The new kid...

105 7 10

Your PoV

...AARGH! Why can't I get these lyrics right?! I've been like this for 2 days now, and my guitar is gathering dust since I can't play, BECAUSE I CAN'T WRITE LYRICS!!!! I NEED INSPIRATION AND FAST.........


F/N 1: Y/N!!!!!!! Form class is starting in like 2 minutes, we should get going!

Little did Y/N know, she was about to get the biggest inspiration of her life......

Y/N~F/N 1~F/N 2: *chatter* *giggling*


*class falls silent*

T/N: Now, we have 7 new students joining us today. They are all in different classes, but the one joining our class is here right now. His name is Kim Namjoon!

The door of the class swung open, but sadly Y/N didn't notice, as she was too busy doodling in her notebook. He wears a white college varsity jacket, a Nirvana t-shirt and blue Converse Hi's...

T/N: He prefers to be called Namjoon, and- er -some other name by his friends. He is from-

NJ: I'm from South Korea, but as you can see I can speak fluent English. I actually learnt it from watching Friends!

T/N: Oh, alright then! Go and take that seat next to Y/N . She and her friends F/N 1 and F/N 2 will be looking after you while you settle in. We at this fine college take pride in letting students gain inspiration from those closest to them...

As Namjoon sits down next to Y/N, she momentarily looks back and resumes what she was doing, only to look up again and see who just sat down next to her...

Oh. My. Gosh!!!! How cute is this guy?? Am I dreaming right now? I must be, I mean, his hair, his dreamy eyes, and his AMAZING dimples... Wait, you've just seen this guy, GET A GRIP! But his Converses though, I love a good pair of Converses! This guy has such good fashion sense...

F/N 1: Y/N! Y/N! Oh sorry, Namjoon, her name is Y/N. I don't know what's up with her. She's doodling so she practically shuts out the rest of the world...

Namjoon's PoV

WOW, this girl is amazing, I've never seen someone more beautiful in my life...

Oh, well, hi Y/N! I'm Namjoon, obviously, but you and your friends can call me Joonie!

*you and Namjoon smile and blush at each other*

Woah, what's happening to me? I feel so weird...

Your PoV

What's this strange feeling? Oh no! It can't be, I just learnt about this in Chemistry! He must be.....the one...

*Y/N and Namjoon's eyes flash blue, purple, red and pink in a galaxy hombre [you can change the colours if you want ^v^], then they flash a pair of wings with the Converse logo on them [again, you can change this]*

Well, um, did you just- never mind. As F/N 1 said, my name is Y/N.

NJ: What's that you've got there?

Y/N: (embarrassed) *blushes* Oh, um, i-it's my art textbook. Our task throughout the year is to draw, well, ourselves. Then finally....our wings.

NJ: Wings??

Y/N: Yup, it's supposed to be what you draw when a supernatural energy occurs when you find love...

F/N 2: *whispers* I think hers is right there (points to Namjoon)

F/N 1: Awww! They make the perfect pair...

NJ: Well, um, about me! There are 6 others that transferred with me. I say people, but they are really close friends to me; we have been on a journey that no-one could have gone on alone, they really mean a lot to me. We're actually a band! So at the moment, we're trainees with Big Hit Entertainment and-


NJ: Yup, and spoiler alert, we're debuting next week!

Y/N: F/N 1, F/N 2, and I...we HAVE to celebrate! We should invite some others, too! Café at 3 tomorrow?

NJ: It's a date! Uh, I meant, we'll be there! >v<

Y/N: We'll??

NJ: Of coure! I'm bringing the other boys with me! And also, can I have your number? Um, I could drive us there...

Y/N: Uh yeah. Ok, cool! See you tomorrow then!

~To be  continued...~

✔️The perfect note in my song...✔️ {kim namjoon ff}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora