Seven) I Know Something You Don't 。

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Keegan's eyes burned, the fire that took out civilizations with one glance. With his head held high and his hands itching for venom. And that's what made him different from the others. Yes, he's a massive dick but he hasn't backed down from a challenge.

"I'd like to see you do something, Alice," He nipped at my thumb, the Alice in Wonderland reference barely anything compared to the action.

"Hey, Tweedledum, your bite will always be as bad as your bark. No need to try and redeem yourself." Slipping under his arms, he let me go, thankfully.

I speed-walked to my room, forcefully pushing on the door only to have it remain like a brick wall. A soft tap on the shoulder turned me round, a petite ashy blonde man-bun Leighton peering up at me.

"Come to my room instead," he grasped my hand, dragging me along with him. "We can play video games and I'll teach you to how beat Zion 'cus he's shit. But don't tell him I said that 'cus then he'll bend me over." With his very high pitched and excitable tone and quick-ass speaking, all I could actually understand was:

'We can play to beat Zion because he'll bend me over.'

So, I think I'll hope for the best that we aren't going to beat Zion.

I looked behind me while Leighton was dragging me across the room to the fifth door. Peering back into the room in hopes that someone would help me. All I got from Tweedledum was a shrug of his shoulders, while some just smiled and continuing what they were doing.

I need coffee and I don't even like it.

River trailed behind us, his hand interlocking with my free hand. His dull green orbs staring directly at my back, his face void of anything.

Leighton opened the door, dim purple lights changing to dark blue. The whole room was adorned with gaming seats, beanbags and Tv's that had been hooked up to hard drives. Mini game arcades and little teardrop lights hanging from the ceiling. Leighton didn't seem to be the cleanest person but the whole room was spotless.

Leighton let go of my hand, running to a large circular bed. "It's a water bed," he giggled, doing some weird dance moves, "Jiggle, jiggle. See, I'm good at this."

River simply sat on one of the black bean bags, curling up like a cat. Leighton got down, small pants coming off him as he ran across the room.

"Okay, I have these, pick." Leighton demanded, throwing all the games on the floor. A literal pool of them flowing at my feet.

If he's allowed so many games, what other over-priced shit do they have?

After picking a game, which was an animal based for the silent River, Leighton set up the game before explaining it all.

The game was set to easy but it was as hard as hell, Leighton had smuggled the animals out all by himself while River relaxed on the bed.

How hard can an animal game be? Like these animals better have been dipped in animal glitter or something.

Feet gently padded against the floor, Rivers small frame sitting next to me. Still not looking my way, or any other way for that matter.

"River-" He pressed the side of his head to my thighs, his arms draped across his face. His breath slowed into small, even breathes.

"He loves animals, hates creepy-crawling thingys," Leighton shivered, a grimace on his face, "I hate them cause some just have too many legs."

"I used to be scared they'd crawl into my mouth at night." I pitched in, a tiger on the screen had bitten my arm off. Leighton can do the rest.

"I was too," he turned towards me, inching closer. "Your American like me and Zero, from Cali?"

Leighton's from America? He doesn't have that much of any accent, a mix of a few.

"Yep, California, born an raised."

"On a playground is where I spent most of my days," Leighton put his hand to his chest, pretending to hold an award in his other. "Thank you, thank you! No need for a round of applause. I know what you're thinking 'What a cool dude, such a D-master'." Multiple kisses and bows sent my way.

It's crazy how some stuck in a hellhole can make seem like their actually in heaven. Knowing that once your at your worst, the only thing that can collapse is yourself. But Leighton is extraordinary, he'll grin and bare it all.

But doesn't he want to leave?

"Leighton, would you like to play a new game with me?"

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