Chapter 18

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Keion POV 


"What the fuck man?" Speed said. "Why the hell would you cheat on Sophia?!"

I sighed. All the guys showed up not too long ago. Everyone taking their turn in kicking me while I'm down and tearing me a new one. Not that I'm surprised. Nor am I mad at them. I deserved it after all. "I don't know man," I sighed and then hissed when the alcohol hit my wound. "It wasn' wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I just got so stressed and let my pride get in the way of everything."

"But why?" Drew asked. "Because you were broke and too ashamed to admit it?"

"Thanks Drew," I glared at him. 

"Well it's true," he shrugged.

"What are you embarrassed for?" Tyson asked. "Shit happens you know? Some turnovers aren't as miraculous as you may think. When I opened up another rec center do you think it was easy? I had hard days too and was losing more money than I was making. That's why you have family man. To lean on somebody when you need it."

"I know I just...I hate leaning on people. I wanted to do this on my own."

"But when things get too hard that's when you're supposed to ask for help," Chance said. "You didn't and fucked up. Do you even know that damn girl?"

"Not really."

"Well I hope you know she was setting your ass up. She's done this plenty of times with other business men. She alone turned their entire franchises upside down and drained them of everything they had."

"Really?" I didn't know she was capable of doing some shit like that. Damn. So Sophia was right on the money when she felt out of place with her. "Since you know this I'm assuming she asked you to look into her huh?"

"Yes. I asked Jarrett to do some digging and he found it out for us. Sophia maybe quiet but she was raised by a fucking demonic ass family. We were all trappers and had a sixth sense for shit like this. Sophia knew ole girl wasn't right and you just shit all over her."

"I didn't mean it," I sighed. Damn I fucked up bad. 

"I just have a question," Kyng said. "What'd you do with the money?"

"What money?"

"Chance got a hold of the documents showing the house was mortgaged and we thought ole girl got a hold of your information and did it. She's done it before but I recognize your handwriting. It was you right? You mortgaged the house?"

I felt my throat closing up. "Y-Yeah."

"Why'd you do it? Did the business need something?"

"No it't because...she said she needed...the money."

"Oh hell no!" We all snapped our gazes to the door and saw the women had returned. Sophia had a fire in her eyes like I've never seen before. "I know I didn't hear you right. What the fuck did you just say?"

"Sophia I-"

"YOU mortgaged our house?! And for HER?!"

"I was going to pay it back-"

"We were almost out on the fucking street because of you?!" She yelled. Chance and the guys and to hold her back. "Not only did you fucking cheat on me but you almost had us out on our asses because you put her before me! Before your fucking kids Keion!"

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. I had nothing to say. What could I say? I fucked up. Bad. "There's nothing that I can say that'll-"

"I'm going home." I snapped my gaze back up to her. Her face was stoic and the guys hesitated with letting her go. "I don't even blame you like I should. I knew this move was a big mistake but I did it anyway. I put my feelings to the side to make it work for YOU. Now I know to never do that again."

I stood up, afraid to ask but needed to know. "Do you want a divorce?"

She stared at me. Long and hard before turning and walking out the door. The girls followed soon after. That did it. That broke the camel's back and my heart. I think I did it. I drove my wife away. 

Short chapter again. Hope you all enjoyed it though. Only two chapters left. May or may not update them both today. We'll see what time tells us. 

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