Chapter 22

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It was the end of the day and we packed up.

As I went up to the tower I bumped into Harrison.

"Oh hey Hutz." I greeted him,


"You ready for New Year's day tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah totally! It's going to be my first New Years without my family.."

"Well you get to spend it with your second family." I said as I smiled, he returned the smile. "It's going to be hella crazy, busy."

He snorted, "That's for sure. Well I gotta go, Maxi is waiting for me." He pointed over to Maxi on a motorcycle.

I giggled, "Okay, Bye." I gave him a little wave before he took off with Maxi.

I started towards my car when a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, "Vanessa.."

There I was, face-to-face with the broken hearted man that I still loved, but my foolishness mind broke his heart.

I looked into his sad, ice blue eyes. "I'm sorry I snapped at you.." Jesse said as he took his hand off my shoulder. "If you still want the brake between us, that's fine, but I want this.. this angery fire to stop between us."

I flashed a weak smile then I looked down at my feet, "I was foolish to tell you that we needed a break..." a stray tear fell down my cheek.

"No, no you weren't, you had every right to say that. I was the one who was foolish, not you." He lifted my head with his hand and wiped the tear away, "I still love you,"

"I still love you too.." I pulled him into a passionate kiss. Then pulled away, "I think that was a long enough break.. I can never live without you."

A smile spreaded across his face and he put his hands on both side of my face, "Me neither."

We where about to kiss- "Awe isn't that sweet!" Reidy clapped as he came out of the Tower, I popped my head around Jess to look at him, "I'm glad I stayed for that bit!" I laughed, "Perfect timing to! New Year's Day is tomorrow, 2015." He wiggled his eyes brows.

I rolled my eyes as I smiled, then looked back at Jesse, "I guess so.." I smiled while looking at Jesse.

"Well I'll leave you to lovebirds.." Reidy said then locked the Tower door and walked away.

As soon as Reidy left Jesse scooped me up in bridal position. I squealed out a giggle. "What do yah say we pack your stuff and bring it to my place."

"Yeah.." I giggled while I bit my lip,

"Your so beautiful.." He said as he slowly got his face closer to mine.

"I don't usually describe man as beautiful, but your beautiful too." I smirked and he laughed,

He kissed me and I kissed him back more passionately.

I pulled away, "Let's get my stuff and we can continue this at your place."


We finished moving my stuff to his house, like we were going to do before I broke his heart.

Jesse scooped me up in bridal position again, "Now where were we?" He smirked

I giggled, then bit my lip sexily, "I believe we were right here.." I kissed him passionately.

He brought me over to his bed and laid me down as he left a trails of kisses down my neck. I moaned as dragged my hand down his chest. We decided not to go look at the fire works this year... but maybe in 2016..


*Beep, beep, beep!* I breathed in and opened my eyes slowly as I shifted. I groaned sleepily. *beep, beep bee-* I hit the off button on my Phone and rolled back to my spot. I have set my alarm way earlier then usual. Knowing that New Year's Day is crazy packed, and has a lot of passed out people.

I rolled onto my side to wake Jesse. I saw that he was still sleeping like a baby. Awe.. so cute.. I put my hand on his bare chest and lightly shook him, "Jess," he groaned sleepily and shifted in his spot, I giggled, "Jesse wake up!" I shook him more violently.

He woke with a start as sat up with his hair messy, "I'm up, I'm up." I giggled.

"Come on let's get to work.." I smiled and got up to get my cloths.

"I never get tired of seeing that beautiful body of yours." He smirked

I looked over to him, seeing his bare body. I walked over to him and traced a finger down his chest. "I never get tired or your body either." I kissed him sexily bringing my hand down to his groin, then pulled away as I bit my lip while smiling. "We better get to work."

"Oh you little devil.." He smirked

"Maybe later..." I teased


We got to the tower hand in hand, seeing Chapo, Harries, an Harrison.

"Oh their back together!" Chapo said with a smile.

"Yup!" I said as I smiled, then let go of Jesse's hand.

"Well you can't watch the water together, because you guys would be to distracted." Chapo said, I rolled my eyes as I smiled, "Jess your with me at South end, but first we got to wake everyone up." Chapo nodded towards the door.

"Okay," He said then went with Chapo

"So it's just me and the two 'H'es Huh?" I smirked as I sat down on the free chair. I looked out to see a whole bunch of passed out people scattered across the soft sand with the sun peeking over the horizon, giving a beautiful gold hue over the beach.


*Knock, Knock, Knock!* I heard fast knocks on the emergency door. I shared a look with Harrison and Harries, "I'll get it."

I got up and jogged over to the door, the camera man quickly following behind, "Hi how can I help yah?" I asked the men when I opened the door.

"A kid might have broken his ankle."

"Where is he?" I asked

"Down at the skate bowl."

"Okay we're on our way," I closed the door, "Harries! There's been breakage in the skate bowl! I'm gonna need your help."

Harries got up, got the green whistle, a leg splint, and then grabbed the aid kit. "We're going to need a ambulance to come down mate." Harries said to Harrison and Harrison nodded in response.

Harries jogged our the emergency door, I quickly followed Harries out the door with the camera man close behind.


I heard a boy groan in pain as we got closer to the skate bowl.

When we got in full view the boy was laying at the bottom of the skate bowl. His ankle look as if it was popped out of its socket. Ooo ouch, on New Year's Eve too.. the boy groaned in pain once more.

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