Chapter 22

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"Sabrina! Hurry up!" Hamza called impatiently as I rolled my eyes.

"We don't have to catch a train. Also I am not feeling well. Can we go tomorrow?" I said hopefully. Hamza gave me a death glare and I sighed.

"Pretty please, Hamza?" I pouted trying hard to convince him.

"Are you coming or not?" Hamza said seriously.

"I don't wanna goo!!!!" I whined.

I promised Hamza that I'll go to shopping with him. First, I hate shopping. Second, He is taking me to buy 'wearable' clothes in house. The second reason makes more sense to me, cause I am not really comfortable wearing those clothes in front of him. But he won't listen to anyone.

"I don't wanna go, Mr Stark!" I said dramatically and Hamza raised his eyebrows in disbelieve.

"What are you, Sabrina? A 3 year old? Save something for our children to show me!" said Hamza as he came to me. As  he stood in front of me, I looked up. On the next second I was in his arms and he was walking to the door.

"Put me down, you clingy man! I'll call my husband!" I warned him.

"I can take down your husband in no time, sweetheart!" said Hamza as he kicked the main door close.

"He will kick your fine ass, then it won't look so nice!" I threatened  and he smirked. 

"You think I have a fine ass?" Smirked Hamza. Shoot! I should not have said that!

"I don't remember saying such things. Put me down, please. We are in public." I said looking at the hallway.

"Um....let me se... A kiss can do just fine!" smirked Hamza. I gave him a death glare.

"You are soo damn annoying." I gritted under my breath and grabbed his jaw harshly. Hamza winced and I  gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"Can you put me down now?" I said giving him a glare. Hamza pouted but did as I told.

We hopped in the car and he started to drive.

"Where are we going?" I said impatiently looking around.

"To buy clothes." said Hamza in a duh tone.

"I know very well. You will go to some expensive shop. Take my advice and let's go to some local shop." I said simply.

"Nope" said Hamza popping the 'p' like a kid.

"What nope? I am not gonna buy home clothes from a high end shop. We are going for a local one or I am not going." I crossed my arms and leaned in the seat with a sound.

"But I want to pamper you!" Hamza tried to reason me cutely. BUt enough of him being cute. First I hate shopping second he is trying to waste money on something useless. I am not getting into his words. I kept silence. I started looking out of the window with a frown. After a while Hamza stopped the car and faced me.

"You are not gonna talk to me unless I change my mind." Hamza sighed. I still didn't look at him.

"Fine! We are not going to that shop! But not the one you chose either." said Hamza. I looked at him.

"Just because they sell cheap clothes doesn't mean that you have to act like a brat!" I snapped.

"Let me finish, woman! It's just too far away from here. I know a place where they sell all kinds of clothes. You'll love it. Trust me." Hamza assured me and I nodded.

"You are such a rich kid." I rolled my eyes.

"No, I am not. I just want the best for you." Hamza chuckled.

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