
"You'll be able to look at mine. I was adamant about that."

"Why?" Xavier asked. He placed his fingers in between mine and interlocked our hands together.

Because I think you might be stuck with me, and I want you to know everything that I know, I thought. "Because it is only fair," I replied, shrugging my shoulder.

"Hmph." He placed our hands down and stayed silent thinking. His gaze was on me, and I could feel it.

I didn't meet his gaze as I ran my other hand up his arm leaving behind goosebumps.

"What do you want to know?" he asked, finally. There was a hard edge to his voice, and I had a feeling he wasn't ready to share the information that might be hidden in his file.

"How old are you?" I asked, absentmindedly.

Xavier shifted and looked down at me. "Seriously?" he asked.

I shifted until I was on my stomach, taking my hand out of his. I placed both hands on his chest and placed my chin on them. I stared at him, feeling his heart go thump, thump, thump. "You don't seem to be... ready for me to ask the tough questions, so I am going to ask you the general fluff questions."

"But, you don't know my age. Do you know Parker's?"

"Twenty-five," I said. "And, he told me. I had wanted you to tell me your age, but you never did."

"You could have asked sooner," he muttered. He shifted until he had one of his arms behind his head as he looked at me. "Do I get to ask you these... 'general fluff questions?'"


He slowly nodded his head. "Twenty-six," he said, causing me to nod my head. "When is your birthday?"

"June 21st," I said, causing him to stir and look at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked.

"That's my birthday " he replied.

"What time were you born?" I asked.

"5 pm on the dot. You?"

An amused smile appeared on my lips. "5 am on the dot," I replied.

Xavier nodded his head and placed his other arm around me. He pulled me a little closer to him, causing me to be almost all the way on top of him. "What is your favorite food?"

I narrowed my eyes playfully at him. "Hey, now," I teased. "It is my turn to ask the question."

Xavier slowly blinked, keeping his gaze on me. He was rather unimpressed, but I didn't care as I waited for him to say something. "Just answer the question," he said.

"Chocolate," I replied. "There. Happy?"

"Ecstatic," he replied, causing me to snort.

"So, what is your favorite food?" I asked.

"Bacon," he replied. "What is your ideal first date with someone else?"

"Why, are you planning on taking me out on a date?" I asked, keeping my feelings in check.

"Just... answer the question," he said.

"So, there is this restaurant that we often frequent when we are at the American base," I said. "The owners are good friends of ours, and they know about Werewolves."

"How?" Xavier asked, stiffening.

"One of the owners is a Werewolf," I said. "They are sort of like Rogues, but they are protected by the King. Their restaurant is a checkpoint, or a safe house, for us if we are in danger or injured."

"What is the name or the restaurant?" he asked.

"Pablo's Grill and Chill," I said, causing Xavier to snort. "They have the best burgers that I have ever tasted, and I have been all over the world and had different burgers from different places."

"Does that mean that there isn't a place you want to visit?" Xavier asked.

If I am traveling with you, I will never say no to an adventure, I thought. "I want to go to Barcelona, Spain again," I said. "It is a very beautiful place." I furrowed my brows and thought about the other places that I wanted to go back to. "And Venice, Italy."

Xavier nodded his head. "I have always wanted to go to Paris," he said, thoughtfully. "This is a stupid question, but have you ever gone?"

"Oui," I said. "J'y suis allé pour mon douzième anniversaire."

Xavier blinked and frowned. Confusion filled his eyes, and I could tell that he didn't know what I had said.

"It means 'yes, I went there for my twelfth birthday.'" I shrugged. "Though I didn't stay long and was working."

"Say something else," he said. "In French."

I licked my lips and nodded my head. "Ummm.... Je veux t'embrasser tellement fort que ça fait mal," I replied.

Xavier nodded his head. He didn't ask me to translate it which I was grateful for. "What is your biggest fear?"

Not being able to have something with you, I thought. "Losing myself, again," I said, "after I had gained the confidence that I lacked."

Xavier nodded his head slowly, looking at me thoughtfully.

"What about you?" I asked, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing," he said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Grrrr, me an Alpha. Grrr, me not afraid of anything. Grrr," I said, sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him.

Xavier gave me a deadpanned look, causing me to snort. He moved until he was laying on his side, causing me to shift as well. "Get some sleep," he said, causing me to chuckle.

"Night," I said, burying my face into his chest and placing my arm around him. I closed my eyes and let out a happy sigh as I drifted off into the land of dreams, content.

Warm lips to the top of my head, stirring me half awake. Xavier rubbed his finger across my arm, leaving goosebumps. "I am scared of losing you," he whispered. "I am scared because I am falling for you, Cass, and I don't know what you think."

A smile appeared on my face as I buried closer to Xavier, taking in his scent. I was happy that he felt the same way as me.


Je veux t'embrasser tellement fort que ça fait mal - I want to kiss you so badly that it hurts.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن