Chapter 29

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As I had guessed, Sara made her way into our spacious room wearing a smile around three in the afternoon.

Zeke and I had already finished lunch and were sitting in our room watching TV. Or... we had the TV on, but we were deep into our own conversation that we neglected the show and left it as background noise.

We were laughing when Sara decided to walk in. She had informed us that it was time to get ready and the celebration was going to start at four-thirty.

She moved aside from the door to let Eve, Mark, Lea, and Iris in. With a bow, they all entered the room and waited patiently as Sara informed Zeke and I that he was going to be in another room.

I frowned at that, but Zeke reassured me he would be back.

Although we had been together all day, I was still sad to have him leave me if even for a minute.

After Zeke left, Sara also informed me that the color theme was black and maroon. I had to strip, with the exception of my boxers, and they put the clothes on for me. It felt so odd to have someone do everything for me.

After almost forty minutes of fixing, adjusting, and tidying up, they stood back and admired their art. They all had a smile plastered on their face as they watched me with interest.

Finally, Sara told me about the hair stylist that had to come and then I would finally be done. With a nod in acknowledgment from me, she excused herself to call the stylist.

I thanked Mark, Eve, Lea, and Iris for their work. They bowed to me with respect saying it was only their job.

After a minute, Sara walked back in with the hair stylist who instantly bowed at the sight of me. Sara bowed as well and excused herself and the rest of them left, leaving only me and the hair stylist.

"Hello, my name is Vena. I am going to be your hair stylist for forever!" she jokes happily, a large smile on her face. I took in her appearance and her glowing aura. Her light brown hair sat just a little bit longer than her shoulders and her light brown eyes matched her hair. She was a pale color, and after listening for a heartbeat, instantly knew why. Vena had pretty features and sharp edges, and her little bubble of happiness added to that.

I instantly smile at her enthusiasm and eccentric personality. "Hello," I reply with a light laugh. "It would seem so."

She nods. "Would you mind sitting over there for me?" she asks politely. I look over to where she's pointing behind me and see a drawer with a wide and tall mirror that was almost exactly like the one's barbers use, although it looks more expensive.

"I don't mind at all," I say and take a seat on the chair after she held out her hand, silently telling me to sit.

"Any idea on how you want to style it?"

I think for a moment but end up shaking my head. "None. I'll leave it in your hands. I'm sure it will come out better than I could ever imagine it," I encourage with a smile.

She seems to beam at my praise, and with a nod, gets to work. Her bright smile dims into a line of concentration. She cut the sides of my hair carefully with a razor as she moved in every angle. Her eyes squint as she tugs on my hair, snips a few areas, adds a minimal amount of gel, and brushes it out every so often.

"Well, honestly, I didn't have to do much," she says, a small smile on her lips.

"Must be the genes," I reply while looking at my hair in the mirror.

She had moved it more to the side it naturally went to and added some gel to make sure it stayed in place, but not enough to make it seem like there was anything added to it.

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