Chapter 8

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I went to the lifeguard tower to find Jesse. I knocked on the open door.

"Hey Sweetheart!"

"Hey Harries."He walked over to me and gave me a great big bear hug. I squeaked, then he let me go.

"Do you know we're Jes-" I got cut off as Jesse walked through the door. He was soaking wet, it looked like he just did a rescue before his lunch break.

"I'm right here." Jesse said smiling

"Well we should go and get my board that is waiting on the roof of my car for you." Jesse said as put his arm out I giggled and linked arms with him and walking to his car.

When we got the boards and went to the water front we did warm ups. Then when in the water, I knew how to paddle on a surfboard but just couldn't stand, steer and couldn't keep my balance.

In the water,

Jesse was on a lifeguard surfboard and I was on his personal one.

"Okay, like I showed you on Tuesday when we were practicing on the sand. First, lay on your belly and in one swifter move.." he said waiting for me to fill in the blank.

"Stand up without your knees touching the board." I finished

"Good. Now show me."

I blew some air into my cheeks then in one swift move I stood up.. and I kept my balance.

"Oh nice Vanessa! Told you the balance is easier on the water!" Jesse clapped

"Woah, woah!" I started to wobble when a small wave moved my board. "Phew.." that relief was quickly swept away as I lost my balance completely and with a yelped the water swallowed me whole. I swam back up to the surface.

I started laughing as soon as I got above the surface of the water. "That was fun! And I haven't even caught a wave yet!" I said still laughing.

Jesse chuckled, "Do you think your ready to catch your first wave?"

"Yeah I'm ready. You think I'm ready?" I asked

"Oh yeah. You might wipe out a couple of times, but that's part of learning."

Jesse and I didn't have to wait long for a wave.

"Okay now paddle!" Jesse yelled beside me as he started to paddle. As we paddled, the wave caught up, then it picked us up. "Now stand!" We both stood.

I only lasted a few seconds as I lost my balance.

"Okay the only thing your having problems with is your balance. So when you stand keep your legs bent." Jesse said after he swam back to me. "Let's try that again.."

Like before it wasn't long before a wave came, we paddled and the wave picked us up.

"Now stand!" We both stood, "Bend your knees, Bend you knees!" Jess yelled. "Keep your arms out for balance!"

I did what was told and I caught my first wave! "I did it!" I yelled in excitement

"Go Vanessa!" I heard Harries on the mega phone. He scared me out of my skin, and I lost control of the board and plunged into, not so gracefully, as the wave engulfed me. I got my foot got stuck in a crack that was between the reef. I panicked trying to get my foot out only for the rock to cut my ankle. I screamed underwater in pain, but quickly shut my mouth, trying not to swallow any water. I couldn't hold my breath for any longer, because lost most of it when I screamed. I struggling to get my foot out I opened my eye to try and figure a way out for my foot. The salt water stung my eyes.

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