needed to travel in a hurry. When Simone opened her valise, Joan saw her Kelvin Cline outfit. Baffled she looked at Simone and asked why. Simone confessed she hadn't mentioned it before, but when she'd had her dream about the ball, she also dreamed Joan would need the clothes she'd arrived in, so she packed them.
"Remember how we all thought you a boy when you wore them?"
"Please don't remind me." She said.
With nothing else to do but wait they continued to pace, the hours seemed to drag by. Joan was sure she'd have a nervous breakdown if she didn't hear something soon. Finally after several hours they heard a knock at the door, when Joan rushed to open the door Simone stopped her. She put her finger to her lips, and shook her head. Then the knock came again. "It is I, Rene," came the voice. This time Simone nodded. Relieved, Joan opened the door and found Rene leaning against the wall on the verge of collapsing. She immediately helped him to a chair. Simone was the first one to notice there was blood on his shirt.
"Joan, help me Rene is wounded" she said urgently then they set about dressing his wound as best they could, when they'd finished they could wait no longer to question him.
"Rene, please tell us what has been happening?" Simone asked him.
"They continue to fight with great effort," Rene told them. Then he told them everything he knew about the battle. How Jon Rene and Francois, along with Gilbare and his men, had commandeer several rooms in the Chateau where they fought from. They'd also captured Michelin Pierot one of the leaders of the town's people. They'd been able to explain how Maximilian had killed his own brother in order to steal the title, and that they now had proof that Jon Rene was the son of William Von Blue and the rightful heir. They'd even convinced him to help them to get the proof to the King. Once convinced Michelin left to inform the town's people and enlist their help for Jon Rene." Rene's voice was disheartened when he told them "they fight bravely but are no match for Maximilian's armed men, but they are determined to hold off as long as possible. They sent me here to get the proof and take it to the King, then hopefully return with help before all is lost."
Joan's fear made her words sound angry, "how do you expect to get to the King? I'm still trying to figure out how you made it here in your condition? You've lost a great deal of blood, you're exhausted, and you intend to ride nonstop for days, to seek an audience with the King, and get back before Jon Rene and the others are killed?"
"Joan, do you question Rene's loyalty?" Simone asked, surprised at Joan's words.
"I'm sorry, I do not mean to sound harsh" she said, trying to soften her tone.
"Nor am I questioning Rene's loyalty, only his physical stamina." Her voice softened but still resounded with fear.
Her mind was reeling with worry for Jon Rene, she tried to think but her thoughts kept getting jumbled. She didn't want to believe they'd come so far, and then might lose not only the title for Jon Rene, but possibly his life. When the thought occurred to her, she ran from the room, downstairs out the back to where Tuso was with the carriage. She grabbed him by the hand, "come with me." She demanded. Climbing the stairs two at a time they burst into the room.
She turned to Tuso, "Do you remember telling us you would do anything to help?" She asked him. "Oui," he said shaking his head.
"Well the lives of Jon Rene, Francois and the others will depend on you. Do you still wish to help?"
"Yes, my lady I would give my life."
"Lets us hope it does not come to that." She told him. They quickly told Tuso what was expected of him, he was to accompany Rene, but if Rene where unable to finish the trip he would have to go on alone. Rene understood the reason for sending the lad with him. He also realized Maximilian might have an idea that something like this would happen and send riders to prevent their reaching the King. Rene told Simone that Francois wanted her to make a wax impression of the ring she wore, belonging to him, so the King would know it was from him. Then Rene instructed Tuso, "If I tell you to leave, you are to do so. You do not try to help me, you are to get to the King at any cost do you understand?" Tuso nodded in agreement. Then they left while Simone and Joan prayed. The hours ticked by with neither of them able to sleep. Some hours later they heard the sound of men talking from the street below their window. With caution they approached the window while standing off to the side, to make sure they weren't seen. There was no mistaking the uniformed men of Maximilian guards.
By now they assumed they were probably searching for the women who'd been with Jon Rene and Francois. "Hurry Joan," Simone told her as she handed her the clothes she'd brought. This must be why she had a dream about them, she thought. Joan took the clothes, "Simone if your dream was for me to wear these clothes what will you do?" Simone smiled then reached into the bag and pulled out a similar outfit.
"I thought if there was a reason for you to look like a boy, maybe I should do the same." So the two women changed clothes as quickly as possible and shoved any trace of their presence into the valise. They quietly left the room tiptoeing down the back stairs. As they were about to sneak out the door they heard voices, quickly they ducked back into the shadowy hallway. Silently they stood and listened to the Innkeeper complaining to the guards for waking him. The guards questioned him about any women guest, it was then the Innkeeper told of their presence in the room upstairs. When the guards started up the stairs Joan and Simone made their way out the back door. Once outside they ran as fast as they could deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to take the carriage incase it were stopped. In a quick sprint they reached the wooded area behind the Inn and took refuge in a small shallow ravine with a heavy growth of underbrush hoping to throw off anyone who might follow. They waited hidden for what seemed like hours. Finally, when they felt it was safe enough to come out, they walked deep into the woods. Carefully, they found a spot and hid their valise, being sure to cover it with leaves and branches. They felt hopeful their plan would work. Especially since the guards would be looking for two women, and not two young men, and a portly one at that. As Simone stuffed her pants with things of importance, that also made her look rather chubby. After this was done they started for Bonneville, not knowing what they would do once they got there. But there was where they were going.

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