"Lets go get drinks instead!"
Everybody nodded in agreement and we set off.

We got drinks and walked back into school.

My first lesson was with Sam in English.

"Hey Laura!"


I sat down and got out my things calmly.

"Are you okay? You look shaken!"


"I'm joking!"


I sat down in my thoughts, blocking out everybody around me.

"You okay Laur?"

I nodded quietly and stayed silent for the rest of lunch.

I had two more classes and then I went home.


"I'll make dinner baby"

I started to pull out ingredients out of the cupboards and started to make dinner.

"Do you want any help?"

"I'm okay."

He sat down at the kitchen island and watched me intently,

"Your cookings almost as good as mine now!"
He chuckled with that beautiful smile of his, and I couldn't help but beam back.

"Soon who knows I might become better than you!"


I served our food and we sat down.


I looked up from my food to listen,

"I've already got people looking for him don't worry."


I finished my food and we both cleared away.

We sat in the living room with the tv on, I picked up the remote and searched through netflix. Then I found 50 shades of grey and clicked play giving him a smirk.



I got comfortable beside him and we started to watch the movie. As we were more into the movie I slowly slid my hand across his leg and rested it on his lap. I felt him inhale slowly and focus back on the film.

He turned to me with a smirk on his face.


"Come here!"
I got on top of him and started to suck on his neck leaving a sweet trail. Then back up to his lips. I reached my hand down and rubbed slowly, teasing him. He groaned against my soft lips and gripped my ass firmly.

"Fuck Laura.."

He pulled me into him even more and held my cheek as his tongue entered my mouth. It swirled around my mouth and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pushed me down onto the sofa and I pulled off my top quickly. He got on top of me and undid my bra with one swift movement that still left me in awe. He looked down at me and licked his lips with his lustful gaze upon me.
He leant down and left sweet kisses all over my chest making soft moans leave my lips.

I took of his shirt and tossed it aside with mine in the corner. I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv.

He undid his belt and I swallowed down hard. He realised and chucked it far away from us before removing his trousers.
He reached his hand into my leggings and then through my underwear. He slowly began to rub my opening sending pleasure through my bones. I moaned as I started to come close.

"M-miles" I moaned and he left my opening. He pulled off his boxers revealing his large member. I started to suck gently, my hand moving up and down slowly.
He tipped his head back and groaned.

I could feel him getting closer so I stopped and took off my leggings, then my underwear.

"I'll get a c-"

"We don't need one baby"

Teach meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora