"I'm sick you know. You should feed me." Hamza said playfully . I rolled my eyes. He is so childish.

 "Can i have any option?" I sighed dramatically and he chuckled .

 "Let me see...um......noope!" Hamza. said popping the p. I shook my head in disbelief.

 "You are actually 'sick'" i muttered, Hamza started to laugh. I toola spoonful of soup and blew it to cool.

 "Hey you don't have to blow it. You are cool, it'll get cool eventually." Hamza said sarcastically and started to laugh on his own joke. 

 " you are really getting sick. " i said as I held the spoon in front of his mouth. Hamza looked at it for a while.

 "Listen, honey. I am so hot that the soup became hot again. You should blow it again." Hamza said with a serious tone then we started to laugh .

 "Enough Hamza, eat now!" I scolded him.

 " are you sure i'm not gonna get more sick, after i eat this? " Hamza said pointing at the soup.

 "Really Hamza? I made this for you, ditching my sleep! Fine! You don't have to eat it." I said angrily and was about to put the spoon when he held my wrist .

 "My angry rabbit, clam down. I was just joking." Hamza laughed and I rolled my eyes. Hamza took the spooful of soup and wrinkled his face. 

 " come on Hamza! I know I am a bad cook! Att least be nice! " i scoffed.

"No no no no, it is good, really!" Hamza. said hurriedly.

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes and gave him. more soup.

"No, i really mean...." hamza was cutt of by me.

" Shhh! " i warned.

"I really mean....." HAmza. agai tried.

"I said shh Hamza! Now eat!" I ordered angrily . hamza sighed and ate silently. When he was finished, I wiped his mouth and gave him water, then got up. That's when he pulled me and i was landed on his lap.

"Hey, I was joking. The soup was actually nice."  Hamza whispered on my ear and then placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"Hmm..hmm." I said carelessly .

"So? Amm i forgiven?" Hamza said huskily as he k nuzzled in my shoulder.

"Yeah, you are." I chuckled. Hamza rested his forehead on my shoulder , his breath fanning my back.

 "You should take some rest." I said as I unwrap myself from his arms and got up. Hamza laywd down smiling at me. I can die for that smile. I smiled back and went to wash the dishes. 

As i was putting the bowl onthe dishwasher, it really struck me that, just a while agp, Hamza and I were.jokimg around. And the next moment we were in a spark.moment. I think that's what married life is.

When i went to bedroom, after cleaning dishes, i foud Hamza wiping his face again. He again threw up. I sat beside him and rubbed his back.

"I really did cook that bad!" I chuckled softly . Hamza did as well.

" Think so, don't have any other reason to throw up my content. " Hamza chuckled weakly. I playfully punched his arm.

"You know we still have another reason as well.!" I said playfully . Hamza groan .

"Oh god ,Sabrina! Stop thinking i am pregnant!" Hamza whined. I started to laugh.

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