Chapter 4 : Investigating

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~Kakashi P.O.V.~

The sound of shuffling wakes us up. I look over at Sasuke and Sakura. They look confused and I remember they weren't awake yesterday. This turning into dogs thing must have tired them out. I fill them in on everything they missed.

"Alright you three," Naruto calls. "Come get some breakfast. I'm heading out again for a while. Don't break anything while I'm gone."

We head out to the kitchen just in time to see Naruto putting his coat on and grabbing his keys. He turns to us and smiles. "Bye!" And he's gone.

We head to the bowls of food he left for us and dig in. I finish first and start informing the other two on what we're going to do today. "OK. We need to look around Naruto's apartment for anything that can tell us about this Shoto guy or this place they go to." They finish eating and nod. "Alright. Start searching!"

~Time Skip~

Its been about 30 minutes and we still haven't found anything. I look at his bedside table and see a photograph that's been placed face down. Using my snout I flip it upwards and call the other two over. "Guys, I think I found something." They run over and we take a good look at the photo.

Naruto, Shoto and some other boys are in the front of the picture and behind them is a small shed with graffiti all over it. The boys were holding spray cans and most of them were grinning like maniacs. This must be the place they were talking about.

The front door starts to open so I carefully place the photo back to the way it was and crawl onto the bed, feigning sleep. The other two copy my movements. The door to the bedroom is pushed open fully and I hear footsteps making their way over to the bed and I feel a blanket being pulled over me.

"Sleep well you three. We have a big day tomorrow," his soft voice reaches my ears. "You're gonna need to be well rested for the craziness happening tomorrow evening."

I drift off to sleep once again.

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