Chapter 10

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In the night I texted Hamza.

"Hey Thanks for covering up. ^_^' " ~S

"It's okay. You did as well and that's what we should do from now. We are getting married!" ~ H

"Yeah...." ~ S

"Did you pray?" ~H

Let me tell you, I am not a practised Muslim. Sometimes Satan takes over me and I stopped praying. But whenever I get reminded, I do pray.

"Um..No. You?" ~S

"Yeah.I am done. :) " ~H

"Give me a bit time, I'll come back after praying." ~S

So I did my wudu. Then prayed Esha. I don't know why, but I cried a lot. All the memories of my past started to flash in front of my eyes. Last time I talked to someone in this hour of night is now a nightmare to me. Last time I cried in the prayer was also for a haram thing. Last time someone reminded me to pray is  also a bad dream now. I don't know why I made a prayer for Hamza. 

In the prayer I asked Allah for forgiveness. Also, I asked him for showing me the right path. To give me patience throughout the journey with Hamza. What if he turned into like others? What it history repeat itself? What if he treats me bad? There was so many questions and I was waiting for the answers. After praying, I got up and grabbed my phone.

"Do you believe in second chance?" ~S

"Yeah, cause Allah forgives us and gives us second, 3rd, 4th,5th, hundred chances." ~H

"What about your thoughts about marrying more than once?" ~S 

"My grandpa was happy with one wife, my Dad is happy with one wife. In Sha Allah I'll be happy with one as well. ^_^ " ~H (Touched my heart)

"I won't be able to love you :( " ~S

"I'll be waiting as long as it takes :) " ~H

"What if I never fall for you?" ~S

"Do you want me trying hard to win your heart?" ~H

"Girls like me are not made to be loved." ~S

"Everyone is made for love. I don't know about your insecurities, Sabrina. Nor I will force you to tell me. But it doesn't mean that what you think is right or wrong. I will try my level best and the rest is upon Allah. If he had tied us together, IN Sha Allah I will fall in love with you and you will as well." ~H

"Don't get your hopes high" ~S

"For now, we should really focus on our friendship. Also I'll be a very nagging husband :P" ~H

"Are you gonna force me? :o " ~S

"Nah, I won't do anything which you don't like." ~H

"Tbh, I don't know for how long you are gonna keep your promise." ~S

"Wow! You are quite straight forward! But I'll try my level best. If I lose myself control, I know you will always be there to slap some sense on me. :P " ~H

"Are you really giving the right to hit you? ;P " ~S

"Only if it's necessary ;) " ~H

"Your words are really good, Hamza Khan. I must say I am impressed!" ~S

"See? That's the first stage of out relationship." ~H

"I did not just said that! :3 :3 " ~S

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