Chapter 7 : Dogs Are Humans?

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~Naruto P.O.V.~

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I left my room quietly, trying not to wake my sleeping dogs, before making my way to the door. I unlocked it before swinging it open and I was greeted by the sight of an angry Tsunade.

I resisted the urge to slam the door shut to avoid being on the receiving end of her anger and allowed her to come inside.

"So, granny! Any reason you've come to my apartment nearly knocking my door down?" I ask in amusement. She turns to me and puts on a serious face.

"I have something important I needed to ask you and you have to answer truthfully. Have you seen three dogs with odd fur colors that seem to understand what you're saying?" She asks and I nod immediately. She sighs in relief. "Thank god. Where are they?" I point to my bedroom and we head towards my room.

On the bed, the dogs are still asleep, curled up and sleeping contentedly. Tsunade giggles slightly before clapping her hands together loudly, waking the dogs up. They spot her and immediately began to race over to her.

She gives them a look and they all settle down before she pulls out a bottle of clear liquid. The dogs perk up at it and Tsunade nods. "Yep, it's the antidote." I look at her in confusion.

She looks at me before shaking her head and leaving the room, coming back with a plate. She placed the plate on the floor before pouring the contents of the bottle onto it.

The dogs began to lap it up before smoke surrounded them and in their place were my teammates and sensei. They had relieved looks on their faces but when they looked at me they gave me apologetic looks.

I stood frozen, not moving a muscle. I was internally panicking. Tsunade saw this and began to explain. "They were worried about you so I invented a foolproof henge that they could use to find out what was up with you. I was angry because they went missing after the first day and nobody had seen them so I went to you and we'll, that's what happened," She rushed out. Everyone was silent before I burst out laughing.

They jumped, clearly startled at my reaction. I managed to get a few words out between my laughs. "You guys were dogs." I don't know why I was laughing so hard but this whole situation had me emotionally constipated.

I calmed down before smiling sheepishly at my gobsmacked team. "So, you don't hate me for keeping stuff from you?"

They looked at each other before speaking in unison. "No, we don't."

I nodded, a relieved smile on my face. "Good, because I think the guys at The Place grew attacked to you and I would love for you to join me next time I go."

They smiled before we huddled together in a messy group hug. We stayed that way for a long time.


A.N. So, I'm stuck in how to finish this so I'm ending it here. Don't know how good this is but I hope you enjoy. If anyone wants to write a story similar to this I won't stop you, take any inspiration you want.

- LightningWolfYT

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