Chapter 16: Moving In

Start from the beginning

He walks back over to hand me the cup of water and I chug it down fast.

"Now." Grayson says after I hand him the cup and he sits down. "Let's talk about what happened."

"I heard what the doctor said out there. What did the doctor mean by they have suspicions?"

"Doctor Martinez is a very high ranking doctor. He studied abnormal situations in werewolves. Doctor Martinez studies legends in the white wolf and-"

"Wait, white wolf? I thought that was just a myth."

"So did I, until he showed me proof that the white wolf is real."

"What's the proof?"

Grayson shakes his head. "I'll tell you another time, love. For now, explain to me what happened."

I hesitate. I wasn't going to tell him about the book, not until I found out what was inside it. "I was searching for the book, like Judy said, and found a book that I wanted to read. The next thing I know I'm lying on the floor, half shifting."

My mate frowns. "Has this instant shifting ever happen before?"

I shake my head. "Never. It was like I could hear, feel, and anything better. It was like my senses were on drugs."

A laugh escapes from my mate. "On drugs? Really?"

"Yeah! I've never experienced anything like it before."

Grayson looks deep in thought. He states off into space for several minutes not saying anything. I didn't want to interrupt him because I knew he was coming up with a plan for me.

"The doctor said for me to watch over you the next few weeks to see if it happens again." He strokes a powerful finger across his chiseled chin. "So, for the next few weeks you will move in with me. I need to make sure that these... episodes don't happen again."

"It's okay, I can watch over my-"

"Just like you watched one yourself in the library? Please Iris," he puts a hand on my thigh moving his thumb in circular motions. It send shivers down my spine. I don't think his ever been this affectionate to me before. "When I saw you on the library on the floor screaming, I almost couldn't take it. And then when you passed out,"

"I know Grayson." I put a hand on his hand sending even more tingles up my arm. " If it makes you feel better, I'll move in with you."

I stare into his crystal blue eyes and I think I got lost. I have never felt like this about anyone. What was he doing to me?

"Thank Goddess because of you didn't I think I might have-"

I cut him off. "Yes I know. But why the sudden urge for me to be with you? Don't you have Jenna?"

Grayson looks down with guilt. "When you started to scream and shift, I realized how much I needed you."

I frown. I was flattered at the sudden interest in me, but what about the other girl.

"I'm willing to take it his slow, but you have to deal with Jenna. I don't want her to be caught in the middle."

Grayson takes my hand, sending tingles up my arm. "I will, but I want you to understand what was happening between the two of us."

I nod, encouraging him to go on. "Jenna and I were only together because my Father arranged it." Now that he mentioned it, I have never heard anything about his Father.

"Before he died that was his last wish. He wanted his pack to be under a strong Alpha and Luna. After I found you though, everything changed."

He moves his hand to stroke my cheek and I was sure I would melt right then and there.

"Now that I've found you and seen the way your grew up with your parents, I only want to hold and be to our mate. Screw what my Father says."

I laugh and tears start to stream down my face. This is all I've ever wanted, to have a mate that cares for me.

Grayson's eyes flicker to my lips and mine do the same.

This is it! His going to kiss me!

His breath is now fanning my face and his long curls are ticking my forehead. His lips are so close, only a few inches away.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Comes a voice from the door and I almost jump out of the bed. My heart races and my flight or fight instincts are in high alert.

Standing in the doorway of the room, is none other than Judy herself. Her eyebrows are raise while she looks at us expectly.

Oh gosh.


I know, I know, I'm a terrible person. But the first kiss couldn't come that quick!

Let me know if you think that their relationship is happening suddenly because I will definitely do something about that if you do.

To a good friend of mine, who has been nothing but supportive this whole journey of writing this story. Thanks you so much for your honestly of my writing. Go follow her right now, because she's a great writer even if she think she's not. cheebubba (I swear to god, LJ, if you don't read this, I will be mad!! Love you;))

Thanks for reading everyone!! I really appreciate it!!

Make sure to vote, comment, and share!

Love you guys!


Word count: 1503 words.

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