Chapter 3

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My reflection stared back at me showing me my disheveled hair. I wet my hands and push my hair back, combing it to soften it and push it down.

I feel my fangs come out intentionally and I move closer to inspect them. My teeth were a pearl white without the need to actually brush them. They retract showing my normal teeth, still a pearl white.

I check the time: nine-thirty. I rush into my work clothes and quickly make my way outside. I slide into the car confirming I had the essentials before backing out of the driveway and heading to work.


The small house was a welcoming sight to my sore brain.

"Hey, I'm back," I shout into the house, knowing Riyma can hear me.

"Welcome back," she responds from her room.

I drop off my things in my room quickly before heading to the front door again. "I'll be back," I say as I start to pull open the door.

"Hey, wait!" she quickly calls out.

I turn to look at her with dreadful eyes. "If it's your usual warnings - I know. I'm too tired to listen."

"Tired? Are you kidding?" She scoffs. "No, not that. Why do you insist on working?" Riyma questions with her arms crossed in front of her.

In my one hundred and four years of living, I have worked at twenty different jobs, and I have never spent more than two years at a job. I was already a year and a half into my current one.

"What the hell else am I going to do?" Her sudden death stare makes me regret my choice of words. "Sorry," I mumble. "But I mean it, what else am I going to do?"

She squints her eyes. "You have thousands of dollars saved up."

My eyes widen before I say with a shrug, "I don't do it for the money." I can feel her judging eyes burn holes into me. "I'll use my money when the time comes," I mumble and watch as her face falls into one of disbelief.

"Alright," she says with a sigh. "I'm coming with you."

She disappears into her room and comes out dressed in tight shorts and a loose shirt with running shoes. She is preoccupied with tying up her hair, but she throws me a grin.

"Let me change, too," I say and go into my room picking out random clothes. I throw on some navy-blue loose shorts that stop above my knees, a white shirt fitting to my body and whatever shoes I find.

"You look like a nightmare," Riyma comments with a chuckle as I come out.

"Doesn't matter, we're just going and coming back," I roll my eyes at her remark. "Plus they're comfortable, I don't know why you're complaining honestly," I add playfully with a shrug.

"Let's go before I barf just from looking at your outfit."

I scoff at that. "You are so over-dramatic about everything," I complain to her as we walk out of the house and speed into the forest together.

"Wait for me somewhere after you're done, I'll meet you so we can go home together," she says and leaves me before I can even get a chance to ask why.

I ignore the interaction and focus my senses on finding a heartbeat. I turn in the direction of the closest one and my legs move instantly following the sound until I see a deer.

I do not waste and quickly pounce on it, pushing it over, and giving it a quick death before sinking my fangs into its flesh. The blood flows into my mouth, warming me, as it slides down my throat. I draw my fangs out of the deer and lick the blood from my lips and teeth. I mask the bite marks with its fur and quickly realize it was not doing much to cover it, so I flipped it over to its other side and punctured another hole in its body to make it look as though it was shot in case any hunters happen across it.

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