I'm back - 17 | frostbite

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The man nodded, returning the favor and laughing. "Of course, right this way." He spoke in English this time, knowing that neither Meredith nor Carmen spoke french.

As we walked Carmen got closer to me, whispering in my ear. "I hope they have your size, Annalise." Carmen smirks.

I simply roll my eyes at her comment, her words mean nothing to me. "That's a bit rich coming for you," why would I take shit from someone who has no respect for other people? I wouldn't. I didn't want conflict so I plastered a fake smile on my face, "But I'm sure they do, Carmen."

I had expected her to shut up after I had momentarily put her in her place, but she kept going. "Well.." She trailed off, acting as if she was weighing the facts. "They only carry sizes zero to five here, I know they have mine because I'm a four, but honey they don't carry sixes." She gave me a glare that turned into a devilish smile.

I smiled right back, pretending to be relieved.

I have a fast metabolism, and I'm very grateful for it. I never had babyfat when I was younger and when I grew I slimmed out. I know that I'm lucky because of this, not everyone has it, so I never take that for granted nor do I ever usually point it out.

But Carmen, she really pushes my buttons. And her still going, she just clicked self-destruct. "That's a relief to hear Carmen, because now I know they carry my size: I'm a zero." Her eyes widened at my words, she clearly didn't expect me to be a zero. "But if it's true and they only carry sizes zero through five, we might have to try the other bridal shop for you."

I basically told her to her face that she was too fat to be a size four- which isn't true. Carmen has little fat on her body and the widest part of her were her hips. They really give off that hourglass figure I'm so jealous of. Maybe if we weren't mortal enemies I would tell her that, but now, not even a chance.

She was fuming, I didn't even think it was that witty. But apparently, I'd hit her where it hurts.

How typical of her to use her own insecurities to try and hurt me. It's bully 101, something I majored in during freshman year and the whole Claire situation.

I didn't even realize that Carmen was walking out in her dress until I heard her southern accent, "Annalise! Carmen!" She scolded, more venom aimed at me. "Both of you, quit fighting, you're embarrassing me in front of Jean!" She hissed, glancing at the tall french man.

Why does Meredith care what Jean thinks? She's not marrying him, she's marrying my father.

Carmen crossed her arms over her chest, looking away from me. "Whatever, mom." She grumbled. I could see the facade she carried with her wherever she went. She wasn't some big-bad twenty-year-old CEO that she wanted everyone to think she was.

She's just a sensitive little girl.

And there's nothing wrong with that. No one is asking her to have her entire life planned out by twenty years old, I mean you can't even drink legally at that age how are you supposed to hold a big girl job and have a family? It's simple, you're not.

But she acts like everyone expects that of her, and that the stress she is under keeping up that persona is justification for her to treat other people the way that she does.

But that isn't true, bullshit is what it is.

"Sorry," I mumbled an apology. I felt bad for saying the things I did, though they did shut her up. I decided to focus on Meredith. As much as I didn't like her, I was going to have to learn to tolerate her. She's marrying my father and today is her today, whether I liked it or not. "It's very pretty, Meredith." I complimented with a genuine smile.

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