Strip Down and Strap In

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She put that aside for the moment. If she was going to get caught it would be because she had made a genuine mistake or was truly unlucky – and she'd tried to engineer luck out of the equation. At least, luck outside of known parameters.

    She went to a table that was set up beside a clothing rack. The first thing she did was to get completely undressed, hanging her clothing carefully. The outfit she would be wearing for the next 72 hours was hanging there.

    She looked at it, and then took off the wig she'd been wearing for the last week. Her preparation for this day had been to commit to being bald. Having her head shaved at a salon had been one of the most incredibly sensual things she had ever experienced – it had been something she'd always wanted to try, but her Catholic upbringing had equated short hair with shame and sinfulness.

    Well, it had definitely felt like something a priest would require penance for – but she also knew what penances priests required.

    She ran her hand over her head, and then caressed the rest of her body. Utterly hairless, except for her eyebrows and eyelashes. She got a bottle of Jergen's lotion and slathered herself with it, using more than half of the huge economy bottle. It was partly for the sensation, partially to protect her skin – and partially because it made things both easier and harder.

    She reached for the outfit.

    It was a black lycra-spandex bodysuit. She knew from experience that it would be warm enough. But this one had been carefully modified to leave her breasts and crotch bare. It had built in feet and thick wrist-cuffs made of a yellow silicone compound fused right to the fabric. There were matching bands around her upper arms, thighs and in a wide thick belt around her hips, all with zip-ties threaded through them.

    Thin but strong cables zigzagged from the belt to the chest, neck and groin. The belt was built around a 12-volt lithium-ion battery she had assembled herself.

    The way into was to wiggle in through the open chest, work her arms in, pull the legs up and snug the belt so that it rested on the top of her hips. She really wished she'd thought to set up a video camera, but she watched herself in a full-length mirror, and by her standards, it was erotic as hell.

    She got the legs smoothed and the crotch arranged properly. It was edged with more yellow silicone with moulded in nylon bayonet clasps. She worked her arms into the suit and then performed the hardest maneuver, working the reinforced neck over her head. If she hadn't been bald and slick with lotion, it wouldn't have been possible.

    The opening she had struggled through now framed her large, teardrop-shaped breasts, pulling them together by virtue of the strong elastic cord sewn into it. She reached for the next part. It was a bra made of fine strong steel cable that had been abandoned by a tenant.

She'd braided the cable into flat strips, including the insulated copper cables used for the electro stim. It was easily strong enough to hang a car from. The same cable formed the backing of her belt. It had taken her six months of happy planning and procurement to get everything just right. She'd actually been working on this suit long before she'd met Maxine.

    If she didn't count all the time involved, it cost less than one of her good bras. The whole outfit had cost less than two – if she didn't count the third-hand TENS device that was built into the wide back-strap of the bra.

    It was somewhat less comfortable than one of her good bras but that was part of the point, and to her surprise, it wasn't as uncomfortable as some real bras she'd owned.   

    So, this was the point of no return. Once she took the next steps, the suit was not coming off. She could still wiggle out now and put it through the laundry. She'd washed it several times as it was. Once those bayonets with their internal contacts snapped shut, she'd have to cut herself out if she couldn't get to the key.

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